269.23 // New Council Advisor

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The Jedi Council
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269.23 // New Council Advisor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings, JEDI Members and Community,

The Council is pleased to welcome a new member to its body. Indeed, Master Jamus Kevari has been chosen by in-place Councilors to become a Council Advisor, a position he gladly accepted.

Below is Master Kevari's official statement.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

Jamus Kevari
Lost One
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Post by Jamus Kevari »

Greetings JEDI and the Community,

I would like to say that I have accepted this honor and responsibility with the fullest intention of offering my best service to the High Council and improving our great community. Indeed, my new position includes having an open ear to the clan as a whole and to speak an open mind to our head leadership in order to further push JEDI into prosper even further. I have served in this community for quite some time with the best of intentions, but I would like to assure all that my efforts and dedication with not stall nor cease with my new position. With my fellow Advisors, the Representatives, and the general membership, I hope that we may all come together and work as a cohesive unit with the High Council, our prime leaders, to continue to make the infinite improvements JEDI will receive.

With Great Sincerity,
Master Kevari
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