New Saber Stances.

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New Saber Stances.

Post by Rokran »

Yes, saber stances. I was hopeing that there would be a way to download a few mods, that some of our freindly JKA community has so willingly provided, to make it look like we are actually learning the forms that we are being taught.

Don't you think it gets just A LITTLE bit old saying you're going to use Djem, and you end up using Stronge stance? Now, I'm not asking to make all new saber moves ( although that would be completly off the scale cool ). I'm just saying, if there is a way to implement it in the mod that when you chooce your saber, you choose your three saber stances.

Now, I'm not sure where the files would be to get the stances, but I do have pictues to show you each stances form. I do hope you take this into consideration.

Form I: Shii-Cho
Not really a picture, because there were about a billon of them, so you pick which one.

Form II: Makashi

Form III: Soresu

Form IV: Ataru

Form V: Shien/Djem So

Form VI: Niman

Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad (( Mace windu ))

((Appologies if the images are to big. ))
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Gabe Alkorda
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Post by Gabe Alkorda »

As far as saber stances are concerned, they're actually simply new animations put into place to overwrite the BaseJKA stances. If new stances were to be implemented, they would be the same for everyone, as far as I know.

I do know that this would require working with animations, which I don't believe any of us here can do, or are willing to do if we can, as it requires a good bit of time and work.

Though, this is simply coming from someone who really doesn't know all that much about things, just what I've picked up over the years.
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Xa'o Zalei
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Post by Xa'o Zalei »

Well, it's hard for us to do that when we don't know exactly what each form is/consists of.

Those pictures aren't accurate, they are just pictures of Jedi with lightsabers out who happened to use those Forms unfortunately.
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Tinthros Vos
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Post by Tinthros Vos »

There are already mods with those stances in them, kain has a few out, for instance.
Vehn Solo
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Post by Vehn Solo »

yeah i like this idea, this was what i was talking about before, thanks for making it more clear
Ergo Stomi
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Post by Ergo Stomi »

Don't mean to bring up a dead topic, but I found this on JK3 files.

Stance mod

Its not your typical stance mod, it mods the individual sabers to have different stances, so the normal stances are still present also. This could add more originality since not all Jedi used the same opening stances.

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Post by Tinthros Vos »

I like it, then again i dont have a saber so what do i know...there was only one i didnt like the one with him holding it right up above his head just seemed a "unrealistic" i guess the word is....but what about star wars is realistic i guess...
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Post by Raulos »

Form II in its completion is believed to have died out with Count Dooku and Cin Drallig's death, as there is no record of its instruction after the Clone Wars in Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order.

Vaapad is believed to have been lost with the death of Mace Windu, as no records exist of its instruction after the end of the Clone Wars and the start of Luke Skywalker. The entirety of the form itself is believed to have died with Palpatine.

It would be really difficult to implement two lightsaber forms that aren't in use in the roleplay setting of JEDI. Additionally, I think it's best we just leave the stances we have now and let the actions of the character/player dictate what 'form' they might use by observation. I have no problem with people 'claiming' that they use certain forms, or even 'teaching' them to people, but I don't think we need to code every explicit possible route - we are trying to use our imagination, aren't we?
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Post by Jared »

I agree. It's easy enough to teach the fundamentals of the different forms without teaching the explicit moves. Assuming some Jedi made Holocrons for saber combat, and assuming SOME survived the attack on Ossus, we would have access to certain key elements of the forms.
Again I come back to RP sparring, the way you use the existing stances and the way you fight is more of an indicator of your form. For example, mostly stick to red stance and yellow stance? Don't kick people in spars? Don't leap around like a mentalist? Have a fondness for capes and beards? Bonza..You can say you use a varient of form II ::thumbs up::

Mostly use blue and yellow? Leap around all the time? Form IV!

Blue stance cos your a youngling? Use it slowly, form I, use it quickly and you have the beginnings of form III or IV... You get the idea.

I always understood that JEDI was aware of the old forms, but took onboard the three forms taught (alledgedly) by Skywalker and Kataarn and sort of found some common ground between the two. Sounds alright to me anyway...
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Post by Arikakon Genkal » ... ited;82115
These don't change the actual attack anims, but the ready stances are the same as a few up there. It's not really that hard to copy-paste readyAnim BOTH_SIT2HEADTILTLSTART (for Makashi stance) into your .sab file. I already did it for a couple sabers. :P


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Post by Ifean »

(hello, new to the forums)
It really isn't in the stance itself but they way you move and attack when fighting.. in JKA terms... now to have your stance like that you would have to overwrite the _humanoid.gla file with a customized one which is pretty simple to do.. but i think they already have similar files on like it.. where palpatine's stance is blue and Obi-wan's soresu is yellow and anakin's shien is red..

