252.01 // New Instance.

The JEDI Council's channel for public announcements
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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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252.01 // New Instance.

Post by The Jedi Council »

There are currently a few unresolved issues that the Council would like to address. Therefore, we are releasing a new instance to deal with them accordingly.

Voice Council Open Forums

Starting 251.24, the Voice Council will begin meeting on a biweekly basis in-server specifically to address concerns and receive suggestions that any members or guests might have. These meetings will occur at approximately 1500, after Lightsaber Arts class is concluded. All are welcome to come and take part in the open forums, and all concerns and suggestions will be recorded regardless of the personal opinions of the moderators. Those that cannot attend the forum are encouraged to either send their concerns/suggestions with another member, or PM the High Council account on the comport.


There are currently two trends in sparring. Standard JK spars and Role Played spars where the combatants strive to maintain a high standard of realism within the spar.

Spars have been an integral part of JEDI since the JK2 days but we will never enforce one style of sparring. Both have their advantages. Role Play spars add to the overall RP experience, while JK spars present a fast paced challenge and are part of the “fun” aspect of the game.

Therefore, it is up to the combatants to decide whether to RP or JK spar.

In Role Play situations such as Tournaments devised by a Knight or Master, it is up to that organiser to decide on the style. There are two options.
  • 1. Force JK spars.

    2. Allow the combatants to decide. If the combatants cannot decide, a JK spar will be enforced.
Server-wide Simulations and NPC Spawning

As Hologram Simulations become increasingly popular, issues that they present are brought forward. Therefore, a few guidelines have been created pertaining to Hologram Simulations and NPC Spawning, a related subject.

1. If role playing a Hologram Simulation, minimize the area of the map that the simulation impacts.

2. If it becomes necessary to use most of the temple in the simulation, ensure there are quiet areas where they may wait IC until a time when the simulation ends. Simulations should not encroach on the Archives or the Dormitories and should give the mediation temple in the gardens a wide birth, for instance.

3. Both guidelines apply to the use of NPC objects.

Thank you.
- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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