KOTOR-Like Leveling up

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Axem Keigoku
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KOTOR-Like Leveling up

Post by Axem Keigoku »

KOTOR-like Leveling up system

This is ment as a method to gain into realism. With the RPMod, it is quite easy for students to choose powers and simply boost their template. While it is nice and lovely, it is also unrealist. To bring a more serene and slow curve of learning, for everyone, Students and Masters, this is the new proposition for Powers unlocks and Levels set up.

Why Kotor? Because it allowed a single or a two power grant per level acheived, on a base of 20 levels. RPMod offers 90 powers on 32 levels instead. But we will keep the one, two or three max at each level, but certain key levels will allow a bonus 4th, giving access to over 80% of the Template.

In this concept of one to three powers per level, each and all powers will always cost 95 Experience points to purchase. Hopefully, by then, the mod will prevent Power drops aswell. Students, Knights and Master will then have to think twice before selecting a Power.

Here is the draft Spread Sheet of the Experience, Health, Force and Force Regeneration Times for each classes, but also the Powers that you may gain through each level.


Please provide constructive feedback.

Thank you,

¬ Axem Keigoku
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Post by Zyrn »

It seems more realistic. Im confused on the power gains though. We get to just choose a force power at the next level which costs 95 exp? The mod would only unlock 3 powers a level? Im sort of confused maybe i am just simple but.
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Post by Cyril Feraan »

Okay.. I hope I understand this correctly.

I think it's a very good idea, but my only question is why the differences between classes don't start until level 17 (as shown on the chart). I understand that it is not until higher levels where differences clearly emerge, yet, one should think there would be something, at the very least.
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Post by Aldia »

(I began to understand the chart after Cyril explained to me :D )

I think it's a good system, but it'd be helpful if you also showed a chart of what powers we can choose from for the POWER GAINS.

And I agree with Cyril. Why is it that there are no major differences in stats till level 17? Except that you can choose different powers depending on your character.

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Post by Axem Keigoku »

There is an RP reason as to why there is not much difference between stats : Because before that, you are trained up by someone, in group or 1-on-1 from a 'set template', a formula that was experienced, grew upon and such. Though, the powers will shift a lot between classes in the first 15 levels, thus providing differences there, then in the stats.

Here is the Consular's Power chart.


It is quite simple to grasp, once you understand it.

Based off KOTOR/RPG systems in which you gain only one power for every level, to aid into this, all powers are 95 XP. You could also simply say it's 9 points and have all the XP down one zero at the end. 750 Max instead of 7500. I rather larger numbers, so, that's why I went that high.

So, as an exemple :

A Level 1 Consular would have access to either Jump, Absorb, and Attack. He may select only one of those, and the call is final.

Since he got 100XP for that level, and the power cost 95, he will keep 5 in back. At levels 15, 21 and 27 , he'll be having an extra Bonus powers from the 5XP remaining at each level, making 4 from the selection.
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Post by Tinthros Vos »

could you add the same thing for saber attack and defend if you end up adding that manual defence system that was mentioned before? that would make it a little more interesting and would give everyone a little more their own style i think, some could be stronger in defence and weaker in attack or vice versa depending on your character...if your character is more into "aggresive negotiations" then they would be stronger in offensive, if they would rather battle with words or try to enlighten "the bad guys" then they could be defensive players....just an idea, its probably stupid but I'm just throwing out ideas again.
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Post by Ctathos »

I support the entire system granted minor modifications to the regeneration chart.


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Post by Alkaiser »

I still think that powers beyond level 2 shouldn't be "locked". However upon a second look, it seems like an interesting proposal.
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Post by Lynee'alin »

I think this system pretty much kills individuality and uniqueness of each character regarding their class.

I have no idea if the HP/Force/Regen values are final, but exactly the same HP, Force, Regen values for the 3 classes until level 17? Do you even know how long the phase "Intitiate-NearKnight" is? The only thing students (Initiates/Pads/Senior Pads) will see of this system until they are lvl 15 is pure boredom and plain equality between classes. The changes actually begin with lvl 17, two levels after being knighted...

Saying that you are trained by someone in a set-up protocol in levels 0 to 15/17 is no real excuse for that. What has the training and the guidance of a mentor to do with the actual character-classbased-attribute-progression? If you want to implement a class-system, then do it properly by showing real differencies between classes - throughout all the levels.
When I fight a guardian (let's keep away from the RP-spar and those things for a while) then I know that I will most probably screw up. I know that the guardian infront of me has way higher amounts of HP and shields, and I know that this is supposed to be like that. I FEEL the differences between classes, and I FEEL that I am really a sentinel, and he is really a guardian. Besides, a guardian of the same level will most probably have higher levels in the saber arts, too. You know what I mean? I really start to feel and to know that there are differences and uniqueness, and this is what gives the chill to RPMod.

