Sared's Ten Commandments of Skinning

Discussions which are Out of Character.
Sebastin Creed
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Post by Sebastin Creed »

Ametha Tasia wrote:Essentially,

Clothes should be simple, functional and reliable in-keeping with Jedi Philosophies and, to a lesser extent, the character's own personal beliefs.
Lesser extent? Puleeeassee, Sebastin has a Fashion Icon rep to uphold. I've got a gucci gabbana blindfold coming in and I intend to wear it! ::Waves finger::

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Serris K'Ral
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Post by Serris K'Ral »

Sebastin Creed wrote:
Ametha Tasia wrote:Essentially,

Clothes should be simple, functional and reliable in-keeping with Jedi Philosophies and, to a lesser extent, the character's own personal beliefs.
Lesser extent? Puleeeassee, Sebastin has a Fashion Icon rep to uphold. I've got a gucci gabbana blindfold coming in and I intend to wear it! ::Waves finger::
Baelin's spirit has possessed Seb :C R.I.P Creed.

Well, most of Serris's clothes are plain, so win win for me.

"Choosing inaction as a philosophy is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation" - Jedi Master Quell.
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Post by Amoné Fayden »

Ametha Tasia wrote:So long as the clothes aren't too showy, or appear to be made from fairly expensive materials a Jedi would not have access to, it's fine.
A lot of JEDI members go down the route of making their own clothes. Where they acquired the know-how and skill to do that is another topic.
For Amoné she orders her clothes in or purchases them on the bazaar when in the Capital with Kenta so gaining materials isn't an issue. Credits however, are!
Ametha Tasia wrote: Also, armor is fine when used in the proper context.
Right, like the way younglings often wear helmets.
Sared Kilvan wrote: How about #4? Would a Jedi wear a sports jersey, or maybe have a lunch box with their favorite grav-ball team's logo on it? Where do you think the line is between practicality and fashionable? Can Jedi be sports fans?
One thing to always bare in mind, no matter how powerful a Jedi may be, they are all sentients and as sentients they are subject to influences. If you wish you character to be a 100% raw, unmoving, steeled Force worshiper that transcends the Galaxy and it's ways with no interest in the distractions of the little commoners that live in it, then so be it! That's fine by me!
However, I don't think one should be discouraged from having their character pursue entertainment. I'm sure a Jedi is quite capable of enjoying a Pod Race or a Lightsaber tournament.

Amoné falls into this category. She has a shirt with the BlasTech logo on it, purchased on her own accord. I don't need to go into that as most are aware of my character. However! Its use in the server is treated as it should be. She wears it when it's quiet and there are few people around. So far there's been no occasion where she's been asked to remove it. To me, this is a sign of tolerance amongst the Order but it does not go without warning or guidance. I like it but really, that's as far as I would go and the only reason it even exists is to bolster my character visually, Jedi-like or not. It's all down to how you personally translate it.

The rest of her outfits are designed (as best as I can given the model) to be loose fitting due to her energetic nature. Kih Bu has expressed a full robe to be quite comfortable in his eyes whereas I think jumping around on pillars and sprinting would be very difficult in a long robe like the one Serris wears. It depends on the Jedi and by extension the player.

An energetic Jedi that can't sit still wearing loose fitting non-traditional attire to help free movement.
A relaxed Jedi in pursuit of knowledge of the Force through Meditation and Philosophy wearing a simple robe they feel comfortable in to avoid distraction.

Both make sense to me and neither is wrong.

Am I getting "Too long, did not read"s yet? :P

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Post by Tomoran »

No need for TL; DR's here. As long as people keep this conversation civil and insightful then there's no need for anything to happen to it. We're keeping a close eye on it and try not to get too invested in your opinion in terms of asking others to functionally accept it outside of making reasonably stated observations or deliberations of your viewpoint.

That said, I have my long-winded separation of Jedi and self philosophy that I don't think I need to go into here since it's more of an in-character thing. My viewpoint of Jedi as a whole concedes mostly to higher sources. ICly, I have played two very different characters and think that people should verge from canon as little as possible. The 'interesting' angle is an old sock at this point, if you want some flavor in your character find better fruit instead of mixing in stuff from under the counter to be 'different'.
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Post by Johauna Darkrider »

Nope, I actually find myself agreeing with you each time you post, Amone. :)
I still don't see why people are bugged by what *others'* character look like and what they wear. I mean, we should all be looking at our characters and mind their own business, to say it out frankly. As long as it's not something vulgar and completelly out of SW universe, it's fair game! We all roleplay to have distinctive characters we enjoy to roleplay - what fun would it be, if all of our characters were wearing the same friggin colours of traditional tunics, the same hairstyles, the same behavioural patterns? We'd be like bunch of colourless droids, and as far as I am concerned, I'd be pretty much bored from this, really fast.