Post by P't'ral »

From my experiences with stance mods, they tend to mess up animation, making them slower or awkward, some interfering with ones from the mod (I tried a stance mod which overwrote the ledge grab, making it the spread-eagle/blank animation).

Also, some sort of logic has been cooked up for the fast, medium and strong stances for the NJO era. Go take a peek over at the wookieepedia entry for lightsaber combat.
Miza Temar
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Post by Miza Temar »

You do know you can download a mod called Open Jedi Project, Its open source and it has all the stances like shi cho , ect ect ect and the animations to go with it...and since its open source you can modifie it to merge with the rp mod....

Just a thought

If you want to learn more here's a the manual.

Quick Start guide:

Important notes:

1. Your blue meter is your Dodge/block (DP) meter is your lifeline. It will go down very fast if you don't parry block most of the hits on you. When your defenses are down from a stumble, knockdown are a saberless hit, you will "dodge" the hit matrix style and loss double DP.

2. The empty meter that files up as you hit your opponent is called your mishap/balance meter. If goes up faster if he parry blocks you alot. The higher your balance meter is, the more vulnerable you are to kicks and getting stumbled, knocked down, or disarmed.

3. You lose force points by swinging. At 10 FP or less, you swing and move really slowly and are completely vulnerable to lunge.

4. Walk 75% or more during a fight because you lose double DP for hits on you if you run and it fatal to get hit in a jump.

5. Comboing on your swings is often the key to winning a fight, but do it strategically because you can still be beaten or win with pure defensive playing.

6. Kicks are available in all styles and cash in on your where your opponents balance/mishap meter is. It will cause a knockdown when your opponent is high on the balance/mishap meter, a stumble a around 1/2, or get absorbed by a backflip when they are low.

7. you will notice that you get paused in combat where you can move from time to time. This is usually due to your balance meter getting high and you got parry blocked or you just got reposited. You get slowbounced at 1/3+, heavybounced at 2/3+, and disarmed, stumbled, knockdown at 9/10 of your Balance/mishap meter. More info and visual references on these are in the offical manual.

8. There are now a total of 5 styles to choose from at full saber attack points in single saber. You can also do lunge and yellow DFA in any single saber style and a red DFA in both purple and red styles (purple style looks diferent in its DFA though)


Parry block (this is the most important technique): Hold the directional key to move into whatever side your getting hit on. A and D for side hits, S for high swings (up-down swings) and W for lunge and low hits. You can also press diagnally and it will work as long as its within one space. This move lessens hit damage on you greatly. Getting parried prevents you from continuing a combo and allows your opponent to swing out of his parry very quickly if he chooses.

Startfake: tap attack. This fakes people out and is important for reposites

Power Feints (attack fake): hold attack and alt attack with a directional key (basically like doing a kata except you are doing a normal swing with it). This does more damage than a normal swing, puts your opponent into a saberlock in which you win automatically, and it cashes in on where ever your opponents mishap meter is and makes them stall. If you're in a saberlock, you can break it by holding back and alt attack unless you have low DP or high mishap.

Reposite (attack parry): hold attack and alt attack while you parry block a swing. This only works if your already in a preblock for the incoming swing or you are in the startfake animation. This move causes a saberlock in which you win and automatically causes a slowbounce on them unless they are high on the mishap meter (where they will do whatever their level makes them do)

Disarm (conversion): If you hit your opponents saber in a heavybounce, they will get disarmed.

Superbreaks: Hold attack at the end of a saberlock where you win. This will kill them instantly , but this only works if your opponent's DP is low. Otherwise, you will get slowbounced for trying it.

Before getting in to the step-by-step instructions, it is important to cover several basic aspects to this new saber system. Without knowledge of the key changes here, you will be confused about what is happening to you in the combat, so it is very important to keep these in mind. The important changes include the following:

• Regular swings require holding down the attack button for at least half the swing, otherwise you will perform a basic/start fake.

• All swings of the saber drain your Force Points (FP) depending on the type of swing. When you have 10 FP or lower, your swings will slow down greatly. This helps to prevent too much swinging.

