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Re: What made you start roleplaying?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:14 pm
by Maia Rimora
Started out forum roleplaying and I still do that very often, original or fan-fic/alternate universe based on the shows I love and adore, started to roleplay on mmo's then found myself here at JEDI. I personally do a lot more forum roleplay than I do JKA, it's my number one thing. But yeah, it was a few years back when I was interested in a show, I thought, hey, it'd be quite awesome to play a character in this universe, canon or not and that's how it started, mainly because the shows I enjoy have no games, or games that were made in their image sucked and lacked multiplayer aspects, but the life expectancy of these sites are often short now a days, so I'm always bouncing from one place to the next.

Re: What made you start roleplaying?

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 6:17 pm
by Dev Kai
I started rp'ing in the late 90's with slight experience in paper n'pencil games like dungeons and dragons. d n'd bored me pretty quickly until slightly after a company called white wolf expanded on the idea of paper and pencil rp giving birth to my discovery of Vampire the Masquerade, and Warewolf the Apocolypse. Mage the Ascension was also one of their similar titles but I found the concepts of such extreme use of magic at the time to be too difficult. Several years later I bought my first copy (first of many) of Jedi Academy logged on and discovered a clan running the bespin map as their home base.

Walking through the door I saw some of the most profound players Jedi has ever experienced, Soh Raun, Phoe Nhix, Gabe and Corinth Alkorda, Rash Loist, Axem and several others. The way they did things was at the time daring and to me unheard of, yet refined into the way that Jedi life would largely be. I was hooked like a fish. I slowly brought up my grammer use and spelling to make me a better role player. Evolved with the way things were done until we ended up here today. I've never seen anything like this, I probably won't again. I think (sounding very jedi like) that what made me start role playing was half fluke and the other half destiny.

Re: What made you start roleplaying?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 2:55 pm
by Virtuo Alegan
Shortly after I bought KOTOR and played it, I was hooked. I later connected to this random server, my name was Darth Sion (originality ftw :mrgreen: ) Eventually I met up with some really cool people which prompted us to start out own little rp community.

I had first connected to JEDI a long time ago (back when you guys were still on Bespin), made a complete fool out of myself and got kicked over and over until I was all **** this. Anyway, our little community started falling apart, people were planning to split, and this split killed the community. Years, drama, 2 failed hopeful attempts, and even more drama passed and I eventually found my way here.

I suppose why I decided to start roleplaying was to gain the chance to really be a person in Star Wars, KOTOR had the right idea but you were stuck to a certain class and everything. Sometimes I used to talk to myself, making up voices to characters in games (I'm so weird).

::JEDI:: has definitely changed my outlook on roleplaying, I haven't wanted to join another community, ffa clan, whatever, since.

Re: What made you start roleplaying?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 3:31 pm
by Athan Marr
It started for me when JKA first came out I was new to computer gaming and I loved star wars(I was 13-14 at the time) I join a FFA clan and got banned for being a jerk.

Later on I randomly connected to a role play server and got hooked. I love the idea that you could be what you wanted in the star wars universe through this game. As time went on, I was on and off with JKA because life came in the way.

Years later I'm 21(Birthday is next Monday YAY!) And I wanted to get back into role play because I enjoyed it when I was younger. I joined a few communities, which died in a few months. I randomly goggled ''Jedi Academy Role play'' and found you guys haha. Of all the communities I been apart of I have to say this is well put together and I wish I would have found this place sooner. I hope to call this community home because I love what you guys got going on here.

Re: What made you start roleplaying?

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2015 7:11 pm
by Motoko
I initially started because I wanted to tell a good story that others would enjoy either reading or being a part of. I think it's most rewarding for me when I know I'm entertaining others with the RP. Cut my teeth on a NWN server (City Of Arabel, they're still kicking) back in 2002. Went to SWG from launch until they turned out the lights. Tried TOR, didn't like it, and finally found this place when one of the randoms from SWG told me about this place.

Been here since and loving it.

Re: What made you start roleplaying?

Posted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:54 am
by Dithaal
I was always interested in the idea of immersing yourself into a game world, but up until about 2 years ago I never thought anything like it existed.
One of my scrublord internet friends got me into HL2RP and I became admin on the server we played on. But it all went horribly wrong and the server shut down (hopefully because I wasn't admin)

In between this RP time and some other time I was actually playing in TF2 Competitive and got third place in the 4v4 season that was on. - if you want to watch me be awful, you can guess who I am there 8)

Then I got interested in Star Wars because of some Russian girl at my school, played SWKOTOR and joined an RP guild for a bit. That got pretty boring easily, bought this game and played MBII for a while, then I came here to fulfill my addiction.

But it's actually pretty fun here, I love the immersion and community, best RP server I've seen in my 3 years (about) of scouring for a really good one.