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Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 10:18 pm
by Dray
Hello friends,

So all my old friends know; I am the RPer behind Padawan Ommar. My new character is now a hopeful applicant named Dray Shwado. He is a Togruta male at age 15.

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:44 pm
by Vimex Bryal
Hey all! Some of you might remember me, some might not. Arik here. I decided I'd start up a new character and see how it goes. See you all in-game!

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:50 am
by Lord Azdrin
Hello, my name is Numarik Kell Azdrin (New-Mare-Ick). I am Human, and I am looking forward into getting involved with this RP group. It looks like a lot of fun, with great structure, and guidelines. Iv had time and some one-on-one time with a padawan learner and enjoyed the things he showed and taught me.

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 4:51 pm
by Vatik
Hello everybody. My character is a ninr year old Miraluka Male, Vatik Marogon. I will be getting a custom skin soon so.

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:56 am
by Marl
Ohai 8 years old Nautolan , Zah Tsrun .

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:12 am
by Joran Fordo
Hello everyone!

My name is Attila, I live in Hungary and I'm a beginner film maker and visual artist in real life.

My character is named Jared, whose second name is a mystery at the moment, but I gonna make an RP where it will be diiscovered. He uses 'Rockeye' as a reference to his father's nickname.
He is a 9 years old human from Nar Shadda, who came to Alzoc III hiding on a cargo ship and was put down in front of the enclave.

EDIT: Sorry, JORAN is the name. ^^

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:09 pm
by Tie'l Senn
Evening folks,

Tie'l Senn here, 7 year old boy from Hapes. Looking forward to meeting the lot of you and having some cracking RP.

OOC I'm a 20 year old English lad so excuse me if I use any expressions some of you aren't used to. Music is my life and video games are my weakness, so I spend most of my time doing one or the other.

Hope to see you all soon serverside!


Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:23 pm
by Sai Akiada
Hello to all of you and welcome to the forums. Just a little note that this thread is purely for introducing your character OOC'ly (Out of character) to the community and for us to know who is active. We don't really need to know anything beyond the basics of your chosen character(s).

But once again, welcome and enjoy the role-play.

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 3:20 pm
by Gabriel
Character: Gabriel Kugun

My RP time: Random through out the wee. As I work 2 jobs(coaching gymnastics and working at the outback)

I will try to be on at least 3-4 times a week when the serve is has folk on it

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2012 4:40 pm
by Anastathia Anaada
Hello Everyone! As my usename suggests, my character is named Anastassia Anaada. I won't give too much information (I hate spoilers), but my character will be a young-adult female human (or so you presume). I'm confident there will be many oppurtunities for us to get familiar in-character.

I'm most likely to be on Monday-Friday from 11:00 AM to 3 PM Eastern Time (United States). Im also somewhat likely to be on after 7:00 PM. Saturdays are usually bad until 1:00 PM. Sundays I can only be on after 6:30 PM really.

I'd love to start role-playing with you guys as soon as possible, but it will most likely be a week or two before I get the chance. I'll admit I'm quite vain and meticulous with my skinning work, and I haven't even started yet (That's the hold-up).

Once I have it uploaded and begin to come and rp, I highly recommend that you download this. The skin will definitely have some inpact on my RP, in ways I won't yet reveal. Once It's ready I'll edit this post with the link. I will link it in my signature as well.

Everyone is also welcome to add me on wlm,

Looking forward to meeting you all,
Anastassia Anaada

PS. I am not quite expecting to recieve any, but help with my model/skin would be graciously welcomed :)

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 10:00 am
by Indeeri Pol
Hey everyone,

My character is Indeeri Pol, a six year old Qwohog from Hirsi.

I've just discovered you guys the other day, and am really impressed. I've never roleplayed in JKA before (actually haven't played the game in four years, just picked it back up after finding the discs while cleaning haha!), but do have some experience elsewhere. Everyone has been very helpful, which is something I really look for in a clan.

I'll try and work on a custom skin soon, but for right now I'll have to stick with the youngling model. Just know that my skin is blue/green and that I'm wearing a vocalizer mask!


Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2012 3:20 pm
by Kalin
Hello, Kalin Grannser here Hoping to make some new friends, and rp

I'm a Human, from Anoth.

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 9:24 pm
by cody eslaw
hi my character is

cody eslaw he is 14 years old, he was born on iridonia

his father is human and his mother is zabrak

i roleplayed on swg and really enjoyed it so i want to keep having some fun with a good group

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:36 am
by Rotan Kolar
Greeting's Everyone,

Rotan Kolar here. I'm looking forward to joining the community and RP'ing with everyone one!

See you on the flip side!

Re: Hopeful Introductions

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2012 9:46 pm
by Valerien Krassus II
Hello all.

Character is a human male, around 20 or so, and is part of the Krassus family line.

I used to rp on JK-RP and Forgotten Legends, both of which faded away. I always had grand times rping on Jedi Knight servers, and I am no stranger to RP mod. I very much look forward to rping! I am in GMT -7 for any of those curious, and will mostly be rping on weekends / select weekdays. Hope to see you soon!