Mission Report: The Loss of Rannon

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Kiara O'ren
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Re: Mission Report: The Loss of Rannon

Post by Kiara O'ren »

  • During the incident at the Rannon Praxeum, I was in one of the holosuites in the training wing in the arenas antechamber. I was inside the suite when the Praxeum experienced its power failure. The overheard lights turned off but the forcefields sealing the training area shut still remained active.
  • While stuck in the holosuite, the Praxeums power fluctuated and the hologrid activated, generating some remarkably powerful programs that I could not stand against. Taking Master Jeralyr's advice, I spent most of mine time running and barely evading their attacks until the power fluctuated again and the projection disappeared. During this I sustained a sprained ankle by landing on the mat awkwardly.
  • After a few moments of quiet, I noticed Master Jeralyr appeared to be engaged in combat with something in the hallway. In the dim light I could not make out who she was battling. It appeared to be a shadow or perhaps another malfunctioning hologram. Master Jeralyr later confirmed it was not a hologram.
  • Eventually, the power grid seemed to reset for a moment and the forcefields were deactivated. I rejoined Master Jeralyr and Padawan Hasmal in the hallway, where we discovered that the doors outside were still trapped.
  • While conversing on how to proceed, an indescribable feeling came over me as if I was being held in a forceful grip. I could not move or speak and could only look at Tey. I could not even blink and my vision began to blur as my eyes watered and stung. It felt like I had grabbed an uninsulated power coupling and the buzzing was there to boot.
  • When the pain alleviated and we were freed, we found the doors unlocked and were quickly able to join the others aboard the evacuation shuttle.
  • Due to what happened in the training wing, it is my recommendation to the Council that when we find our new home, or hopefully return to Rannon, some sort of manual override panel to cut power to the forcefields exist in the interior of holographic training areas in the event of such a power failure of interior control panel failure.
  • See Master Jeralyr and Padawan Joar Hasmal's reports for further details.
___________|- Name: Kiara O'ren | Born: 372ABY | Image
|- Initiation: 382.27 ABY -|- Apprenticed: 386.01 ABY -|- Knighted: 397.25 -|- Padawans: Eli Tzineda, Donan Healof, Tarsi Morga -|
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Tharon Jivler
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Re: Mission Report: The Loss of Rannon

Post by Tharon Jivler »

  • I was supervising Kir Darnic on his maintenance duty when we heard a loud explosion coming from outside the Praxeum, followed by power outage.
  • Locked in the hangar, we heard roars of an unknown creature and noise coming from the garage. Upon checking, it turned out to be Daegon, Silene and the late Lystra.
  • The power returns after a while, and a group of students led by Teynara enters the hangar.
  • I joined Kir, Caerith and Serbithar to open the hangar gates from outside and we were attacked by dark, unknown creatures.
  • We returned to the hangar to wait for the entire Praxeum to be evacuated, but Serir noted that the Space Traffic Control were not contacted yet for us to take a safe flight.
  • I took Serir to the council chamber, where we can directly contact Space Traffic Control. We came across Joran’s corpse, half his body was covered in this dark energy, called ‘Spectral Force’.
  • Dark creatures started attacking us as Serir contacted the Space Traffic Control. They denied our request at the beginning, but after much convincing, we were clear to take off within twenty minutes.
  • Upon closer inspection, I’m assuming the dark creatures appear more frequently where the dark energy is gathered, but it’s important to note that what I’m proposing is merely a hypothesis and not a conclusion.
  • After succeeding, we returned to the hangar. On our way there, we witnessed the temple hall getting covered with the dark energy and the stranger standing in the middle. Strangely enough, he did not come after us, he merely stood there.
  • We arrived at the hangar and awaited for take off in the shuttle.
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Narael Undine
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Mission Report: The Loss of Rannon

Post by Narael Undine »

Pre-attack Situation

  • Date: 392.10
  • Hour: 1500
  • Location: Rannon Medbay
  • Meteorological Status: Sustained Extreme Storms
  • Celestial Status: No major celestial event occured.
  • Electromagnetic Spectrum Report: Permanent Static detected in all EM Frequency range
  • Planetary Alert Status: Caution advised due to the Storms
  • Temple Alert Status: Green
  • Force Event Alert Status: Minor all-pervasive disturbance felt from all Force users


  • 1510:
    • Arrived at the Medbay to request treatment for a minor injury occured during my previous mission. Padawan Varga was on medical duty at the moment.
    • Prevalence of ambient static in both Force and E/M interactions.
  • 1530:
    • Powerful thunderstorms hit the Praxeum, taking the power out and disabling secondary and tertiary backup systems.
    • We try to exit the medbay, but find ourselves locked inside.
    • Our lightsabers have been rendered inoperable, the E/M field inside them disturbed to the point of non-sustainability.
    • Multiple reports confirm that all systems have been compormised.
    • Reports from the Simulation area reveal it is operational in spite of the damage to the power grid, creating holograms that attack users.
  • 1600:
    • Padawan Hale reported attack by local wildlife.
    • Padawan Muunen and Lhot were attacked by shadow creatures.
    • Student dormitories under attack, Serir wounded.
    • Master Fayara is infected by the void and killed.
  • 1630:
    • Archives are assaulted with unknown results. Master Zil prioritizes students instead, leading them to safety.
    • Power comes back up, only to fail again moments later, after another thunderstorm hits the Praxeum.
    • I am wounded severely by a broken piece of glass and start bleeding.
    • Padawan Varga attempts to heal my wound with bacta, infecting it with the void.
    • I collapse in darkness, and have to fight for control of my mind and body.
    • With the help of Padawan Varga we expel the void, but I lose consciousness.


  • Awoken aboard the flotilla.
  • Master Fayara has become one with the Force.
  • Padawan Hale has become one with the Force following a desperate attempt to protect the Praxeum Nexus.
  • Master Yyn is alive but not responding, her essence left on Rannon to protect the Nexus.
  • Master Invictus and Master Salar are declared MIA due to the inability to contact them, following the events of the attack.
  • All other residents are accounted for, and in decent health.
  • Rannon Praxeum has fallen.

May the Force be with us all.

|Species: Cathar |Homeworld: Vlemoth Port | Rank: Jedi Knight |Initiated: 372.16 | Apprenticed: 373.02 |Knighted: 390.12| Mentors: Zakarie Di'Vosk, Drax | Apprentices: Xintr Wolfe, Zaesh Kyarr| Specialisations: Sage, Astronomer, Artisan|
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