So my props to people who are able to borrow some distinctive attitude, which corresponds with the ways the characters lived, which makes me think 'Hey, this is [name of the character] and he/she is like [insert any interesting quirk, attitude, background]. And no, being distinctive DOESN'T mean 'be a troublemaker at all costs, without thinking it over!'
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Post by Tomoran »

I think I have a responsibility as a member of the Council to observe the roleplay of all members. I don't specifically mean in the form of scrutiny but investigation requires all kinds of angles. To me, there's an important sense of keeping the setting intact so that everybody has the chance to roleplay and in order to keep the setting as crisp and tight as possible there needs to be "right" and "wrong" from both the standpoint of in-character as well as from the position of out-of-character which is why there are considerations of materials, canon, precedents in "our" era and such.

I can certainly respect the notion that people come to JEDI to enjoy themselves and I believe that at the heart of what we're doing this is the position of anybody and there will be no efforts to directly impact this capacity for any member in any policy. That being said, I also believe that individuals who assume a laissez-faire stance on facets of their character will damage the integrity of the setting and dilute the environment for others. In an in-character setting, this is fine. Some individuals adjust, some do not - there are bits and pieces of these characters that don't jive with what the standard is and so they become nonstandard and that is understood by characters, both those who make those decisions to stray and the others who observe this. What I will not accept is the out-of-character assessment that individuals should be free or encouraged to take the path of nonstandard and others should not have any kind of concerns about this or what it does to the roleplay at large for others.

Ultimately, of course, there may or may not be some sort of mandate on what the positions are, ICly or OOCly. Individuals who believe that they are entitled to their freedom to have fun within the context of their own choosing may have to accept that this 'fun' needs to be within the standards set by the community that you choose to interact with - and those who can accept it will change accordingly and those who won't will have to find another way to deal with it.

Of course, such an action hasn't come to pass yet but I believe it's remarkably selfish to consider the individual before the community and every action, every remark, every mission, every ability and every outfit are always up for question. They're always up for scrutiny. They're always up for improvement. That's part of me accepting being within a community. I don't have the freedom to be immune to criticism or to engage in any way that I want. Nobody does.
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Post by Olim Adasca »

I do care to say that it's not about behavioral patterns we're talking about here. Hairstyles are a tricky point, we all know this. Also, nobody is asking for anyone to wear the same clothes, or having the same hairstyle.

Simply said: make sense, don't go overboard with what you do. There's a lot of creativity to be applied to 'classic' robes to begin with, as I see with Coren's white and blue tunics, for example. Amone's adaption retains the classic air while retaining individuality, perfectly acceptable.

But when you go applying wacky patterns, you'll get some fire at your heels because of it, and you'll have to be prepared.
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Post by Baelin Raddyx »

I love you Amone. You put my exact thoughts into words.
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Post by Garik Kelzim »

I know this thread is about ::JEDI:: members screwing up their skins but should the younger hopefuls wear helmets though? I mean, they're not training to become a jedi yet so why would they have to wear those?
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Sebastin Creed
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Post by Sebastin Creed »


They don't. There are plenty of younglings skins without the helmet if the player wishes it, but if they wish to wear one for added effect, I don't think we are going to start going around and taking them off them all.

:: Shrugs :: Unless we become cruel and do it anyway. :roll:

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Post by Delmi N'jork »

If they want to wear the super helmets, let them :P
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Post by Amoné Fayden »

Garik Kelzim wrote:should the younger hopefuls wear helmets though? I mean, they're not training to become a jedi yet so why would they have to wear those?
The second a person is initiated into the Order, they are training to become Jedi, helmet or not.

Anyway, helmets were just one of many examples of where armor, in my opinion, is perfectly acceptable and in no way an insult to Jedi teachings.

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Tergos Zemnos
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Post by Tergos Zemnos »

Helmets are not much of a problem to me, and I think helmets are a bit different from armor, Armor was used during the war in past wars.. I don't have a problem with it but I don't find the need for it now.
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Serris K'Ral
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Post by Serris K'Ral »

Helmets tended to have a purpose when it came to training, such as blocking out eye-sight when using the force/practicing deflection/reflection and stuff like that or like me, I had a helmet to look cool 8) I kid.

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Post by Tomoran »

If we didn't have Force Push 5 we wouldn't even need helmets.
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