Melee Cartwheel?

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Post by Avaeth »

/rpnotsupport. Going to be abused.
Garik Kelzim
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Post by Garik Kelzim »

Avaeth wrote:/rpnotsupport. Going to be abused.
A good role player knows that he must not abuse of a good thing.

I mean a real life person wont go around doing cartwheel all day. It would be retarded and really hard....And retarted.
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Alkur Tekeil
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Post by Alkur Tekeil »

Garik Kelzim wrote:A good role player knows that he must not abuse of a good thing.
That's a mighty big assumption of folks' capacity to not screw around.

Whether or not it could be abused is irrelevant. Ultimately anything could be abused in the mod, or even base JKA.

As I said, I'd be game for this if its a toggleable feature. Just because a majority wants something doesn't mean it should be forced onto everyone.
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Post by Ethan Kase »

Garik Kelzim wrote:
Avaeth wrote:/rpnotsupport. Going to be abused.
A good role player knows that he must not abuse of a good thing.

I mean a real life person wont go around doing cartwheel all day. It would be retarded and really hard....And retarted.
True. I support it, but with anything made people will abuse (ex. The bunny hop :D), people can abuse tons of stuff already, let's just trust that a decent rper will not abuse it. I do not think we should shoot down a nice feature just because "Someone might abuse it."
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Jamus Kevari
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Post by Jamus Kevari »

I'm for limiting it to the extent of Jump 2, myself. Also, ++ toggleable.
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Post by Baelin Raddyx »

Ethan Kase wrote:
Garik Kelzim wrote:
Avaeth wrote:/rpnotsupport. Going to be abused.
A good role player knows that he must not abuse of a good thing.

I mean a real life person wont go around doing cartwheel all day. It would be retarded and really hard....And retarted.
True. I support it, but with anything made people will abuse (ex. The bunny hop :D), people can abuse tons of stuff already, let's just trust that a decent rper will not abuse it. I do not think we should shoot down a nice feature just because "Someone might abuse it."
My thoughts exactly. Chances are, if they are going to abuse one thing, they are going to abuse another. There are plenty of *un* modded anims for them to abuse, and besides I'd say one could cause more disruption going around grappling people.
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Delmi N'jork
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Post by Delmi N'jork »

I foresee a lot bored Hopefuls cart wheeling around.
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Jenny Wrix
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Post by Jenny Wrix »

I say trash the melee cartwheel idea and stick with rolling with guns.
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Post by Ethan Kase »

I say just be stricter with hopefuls. If you see them abusing stuff, warn them once, then kick em if they don't stop.

EDIT: (I messed up on the first sentence). We aren't all good rpers but some things are just common sense.

Why scrap a good idea, just so hopefuls won't abuse it?
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Cyril Feraan
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Post by Cyril Feraan »

I have to reiterate that I agree with those who say that we shouldn't be overly concerned about abuse of new features. Fear of abuse is a little exaggerated even if understandable, and there's enough to abuse as is -- and we tell people not to do those things i.e. bunny hopping, excessive use of Force powers, inappropriate emotes etc.

In short, I don't think we should take away options. If you're in JEDI, you should know better, if you're not in JEDI, you're just digging your own grave.


Alkur Tekeil
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Post by Alkur Tekeil »

Delmi wrote:I foresee a lot bored Hopefuls cart wheeling around.
It'd give me a nice reason to use my admin access.
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Post by Atrux Nuro »

If you don't have faith in a members ability to Role Play correctly, don't initiate them.

The saber cartwheel in game looks funny because if you ever try that in real life, you have to spread your legs like that for balance, I've seen it done.
But I agree with Tomoran about adding the NPC cartwheel that's on the ground instead.

All in all I /RPsupport.
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Post by Nivek Tholmai »

Judging by the amount of hopeful-bashing. I take it then that amongst all of us here, I was the only one who as a child actually spent a vast amount of time with his friends practising cartwheels and handstands and the likes. It's something children still do a lot of on the playground. They can keep it up for a long time, actually. I would also like to point out that things should never be discouraged on the basis of potential abuse.

What if I said I think we should remove every Force power above level three? You all might abuse it when you reach knighthood. Somehow I think there would be a lot of objection to that. How about if I think we should remove force lightning altogether? People spam it unnecessarily anyway for various OOC reasons such as making ships fly unmanned to their doom. (I actually stand by this one, for unrelated reasons to the one I just posted. Avoid discussing it on this thread, it's just an example). I also think we should remove all admin capabilities, completely. People might abuse them (And have done and still do), and it can/does disrupt role play far more than a single child performing a cartwheel for fun, if people are concerned for the potential abuse of a feature.

If things were always immeadiately shot down and scrapped because of potential abuse, we'd have less than half the features we do now incorperated into RPMod. If you go about insisting it will be abused, it doesn't matter who by. You are saying you don't trust a single admin to fullfill their responsibilities. If something happens, report it. We'd be right on it. But often you'll find someone will be messing around and no one speaks up to report it to an admin, so a lot of the time I wonder how you expect us to even know some things take place. Collect evidence, present it to a knight and job's done. The person will be warned and if they continue, they'll be in trouble. Simple.

Now back on to the topic. I think a melee cartwheel would be a pleasant addition. It has a variety of practical applications from things as little as children playing to dodging in a stylish fashion. Putting the "style" of it aside, in real life it would be an effective physical exercise to develop your agility. The only primary concern that hits my mind is the amount of work that would need to be required for the animation to be developed. As for rolling with weapons that has also been mentioned on here. Please, please, please. I've been after this for a long time to as I'm sure many others have.
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Post by Tomoran »

That is an extremely slippery slope. Being concerned about the idea, the implementation and the usage by the community is basically the backbone of the work of a mod team or game developer or any content that is based on 'patching' and so I think it's valid to be concerned about abuses no matter who they come from or in whatever severity.
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Kael Sekura
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Post by Kael Sekura »

I can understand concerns about abuse but I don't see it here. It isn't a new skill that will unbalance the game or give a player an added edge in combat. It's purely for the RP immersion and something else to tinker with. I'm not seeing the issue. If someone is jumping around too much with it we will do what we always do. Set them aside and have a frank chat ooc.

As always however, as Evan would say, TOGGLE! Keeps pretty much everyone happy.

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