283.09 // New High Councilors

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283.09 // New High Councilors

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings, JEDI members and Community.

The Jedi High Council is pleased to welcome two new members to its body, raising its numbers to four full-time members. Indeed, after serving for more than a year and half as Council Advisors, Jedi Knights Aayla Vigil and Arkallon are joining the High Council today. Their respective experience, wisdom and dedication will be strong assets for our Order as it develops further in the coming years.

The Council also wishes to take this opportunity to thank Emilia Carizk for her work as a Council Advisor, as she is now taking a break from Council activity. Consequently, the body of Council Advisors is dissolved until further notice.

The Council once again wishes to reassert its will to serve the Jedi Order and the Force to the best of its ability. As always, do not hesitate to contact us shall the need arise, our doors are always open.

Below are High Councilors Aayla Vigil and Arkallon's first statements in their new position.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Post by Arkallon »


Those of you who know me best know that, whether I was around the corner or seemingly gone from sight, I was never completely out of reach. I have always lent my time to anyone who needed to be heard or who came seeking another perspective on their troubles. I have always advocated for unity and mutual caring within our community, and I take this yearning with me into every discussion within the Council. I often stand up for those who have no advocacy in their favor or for the least popular perspective on a given cause, purely to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and handled like a part of our family. That's what each of you are to me, and I hope that it shows in what we do from day to day.

My utmost gratitude goes out to Masters Raun and Alkorda for their trust and support over the years. I owe them both a great deal more than I can ever repay for their hard work and help, even before factoring in the monumental gesture of being recognized as a member of the High Council. To be seated alongside these great people is the most humbling honor that I can imagine in this moment. I would also give my thanks to many others whom I have known during my long association with the Jedi Order, though my feelings for them and my penchant for sentimentality is already well known.

The magnitude of trust and confidence which is placed in a High Councilor is dwarfed only by the enormity of the responsibility that it demands of us. I intend to embrace that responsibility and to make my every action a credit to those who have believed in me along the way. I owe them, and all of you, nothing less.


Jedi Knight
High Councilor
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Aayla Vigil
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Post by Aayla Vigil »


I write to you in response to an event which rarely takes place, and which also presents an outcome that I have neither expected nor desired for myself over my years of service.

It has always been hard for me to express all my feelings about this place. Nevertheless, I believe that the very same feelings which I often struggle to describe also reside in most of those who read these lines (or hear these words). Ever since I was a newcomer and a hopeful, I have always seen our community as a huge mountain: Mighty, strong, and solid in its beliefs, rules and, most of all, its members. Just like a mountain this community is founded upon a solid base which was built up over a great deal of time. However, unlike a mountain our foundation requires the constant care and effort of everyone, because nothing that we rest on this foundation can safely remain in place if we allow that support structure to erode or fail.

This foundation is built around and strengthened by our students, who are the pulsing heart of our structure. It is to them whom we all address our attention, our hard work and our patience. When I was a student I came to realize the importance of this structure, and I found an especially strong respect for the amount of work that others invested in guiding my self betterment and the continuation of the path I was set upon.

Upward movement in any organization presents us with an increase in responsibilities and the amount of time which we must invest for others, rather than for ourselves. In keeping with this I firmly believe that climbing our mountain requires a progressive altruism, in which our actions are aimed toward bettering the situation for others ahead of our own personal goals. Just as mountain climbers are linked by a safety line, connecting and safeguarding each one to another during the ascent, we too are linked. We must sustain each other and be strong for one another, because this is the only way that we can be collectively lifted to the top of that mountain.

I soon realized that this process is not a choice we have, but instead it is a duty for each and every one of us. We must help those who work for the integrity of our collective, both giving and receiving hard work done in the interest of others instead of ourselves.

This concept becomes more evident during knighthood, wherein our responsibilities and duties run deeper. In this time we are no longer taken care of as we were before, by our Masters or Instructors. These figures who once lead us become our peers, and it is an experience that inevitably changes our views.

Promotions are hardly rewards; instead they are signs of our progression. Progression leads to the acquisition of new duties and new possibilities in which we may enhance our collectivity. When is one ready to progress? None but those who are in charge of such decisions may say with any certainty. Should we deem ourselves ready? No, it is not our place to decide. Our place is to help each other in all of the ways which we can. Maybe this is the true key for progression, aiming our actions toward more collective tasks above personal desires.

I realize that this promotion represents a big and very important step in my progression, and I can't but feel a shiver every time I think about what this position requires of me. What gives me the strength to accept this position is the thought that I am not alone. I have full faith in the rest of the Council, and in each member of our community. I will be serving them as I have strained to do so far, and I will continue to count on all of these people when the circumstances become difficult.
That said, it is with sincere humility that I accept the position of High Councilor and swear to always set forth my best effort toward maintaining the strength and solidarity of our community. I will do this with the help of all of you, just as I feel I have always have.

Aayla Vigil.

You can't choose what is right

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