447.25 // New Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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447.25 // New Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings fellow Jedi,

In anticipation of the rising tension in the Outer Rim, and to best prepare the Jedi Order to support the Galactic Republic in their electoral transitions, we have seen fit to elect diplomat and Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider to the Jedi Council.

It is our expectation that the Council will benefit greatly from his insight in the coming days.

This extends beyond Master Darkriders mandate. Our Order strives for Harmony within Chaos. It is likely more of our branch of the Order may be polled for insight and service during this upcoming time of uncertainty. Prepare yourselves but take solace in the fact that the Force is with us, always.

Master Darkrider may now issue a statement below.

- The JEDI Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Minoda Darkrider
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Re: 447.25 // New Councilor

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

Greetings fellow Jedi,

It is my honor and privilege to be addressing you all this morning as your newly appointed Councilor of Duneeden. Most, if not all of you know me to varying degrees whether as a young one who once played in the sand of the Rannon Praxeum training wing, a friend who would share laughs and meals together as we discussed our intensive training regimes or perhaps even a mentor who held my hand in training or explained to a starry eyed young Padawan of the wonders of Ashla.

The path of a Jedi, much like the Force is cyclical, as the Order ushers in its young, to train them, to nurture them till one day they can take on the mantle of Jedi Knight and in turn train the next generation of Jedi as protectors and keepers of the peace. This cycle, is something I hold very dear to me which is why the training of our young Jedi is paramount to what we do here on Duneeden.

I shall endeavor to assist the Council to the best of my ability, upholding the values we all strive to meet.

It is my wish that you may always find an open door and open mind if any of our Jedi wish to speak or unburden themselves.. Young or old, inexperienced or wise and revered, it makes no difference. You will find me eager and waiting.

Jedi Knight Minoda Darkrider
MENTOR: Serbithar Muunen, Rhuacca
DEPARTMENT ROLES: Diplomat, General Technician, Sage
LANGUAGES: Basic, Kiffu, Huttese
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