• The Dodge Point (DP) meter, which is the meter green meter beside your blue FP meter (see Figure 1), drains as you absorb hits in different amounts depending on the hit. Most of the time, it just acts as a like a block meter; however, if you get hit while you are stunned, disarmed, or knocked down, the dodge meter will act as a matrix style dodge, which will drain you DP more than a regular hit. When it flashed red, that means you have maybe one or tow more hits until your dead or unable to block. Attack fakes (which will be explained in the step-by step section) can be fatal to a person who is in the red zone of DP.
Note: You have have no DP when you jump, so getting hit during a jump is usually fatal as well.

(Figure 1. The DP meter)

• This newest version of Enhanced has added a “Mishap meter” or also referred to as a balance meter (See figure 2). This meter controls whether or not you go into a mishap from regular parries or attack fakes. It raises as you swing, and lowers as you parry. At 40% its height, parries and attack fakes on you will cause slowbounces and your meter will lower to zero. At 66% height, parries and attack fakes on you will cause heavybounces will also lower 25% or the next level down. When your meter is maxed out You will go into a mishap and your meter will reset (The slowbounces, heavybounces and mishaps will be explained in more detail later) Vid Example: (obiwan does it).

(Figure 2: the Mishap Meter [The arrow is pointing to it.])

• Running is penalized during saber combat by making you lose double DP when you get hit and cause a much higher mishap probability. Because of this factor, it is essential to walk when swinging at a saberist and getting hit by a saberist. This is to add to the movie realism of this sabersystem since there is little running in the movies during saber combat and to just keep it mostly toe to toe.

• Crouching is penalized by not being able to parry while in a crouch. This is to stop crouching spam that we discovered was possible in our beta testing.

• There is only a very slight difference in the speeds at which all the saber styles move and the swings are all indefinitely chainable (even red stance).

• Tavion's and Desann's saber styles are now accessible with single saber and are colored on the FP hud as aqua (Tavion's) and purple (Desann's).

• All the stances are a bit different in their DP damage scales, but not nearly as different as in base JA. The damages are ordered from weakest to strongest: duel and staff (which can often hit twice in one swing), aqua, blue, yellow, purple, and red. Red and purple stances have higher stun mishap thresholds then the other stances and aqua and blue styles cause the earlier possibilities of slow bounce conversions (which will be explained in the step-by-step section).

• The staff and dual saber styles have their own unique characteristics as well. Staff costs no extra DP to get hit in the back making it a great two-on-one weapon. Dual sabers have no attack fake costs for direction changes (which I will explain later).

• The blue style lunge and yellow style flip attack are now usable by all styles except staff and dual. Lunge do 1.25 times the damage of a normal swing and flip attack do twice the DP damage of a regular swing. Lunge is parried by holding forward and if you hit someone in a lunge, you cause them double DP damage (lunge is also a great option to break through someone’s defense if they are constantly parrying you). Flip attacks are also used for getting behind your opponent. The aqua, blue, and yellow styles use a stab flip attack while red and purple use the traditional slash. The difference between the two is visual only.

• Red and purple styles have jump attacks, normally called a “Death From Above” (DFA) that cause double the normal saber hit DP damage. The red style uses a jumping hack version while purple uses a spinning jump. They are also done the old JO way of first holding attack to start the swing and then pressing and holding jump.

• All styles can kick by using the alternate weapon attack. Saber throw has been turned into option in the force powers selection menu.

Parry Blocking:
Parrying is THE most important techniques to master. It prevents you from losing too much DP and, depending on how high your opponent’s mishap meter is, it causes your opponent to freeze in place with greatly restricted movement for a second or two. It causes different effects depending on the attackers mishap bar, including a slow bounce at lower DP and stun mishaps when your mishap bar maxes out. Parrying also costs only 1/3 the normal amount of DP required to block a saber attack which means it is the “block” of this game more or less. You can usually parry even while swing except for maybe at the peak for your swing (this knowledge is essential to winning duels). Most parries do a knockaway animation (or onehanded block) when do them right like in this vid: The normal blocks just do normal block animations. Also look at the DP meter in the vid to distinguish the DP damages.

Step 1: Watch the angle at which your opponent's swing. Watch whether it's a high swing, coming from the side, or a lunge. Also watch the angle at which it is about to hit you.

