443.14 | Secrets in the Night

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443.14 | Secrets in the Night

Post by Zhu'shk »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Zhu'shk
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 443.14
Location: Thanium Worlds Sector, Above Galidraan, The Starlight Corps' "The Star's Light" cruiser. Thanium, Capital City, Starport facilities.
Members of the Jedi Order present:
Jedi Master Mirkal
Padawan Learner Zhu'shk

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <None>
  • A local gambler wins moderate sum of Credits in a Sabacc game in the Starport's apartment facility's drinks section.
Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Jedi Master Mirkal and Padawan Learner Zhu'shk travelled in Hyperspace to the Thanium Reach Sector over Galidraan, they were hailed by The Star's Light cruiser, flagship of the independant organisation "The Starlight Corps", comprised of Thanium Reach natives, considered Vigilante group by a considerable quantity of Thanium Reach authorities.
  • They were briefed by Laganes Bendix, the Stenax Captain of the ship and leader of the organization. Their goal was expressed as seeking to curb Pirate and Smuggling activity, which has begun since the Third Estate gained prominence. It was also mentioned that it was strongly believed that the criminal activity in the sector had a connection to the Ice-Flame Chamber cartel of Hutt Space.
  • The Captain expressed a guess that the pirate activity might be a cover for other acts, used as a distraction. Part of the current goal was to discover who was behind the funding of the Smugglers.
  • The Jedi's assignment was to go to Thanium, identify one or more smugglers there, and attempt to find information from them one way or another. Who is funding them. Who they are working for. What are they smuggling and where from and to.
  • They were also directed to be subtle, as they would not get the support or help of local enforcement. High discretion was advised. Hostile opponents were not expected on planet.
  • They were provided one data-spike as supplementary equipment for the assignment. The Starlight Corps' supplies were described as low. They were also provided two x-wings for method of inconspicuous entry.
  • On the planet the Jedi quickly made contact with a Sooman smuggler, named Kneepf Fnalrgnapni. They played a game of Sabacc, inviting another stranger aswell. The stranger won the pot, the Smuggler's trust was established.
  • They met again in the cantina, whereupon Jedi Master Mirkal, posing as Hired muscle, was offered work, while Padawan Learner Zhu'shk was not.
  • Padawan Learner Zhu'shk left and provided itself entry into the Smuggler's quarters, aswell as the Smuggler's datapad through Slicing and the aid of the Data-spike.
  • Inside the Datapad personal information regarding the Sooman and his ship was located, a double of this information is accessible through an archival request. Notably, Keepf Fnalrgnapni's MMSI's ship signature is 6874120392852, it is a 775 Medium Transport, named the Blazing Saddle.
  • Additionally, it was additionally found that the IFC had indeed worked with the Smuggler, and was in fact delivering their weapon shipments to Stenos.
  • This information was provided to the Starlight Corps.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
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Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

A Roilers-type Free Soilers movement could be possibly found on Stenos, equipped in the same manner by the IFC as the Third Estate is and may be was. Even some conspiring between groups on Stenos and the Third Estate could be possible. Information about the history of Stenos include a history of great violence looked back upon with shame, under the name of Stenax Massacre, the Republic having long kept the System under watch, until recently the quarantine was abandonned and the system was left to its own devices anew.

Feelings of hatred for the Republic, and will for vengeance may be at the source of a demand for weapons, a cause which may yet be aligned with that of the Third Estate in time.

Its proximity to the Third Estate is a point that should be taken seriously, it should neither be allowed to have reason to join the Third Estate, or be too consumed by discord and chaos from within to easily be conquered by them, overtly or covertly. Whether that discord is sown by its own extremists, by the IFC or the Third Estate itself.

Further, The Current Emperor of Stenos is soon to perish due to his old age, and no clear succession appears itself. The Emperor himself appears more willing for the Stenax to be peaceful, and has support from other colonies, while some traditionalist groups are against this, claiming it to be against core Stenax Values of strength and Warfare. This has provided some with worries of their likelihood for violence.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Investigate the Starlight Corps closely, as well as the position of the authorities and governments in the Thanium Worlds Sector, in relation to the Starlight Corps, the Republic, the Hutt Cartel and the Third Estate.
  • Investigate into Stenos's weapons smuggling from the IFC, finding who is getting these weapons, and if it represents an organized arming of a possible group of traditional extremists or Third Estate agents. I personally recommend the group of Jedi who have previously travelled to Stenos itself in the past and therefore have experience with its terrain and aura. This includes, Jedi Knight Nil Zendu, Jedi Knight Eluna Mioni, Padawan Learner Tyriajab, Padawan Learner Linton Dorrey, Padawan Learner Victor Blackheart and Padawan Learner Zhu'shk. Aswell as students and/or former students of other branches, Kei Sytou, Ezyla Morna and Xalthea, assuming their condition allows it.
  • Keep work into investigating the IFC and taking actions against them.
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