The Powers-system kills individuality kinda, too. Let's say there are four to six or seven students with a Consular class (which is a pretty realistic value), they won't have the same freedom of choosing powers which they had in the current system. You will end up realising that the templates of most Consulars are pretty much the same (except for a few power-level differencies perhaps). It'll make spars boring, it'll make the actual RP boring, it'll make the new system boring.

Seeing the stats and the power system, people will begin to ask themselves why they took their current class, and "where actually is the big high-spoken 'mega-class-system' all of a sudden?". They'll see that the differences and changes of classes slowly begin to occur in the high-level-realms... they'll feel fooled.

IF you want to add a decent class-system, don't hesitate to include obvious and hard differences between classes, in every level, in every aspect.
The current system shows a relatively nice example of freedom-of-developing-your-character-in-all-aspects and powers/stats-restriction-given-by-the-mod.
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Post by Axem Keigoku »

Harsh, but heard.

There is a technical reason as to why there is no flagrant stats differences between the classes, and that would be for Balance.

Right now, yes, the system works and it is nice. But on a point : how could a Lv25 Consular be beaten to CRAP by a Lv10 Guardian. That is NOT supposed to happen, or unlikely.

The Force, Health and Regen are likely to change anyhow, but the differences will be gradual, to avoid imbalance. And in terms of Gameplay, Health is one of the most important thing, as it says if you die or not. Guardians of the current levels start with 200HP, which is A LOT if you ask me... This planning corrects this into a more natural growth. But I'll rework the Health/Force/Regen.

And please understand that from Level 1 to 15, you'll have selected 22 powers over all. Out of 49. True, people will have mostly the same powers, as we have now. When preparing the mod, if you recall, there was an argument about 'fixed templates' and 'selectable templates'. After questioning a few people, turns out most people selected the same 5-6 powers layouts. So, yea, you want to be able to choose, but you all choose alike, as I would too.

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Post by Lynee'alin »

Axem Keigoku wrote:Right now, yes, the system works and it is nice. But on a point : how could a Lv25 Consular be beaten to CRAP by a Lv10 Guardian. That is NOT supposed to happen, or unlikely.
Yeah, sadly the game-mechanics are too crappy to actually allow us to roleplay the classes and their abilities in a real and true way. Taking absorb out of the arsenal of a guardian or only allowing a modificated absorb would solve this problem, though, as it would be closer to reality.

Axem Keigoku wrote:And please understand that from Level 1 to 15, you'll have selected 22 powers over all. Out of 49. True, people will have mostly the same powers, as we have now. When preparing the mod, if you recall, there was an argument about 'fixed templates' and 'selectable templates'. After questioning a few people, turns out most people selected the same 5-6 powers layouts. So, yea, you want to be able to choose, but you all choose alike, as I would too.
I remember I've been asked to take one power which I would max. out to level 5. Never been asked to actually say how I would imagine my full desired template.
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Post by Axem Keigoku »

True, but the point remains.

The way it works, right now, is that each class will have a selected 12 powers, fitting the principles/values of the class.

The Focus powers are actually 12, as would allow BaseJka, that can be reached up to Level 3 by Character Level 15, 'generic' Knight level.

Now, that does not mean the others powers will NOT be available.

On level 1, you get to choose one power out of 3, on level 2, it is another power out of 5. On level 3, it is a third power on 7 available, from which 3 are newly available.

I think this is quite a free-selection base. It is not forced upon, but rather narrowing some selection to avoid 8 years old having Storm and such advanced powers.

¬ Axem Keigoku
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Post by Aayla Vigil »

I think it might be good and more realistic even if I never tried the actual one, I also agree with the fact that classes difference must be balanced and actually must give the feeling that you are in that class, if there is too much difference within the same class members it might look like there is no class at all. But of course on the other side individuality must be preserved. Overall I think Axem found out a good way for preserving class difference, balance and realism on gaining force powers, but still any improvement might be found probabily.

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Post by Larkit »

Haven't really experienced the current system, so can't really tell how it's like. But my imagination's rather good, and I can see flaws in both systems.
Yet I find the new one slightly, if not more, better than the current.

But I have two questions, and that's: Why are the numbers in Force Regeneration counting downwards as you progress? And is the amount of health you have, equal to the amount of shield?
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Post by Cyril Feraan »

I think I can explain this one Larkit...

When it comes to Force regeneration, lower numbers are better (as shown in the chart). Hence, a level 32 Consular would regenerate their Force extremely fast (with a zero value).

In addition, I should think that health is equal to shields as well.

As for the additional explanation, thank you for explaining it. The Force powers system seems to make a difference (and in an appropriate way too), though I still think slightly larger class-lines need to be drawn at lower levels. So, I agree with Lynee in that regard.
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