Step 2: Use your forward, back, and side keys (w, a, s, and d) to move into the swing. It is important to remember that the direction for high swings is inverted from what you might expect. You parry high swings by pressing the back key (s). Side swings are parried by moving into the swings with the side buttons (a and d).Lunges or low swings can be parried by pressing forward (w).
Note: The parry is determined based on where you get hit. For example: If your player gets hit lower on their body with a high diagonal swing, the proper parry direction would be to move to that side.

Step 3: Check if your opponent has been parried or if you have lost less DP. Reactions of a parried opponent may vary. A parry on an opponent who is higher than 50% or so on his mishap meter will result in that opponent recoiling slower in a slow return than normal from the impact. This is called a normal slow bounce (see Figure 1) Vid Example: does it here) . A parry on an opponent who is higher than 75% on his mishap meter, will slow bounce in a more dramatic fashion with his saber further out from his body. This is called a heavy bounce (see Figure 2.). Vid example (obiwan does it when his saber draws back slowly in returning from his last swing): Theres another example of a different angle heavy bounce in the slowbounce conversion section of this manual. (Note: If the parrier is using a lighter saber style (aqua or blue), they will cause slow bounces this way). If the parried person has less than 25 or so they will enter into a mishap.
(Figure 3: Normal slow bounces [Dooku is in it])

(Figure 4: Heavy slow bounces [Dooku again])

Block-to-swing or swing-to-swing transitions:
This technique allows you to bounce out of your parry into a swing faster than you usually would and allows you to combo easier in different directions when your swing bounces off an opponent's saber. If you get parried, you will be unable to do this transition if your were combo swinging. It is a very effective way of countering after you have blocked or hit. Heres a vid example:

Step 1: Watch for a saber block or a bounce hit off an opponent.

Step 2: Hold the attack button and press a different movement direction than you blocked or swung in.

Step 3: Watch and see if your transition was successful. If it was successful, you will usually get the first hit and force a block by your opponent. If used correctly, you can chain several of these swings and do a lot of DP damage on your opponent.

Power Feints/Attack Fakes:
Attack fakes are a very useful technique allows you to fake swing in one direction and hit in another. The Attack fake also causes one-third more damage than the regular swing. There is also a cost of 1 FP for each change of direction you do in the faking. This technique has been upgraded especially in 0.1.0. Now if you hit your opponent without getting parried with this move, you both will be forced into a very fast saberlock animation in which you automatically win. If you get hit while trying an attack fake, the attack fake you do will be cancelled. The Attack fake also does 1.25 times the damage of a normal swing and it cashes in on where ever your opponent’s mishap meter is (see the above info on the mishap meter to find out what that is exactly). Heres a attackfake: as distinguished from a normal swing: To break a saberlock when your in one, Hold back and alt attack and you'll seperate as long as you dont't have high Mishap or low DP. Otherwise you cant break it.

Step 1: Look for an appropriate situation to use an attack fake. While usage of this technique is more personal preference than anything, the best times to use this technique is starting at a distance in order to avoid getting hit in the process.

Step 2: Press and hold the attack.

Step 3: press and hold alternate attack button while holding the attack button.

Step 4: While holding attack and alternate attack, use the directional keys to change direction of the swing. By default, the attack fakes will usually change directions at a 90 degree angle unless you press in a different direction. The blur of your saber's core will be longer then normal if you successfully do the attack fake (see Figure 5).
Note: There are versions of sabers that use MB2’s saber trail code floating around the OJP community. If you use one of these sabers, use will not be able to see the longer trail.

(Figure 6. Attack fake saber blur)

Step 5: Hit your opponent with the attack fake at any part of their body where their saber isn't in front of or in a place where you don't believe it will be parried. As with any swing, you have to be careful about where you hit. Watch you opponent's movements because if you hit high and they are moving backwards for example, you will get parried. It is also good to transition into another swing if you can in order to do more damage. You will know if you have successfully hit your opponent without getting parried if you see both of you go into a quick saberlock animation in which you win automatically (this is more for visual effect than anything). If you suspect that your opponent is in the DP red zone (if not, you'll get slowbounced if you try it), hold the attack button until the end of the saber lock and you will deliver a fatal or near fatal hit (this is the Superbreak which will be discribed later).

Start Fakes (Occasionally referred to as wind up fakes or basic fakes):
These are a lot more straight-forward than attack fakes, but still useful in many ways. They cost no FP to use. Heres a vid of it:

Step 1: Look for the right situation to use the windup fake. Attack fakes have many uses depending on your personal preference. You can use them to fake out an opponent, disguise a parry (which can be done during the fake), and even block a swing for no DP cost if you move your saber in front of the opponent's swing (this is a very hard technique to do). It also causes a little DP damage on your opponent at very close range.

