444.09 | Silent Echoes - Birthplace

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444.09 | Silent Echoes - Birthplace

Post by Zhu'shk »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Zhu'shk
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 444.09
Location: Outer Rim, Atrivis Sector, Dartibek System, Planet Moltok, Unknown Facility.
Members of the Jedi Order present:
Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan
Padawan Learner Rhys Cardin
Padawan Learner Zhu'shk

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <None>
  • Uru, a local male Rodian child was found at the Abandonned Facility on Moltok after having gone missing the same day, he was brought back to his home settlement by the Jedi.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The Jedi were sent as reconnaissance after Jedi Knight Pent Desh felt a pull in the Force in the location of a then abandonned facility on the planet Moltok. They were to investigate the facility and the source of the Disturbance in the Force.
  • A similar feeling was felt en route to the planet as well as in and around of the facility, this increasing in intensity as they approached the source.
  • Each Jedi was outfitted with a Blaster Pistol, a Rebreather for the atmosphere's ash, though unexpected to be used.
  • The immediate outside of the facility was irradiated, the Jedi took pre-emptive anti-radiation medicine before scouting the outside of the building.
  • A male rodian child named Uru was found at the location, claiming to have dreamt of 'it' and 'it' being sad and 'it' wanting to play. He also mentioned a 'boy with a long neck'. The Child, Uru, was brought to the Midnight Sun and was kept watched by Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan's personal astromech.
  • The Jedi entered the facility, there were no security defenses aside from Keycard-based locks. The Facility was powered by emergency backup generators still. The Facility did not appear to have major signs of decay. For most of the exploration, no lifeforms were encountered.
  • Various computer terminals were found around the facility, most of their data were scrambled, the only uncorrupted data was decrypted, Voice Log files were uncovered. The Voice is that of a Male, of age ranging from thirty to fifty. His identity is unknown, but presumed to be the main researcher of the facility and the project at cause of the disturbance. The voice logs are here transcripted, the files having been saved on the Jedi's datapads, they should be available through an Archive request to Master Healof.
  • Terminal # I : "Experiment number 26. The attempt to create a new essence was a failure. Subject 6 was unable to endure the tests. Its body too fragile and my tools are insufficient to efficiently achieve the results that I aim for. However subject 6 has begun to show signs of sentient life... I wonder..."
  • Terminal # II : "I have brought in new samples, I hope these have some sort of a... Different effect... It- It's weird. I feel like subject 6 remembers me. Just this feeling... I can't explain it.


    This is troublesome. Subject 6 has learned to communicate. Today it has shared what I believe to be its memories of me. It's a-... I need time.


    The protocols or any scientific rule would ask me to destroy it, I know what to do... What I must do."
  • Terminal # III : "I wanted to put it out of its miserable life. But I can't... I- I feel it staring at me, I do not know what to do.


    I will leave it as it is... My scramble protocols should be working, and it should eventually die, being so weak. I can't bring myself to do it. Experiment failed. But this is not over."

  • A short time after the last log, the feeling of the disturbance, a feeling described as the emotion of Sadness by the Jedi, was felt most strongly around that time, and particularly in Padawan Learner Rhys Cardin, who began showing signs of a connection with the creature, relating its feeling of abandonment. He also repeated things that Uru had mentioned, that the feeling that 'it' wanted to play, that is, Subject Six. That it was 'lonely' and 'sad'.
  • Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan also seemed to feel the location of the disturbance, the Jedi then moved to the supposed location of the disturbance, thought then to be Subject Six.
  • There Subject Six was found, a small oil-like sludge lifeform with a sort of Force-sensitivity. It seemingly was a chemical mixture provided sentience by some manner. It writhed in the Jedi's direction, and started communicating with them through Telepathy aswell as projection of emotions. It then began attempting to project images to the Jedi's minds.
  • Padawan Learner Zhu'shk opted to resist the foreign attempt and as such, precise descriptions can only be found in other's reports, perhaps Padawan Learner Rhys Cardin as the most accurate source. Still, an intense wave of emotions was presented. Apparently one image projected included the possible location of Subject Six's creator, the voice log recorder, the location appeared to be a world within the Unknown Regions.
  • Subject Six slowly died after providing its visions.
  • Its remains were gathered and brought back to the ship for research.
  • Male Rodian Child Uru was brought back to his home.
  • The Jedi returned to Duneeden.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: None
Confirmed: None
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

Subject Six's creator has only moved, his hubris in desiring to create life has not faded by failure of his last experiment at the facility, rather it is believable that he has only gone to the Unknown Regions to continue in secrecy.

