331.06 // Changes coming to JEDI

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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331.06 // Changes coming to JEDI

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings JEDI Members,

The Council would like to list a number of changes due in the coming months ahead in JEDI. A few of these were mentioned during the last clan meeting, but others are developing within the community and behind the scenes.

Please see below for our official list of changes, coming soon to JEDI...
  • Overhaul of the Rules & Tips section
    • Thanks to Amalia Feyn, the rules and tips section of the forums is due to be updated and cleared up. This is nearly finished with an updated Master Index also on the agenda once released.
  • On The Move
    • Alehk Thol has been looking into a possible change of scenery in the lead up to the release of the new map.
  • The Rannon Praxeum
    • Sai Akiada continues to work hard on the map, please note that this is always a lengthy, lengthy, process and discussions are on going regarding a time table, something Alehk has taken into consideration with the above.
  • The JEDI Arc
    • The writing team has laid a lot of ground work for the coming JEDI Arc which is slowly being rolled out in line with the other changes. Keep your eyes on the news as this will begin to pick up pace...
  • HODs
    • New positions will be available soon which will be known as Head of Department, in which a number of roles known through cannon, like Artisans, Battlemaster, Archivist, etc will become more prominent in JEDI. This will provide the Knights and Masters with a number of opportunities to be more involved in developing JEDI, but these do come with additional responsibilities that will be made clear when the application requests are released.

      This will also provide the students with opportunities also to explore different career paths and specializations to further develop their Character and add to their role play in JEDI.
  • New RPmod Class System
    • Thanks to Jerex and Silas for their contribution to developing a new RPmod class system. Currently there are two options being looked at and considered with trial periods being an option to find what best suits JEDI as it enters a new Era.
We appreciate your patience as the Council and members involved work through these changes, but we are confident that these will work well in improving the JEDI experience.

- The JEDI Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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