Step 2: Tap the attack button and press the directional buttons in the direction you want do the basic fake or simply let go of the attack button during a windup or transition

Step 3: Watch your opponent's reaction to the fake and plan your next move based on that reaction.

Reposites/Attack Parries:
A new move in this version of Enhanced is the Attack Parry and uses the start fake as its aid. This will do exactly what all parries did in the previous version of Enhanced with is cause a slow bounce. This parry, however, does not rely on the mishap meter completely. It will cause a slowbounce at any low point on the balance/mishap meter or it will cause a heavy bounce at higher points on the mishap meter (usually 66% or higher). Heres a vid:

Step 1: Watch where and when your opponents saber is about to hit you.

Step 2: Hold the proper parry direction (explained before) and hold attack and alt attackjust as your opponents saber is about to hit you (sometimes taping them at the same time works to). You must be in a preblock animaiton or a start fake animation for it to work.

Step 3: Check to see if your opponent has gone into a slowbounce or heavy bounce.

Kicking in OJP Enhanced is more structured than it was in base JA. It is available with all styles, but only works in certain situations in order to avoid over usage. Any other instances using the kick other than ones listed below will result the opponent absorbing the kick with a low level back flip (just like the movies!) Vid Example: The effects of kicking someone are measured by your opponent's balance/mishap bar. The higher their balance/mishap bar, the more dangerous the effect will be. Also bare in mind that kicking lowers your saber blocking defenses, so you will be vulnerable.

Step 1: Observe whether or not if your opponent is either in a slow bounce, heavy bounce, a stun, has his back to you, or you think he might be higher on his mishap bar. These are the only situations where kicking will knock your opponent down or make them stumble.

Step 2: Execute the kick by pressing alternate attack and the directional button towards your opponent (See Figure 7). Vid Example:
(Figure 7. Kicking a normal slow bounce)

Step 3: Make contact with you opponent and see whether they fall over or stumble. This opens them up to being slashed at on the ground for a large DP loss. Using lunge or ground stab is especially useful and damaging in this situation (See Figure 8).
Note: If your opponent's mishap bar is less then about 1/3 of the way up, they will absorb the kick with a backflip
(Figure 8. Opponent falling over from kick)

Slow Bounce Conversions:
These are the hardest to perform, yet one of the coolest and most rewarding features in OJP Enhanced. It is a way to cause disarm mishaps before they could normally be caused (sadly, they may not always happen if your ping is really high). These also require your opponent to be in a heavy bounce. Vid Example:

Step 1: Observe if your opponent is in a more dynamic slow bounce animation (See Figure 4) This happens when your opponent has about midrange mishap or low DP after you just attack parried them. Power attacks also cause them at high mishap or low DP but it just looks like anormal slowbounce. You can spot it because his saber is sticking out further than normal and more perpendicular to his body.

Step 2: Hit your opponent's saber before the animation ends. This is very difficult to do in most cases. The best way to do this is to use a straight downward chop. Faster styles have a speed benefit at doing this as well as the ability to cause these slow bounces on opponents with slightly higher DP than the other styles are allowed.

Step 3: Observe your opponent to see if they have enter a mishap. This will tell you whether or not you conversion was successful. They will get disarmed if it is successful. This allows you to follow up with a very damaging attack of your preference.

This is essentially the OJP finishing move. It requires the use of a move that causes a saberlock whether it be an Attack Fake, Attack Parry (if we keep it the way it is), or just a random lock. It only works if you are the person who started that lock (since your opponent cant fight it) and if your opponent is in the red zone of his DP meter (or has little left). If both of these conditions are met, You will do the old saberlock break animation and it will chop your opponent in half!..usually. Vid Example:

Step 1: Try to determine whether or not your opponent is low on DP. If you hear the grinding nose of him losing HP, thats a good indication.

Step 2: Find a way to do a winning saberlock on your opponent and hold the attack button to the end of the saberlock.

Step 3: Observe to see if you do the superbreak and your opponent is killed. [Important note: If you try and superbreak your opponent and he/she doesnt have low DP, you yourself will get slowbounced!)