He must be stopped from creating any more abominations. His perversion of the cycle of life creates creatures that live only to suffer. And that is only his failed experiments. I have no doubt that the individuals behind those experiments seek to create something to ill ends. A weapon perhaps, something worse than simple cloning. It should not be allowed to continue, and all that is created from it be cleansed.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Find the precise coordinates of the Unknown Regions planet found in the vision provided by Subject Six, and investigate the planet as high priority.
  • Further information-finding by a team on the facility could prove useful still. It was not explored completely, and there may yet remain even shreds of possessions or items that could give information as to the group behind the experiments and the facility, and who allowed them to work.
  • Conduct an investigation in the Sector for any information about the Facility that might have been withheld in the past. If it was built, there is a chance yet that there is one step of the government in the area that might have known and spoken with those in charge of it, even more so if they obtained resources from the planet they were on. Those experiments were done on a world a part of the Republic, it should be taken seriously by them.
Rhys Cardin
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444.09 | Silent Echoes - Birthplace

Post by Rhys Cardin »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Rhys Cardin
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 444.09
Location: Moltok, Dartibek system, Atrivis sector, Outer Rim Territories.
Members of the Jedi Order present:
Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan
Padawan Learner Zhu'shk
Padawan Learner Rhys Cardin
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: None; contained to the facility.
  • In our initial investigation, Master Vaan was approached by Uru, a young rodian child who was drawn to the abandoned facility. Upon wrapping up our investigation, he was returned home.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • We were dispatched to investigate an abandoned facility on Moltok following a disturbance in the Force felt by Master Desh when in orbit of the planet.
  • Master Vaan briefed both Zhu'shk and I on what our mission would entail. We outfitted ourselves with tools we deemed might be necessary for the assignment. Master Vaan also provided us with blaster pistols in the event we stumbled upon a hostile presence with in the facility. Prior to our departure, we were warned of extremely high levels of radiation around the facility, Master Vaan provided us with medicine to resist the effects of the radiation.
  • On our approach to the planet, we began to feel a similar feeling in the Force. This grew in strength and intensity the closer we made our approach, the feeling felt oddly suffocating to some degree.
  • Upon landing we took our anti-radiation medicine and proceeded to scout the exterior of the facility. It looked as abandoned as initially reported, until Master Vaan was happened upon by a small Rodian child. Uru, the rodian child, was 'summoned' to the facility by the presence contained inside, it came to the child in its dreams, asking for it to play. It would appear the child had made the journey alone. Master Vaan escorted him back to the Midnight Sun, where her astromech looked after him.
  • Zhu'shk and I were then assigned the task of finding an entrance to the facility. We located the entrance and proceeded to enter; there were no security measures barring our entry.
  • We made our way into the facility, entering a large room with a pit that seemed that had been bored into the ground. We took a lap of the room before stumbling upon an active terminal. Zhu'shk operated the terminal, we found most of the data was corrupted but it offered insight on how to navigate what little security measures were still in place. We would continue to discover new terminals, relaying new information about the facility in voice logs, the scientists that had been present, and their creation. See Zhu'shk's report for transcripts
  • As we delved deeper into the facility, we were drawing closer to the source of the disturbance felt by Master Desh. It reached out to me, asking to play, conveying feelings of abandonment, loneliness, and sadness. Admittedly, it had caught me off guard, it had found it easy to connect with me. That connection endured until the end of our investigation.
  • We located the source of the disturbance, the result of a scientists' experiment. It was by no means, conventional life as far as humanoids are concerned. It was this oil-like form that had developed sentience and a connection with the Force. It hoped to share its story with me, per Master Vaan's permission, I connected with the creature.
  • The experiment, known as Subject Six, was created in what I believe to be the pursuit of creating new life or maybe even, the perfect organism. The visions shared its early moments of life, the injections it injured inside of its tube, the arguements between scientists, and finally, the departure of the scientist responsible for their creation.
  • It is suggested that the scientist had left to continue his work else where in the galaxy. The last image shared with me by the being was a star map, one we think points towards the Unknown Regions. The life form passed shortly after, unable to exist outside of containment, feeling content with the newfound companionship it had felt.
  • Subject Six's remains were gathered for analysis. Other teams were called in to go over the facility once more in hopes of finding out more. We returned Uru to his village before we returned home.
Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Since we've been home, I've been having dreams. They were small and short at the start, just the odd image of the star map in my mind. It's as if it doesn't want to leave my mind. At times it feels like I have taken the place of Subject Six in my dreams, trapped inside the tube they had been trapped inside. A constant retelling of the Subject's abandonment.
  • More recently, this dream has shifted, changed. I found myself stood in a dark abyss, the space between stars where no light reaches, or so it felt. I was not alone, I was with an Ithorian, one that looked oddly familiar to Initiate Dooroor. It spoke to me once more, telling me something of their creator, that before the scientist had left he had taken something with him. I believe Subject Six may have shared what he thought of himself to be, beyond the oil slick that he had been made into, their true vision of their self. It felt happy, at peace. Subject Six thanked me for being their friend before he returned to his original form and went up in smoke.
  • Where I had thought the dream was going to come to a close, I spotted something with in the darkness. A young girl, she waved at me, she seemed... happy but she did not look well. I woke up shortly after that. I have a feeling this scientist has continued his work, or there may be more to this than just the purpose of creating life.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: None.
Confirmed: None.
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..
I'm not sure what to suggest beyond my recommendations below. I believe this scientist may continue his attempts to create new life, new life that is able to touch the Force. This may present complications for the Order and galaxy if we do not investigate this further, and fast.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Study the remains of Subject Six.
  • Pursue the scientist into the Unknown Regions to further gain an understanding of his work.
  • Study the star map that seems to remain imprinted upon my mind.
Birth Year: 429 | Race: Morellian | Homeworld: Coruscant
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