Closing Comments and Support:

Ultimately, this saber system is all about movie realism and strives to achieve it. It is not a finished product and is still being added to, so feel free to post any questions or comments at the OJP forums: New ideas are welcome as well. If you encounter any technical difficulties, post them at the forums as well and they will usually be responded to in 24 hours or less. Enjoy.

And heres how to get the source code.

Getting OJP Source Code

OJP's source is stored under what is called "revision control", meaning that the files are stored on a remote server in a way that remembers the changes that have been made to files. This remote server is called the repository. There are two ways to access these files:

* HTTP - Using your web browser you can directly access the latest version of all of OJP's files by going here. However, this method doesn't allow users to download the entire repository at once; to examine different revisions of files; or to commit changes. This method is not recommend except for casual examination of individual files.
* TortoiseSVN - This program allows full access to the OJP repository from the comfort of Windows Explorer. It also lets users to automatically "update" their working copies with the latest code from the repository with the click of a button. OJP's developers use TortoiseSVN. See Accessing OJP's Repository with TortoiseSVN.

Accessing OJP's Repository with TortoiseSVN

1. Install TortoiseSVN. You can get the latest version @ . This tutorial was written for TortoiseSVN v1.4.0.
2. Create a new folder in Windows Explorer. This folder will contain your local (working) copy of the OJP repository. (Screenshot 1)
3. Right click on the new folder and click on SVN Checkout. (Screenshot 1)
4. Paste in for the URL of Repository. (Screenshot 1)
5. Click Ok.
6. Click Yes to accept the security certificate for the repository. The resulting initial download of the repository is long, so now would be a good time to break for a snack or bathroom break.
7. Congradulations, you now have a working local copy of the OJP repository! At this point, you might want to consult the Compiling and Debugging OJP tutorial if you're interested in playing around with OJP's code.

Using OJP Enhanced's Autobuilder
Files needed to for this process:

1. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
2. Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Web Install
3. TortoiseSVN

Before Starting:

1. Install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition
2. Install Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK
3. Install TortoiseSVN


1. Configure Visual Studios Express to be able to use the Windows® Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK
1. Update the Visual C++ directories in the Projects and Solutions section in the Options dialog box. (Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2, Screenshot 3, Screenshot 4)
2. Update the corewin_express.vsprops file.(Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2)
3. In a text editor comment out lines 441 - 444 of AppSettings.htm by putting a // in front of them. (Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2)
2. Setup TortoiseSVN to access the OJP repository.
3. Update the repository.
1. Right click on the folder containing the repository and click on SVN Update. (Screenshot 1)
4. Compiling OJP DLL's, making OJP PK3's, and making an OJP Installer.
1. Go to <Hard>\<OJP>\Enhanced\ where you will find the following files: CompileOJP.bat, MakePK3.bat, MakeWindowsInstaller.bat, and ojp_enhanced_installscript.iss. (Screenshot 1)
2. If you do not want to make an installer and just want to make the .pk3's (IE, ojp_enhanceddlls.pk3 and ojp_enhancedstuff.pk3) you need to run the CompileOJP.bat batch file. After the CompileOJP.bat batch file is complete you need to run the MakePK3.bat batch file. After the MakePK3.bat batch file is complete, 2 pk3's (ojp_enhanceddlls.pk3 and ojp_enhancedstuff.pk3) should be found at <Hard>\<OJP>\Enhanced\.
3. If you do wish to make an installer, just run the MakeWindowsInstaller.bat batch file, after it is complete an InstallOJPEnhanced.exe will appear at <Hard>\<OJP>\Enhanced\.
5. Setting the correct revision number.
1. To know which is the correct revision number you must right click the repository folder followed by clicking the SVN Update option. You will spot "Completed At revision <number>" at the window that is opened after the updates are applied if there are any updates to apply. (Screenshot 1)
2. To have the correct revision number on your compiled OJP you must first edit bg_public.h (notepad is recommended) which is located at <Hard>\<OJP>\Enhanced\source\game\. Once inside the file, find CURRENT_OJPENHANCED_CLIENTVERSION and edit the revision number to the correct one. (Screenshot 1)
3. You must then edit the ojp_enhanced_installscript.iss script file (notepad is recommended) which is located at <Hard>\<OJP>\Enhanced\. Once inside the file, find AppVerName and edit the revision number to the correct one. (Screenshot 1)
4. To prevent conflict when updating the repository, you need to revert the files edited. Right click on the repository folder, select TortoiseSVN, and select "Revert...". Only use revert if the only change you've made was to update the revision number! (Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2)

Compiling and Debugging OJP

This section covers how to compile and/or debug OJP in Visual Studios 2005. This Tutorial is Incomplete!

1. Open the solution file (.sln).
2. Select Build->Configuration Manager from the menu bar.
3. On the Active solution configuration pulltab, select Final.
4. Click Close.
5. Select Build->Build Solution from the menu bar.
6. The resulting dlls will be in the /ojpbasic or /ojpenhanced folders (depending on which distribution you're compiling).


1. Open the solution file (.sln).
2. Select Build->Configuration Manager from the menu bar.
3. On the Active solution configuration pulltab, select Debug.
4. Right click on your JK2game project in the Solution Explorer.
5. Click on Set as Startup Project.
6. Right click on your JK2game project again.
7. Select Properties.
8. Click on Debugging under Configuration Properties.
9. Set Command to point to the jamp.exe in your GameData folder wherever your copy of JKA is installed.
10. Add the following to the beginning of your Command Arguments "+set fs_cdpath "<your>" +set fs_game "<ojpbasic>" +set fs_dirbeforepak 1 +set sv_pure 0 +set viewlog 1". Where <your> is the location of your /GameData folder of your JKA install. And <ojpbasic> is either ojpbasic or ojpenhanced based on which distribution you're using. Example: +set fs_cdpath "d:\games\Jedi Knight Academy\GameData" +set fs_game ojpenhanced +set fs_dirbeforepak 1 +set sv_pure 0 +set viewlog 1
11. Set Working Directory to "../..".
12. (Skip this step if you last compiled in the Debug solution configuration) Select Build->Rebuild Solution from the menu bar.
13. From the menu bar, select Debug->Start Debugging.

Troubleshooting Debugger Problems
Problem Solution
Modified dlls don't take effect.
Modified dlls get overwritten. Doublecheck Command Arguments setting. The sv_pure 0 settings is especially important.
I'm getting a assert error whenever someone presses alt fire while flying the Asteroids version of the Y-Wing! It's a bug in the Y-Wing's NPC file. Its weapon should be set to WP_BLASTER instead of WP_NONE. The bug is harmless as it doesn't break anything. It's best to either fix the file or just not fly the Y-Wing while debugging.
Build Configurations

This is a list of the possible build configurations of the OJP source code and what they do:

* Debug - Configured for debugger. Flags set to generate additional debugging related code and messages. This mode also supposedly is a bit more forgiving about memory issues.
* Debug(Final) - This is the Final build configuration simply set up to run with the Visual Studios debugger. This is the recommended standard work configuration.
* Final - Configured for building project for final release. Code is optimized for speed and all debugging related stuff is removed. Use this mode if you're compiling your code for release to the public.
* Release - Unknown

Code Preprocessors
This is a list of known code preprocessor flags used in the OJP source code:

* BUILDING_REF_GL - Unknown, doesn't seem to be used.
* JK2AWARDS - This enables the awards system originally used in Quake 3. Unfortunately, the system does not work if enabled.
* MISSIONPACK - Unknown (probably Quake 3 related), doesn't seem to be used.
* QAGAME - This preprocessor indicates that it's the compiler is compiling for the game side of the .dll code.
* UI_EXPORTS - This preprocessor indicates that it's the compiler is compiling for the ui side of the .dll code.
* _USRDLL - Used to be used by the Visual Studios compiler to properly compile the .dlls. It's not used anymore.
* _WINDOWS - Indicates that the program is a Windows application. Used by compiler I think.

Editing Guidelines

* Document your work as much as possible. Be sure to add mentions of your work in the readme and other project documents.
* Make your work as clean and tight as possible.
* Follow the coding guidelines. Try to keep your code as separated from other code as is reasonable. Label EVERY coding change (from basejka) with appropriate coding tags. If you're creating a new feature, you'll get to determine what the tag name will be. Try to pick something that is simple and easy to search for.

There you have it all the info you need to make rp mod better
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Arikakon Genkal
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Post by Arikakon Genkal »

...I like it! :P If we can use the OJP to have the stances & attacks, plus the blocking feature, that'd be great.


"Laws are like sausages. You don't want to see them being made." ~Otto von Bismarck
Miza Temar
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Joined: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:54 pm

Post by Miza Temar »

it wouldn't be too hard I can get the source code for ya guys and the most current game files (animations ect ect ect)
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