[Rules & Protocol] Code of Conduct

((JEDI Rules & Tips to help you get the best start within the community))
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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
Posts: 4648
Joined: Sun May 30, 2004 7:49 pm

[Rules & Protocol] Code of Conduct

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Code of Conduct ~
The following outlines the expectations of guests and members on the server, forum and other JEDI-owned assets.

I. Respect

In JEDI, respect is imperative. The JEDI community consists of varying age groups and backgrounds. Any disrespectful or hateful displays, in whatever form, designed to alienate or offend will result in severe punishment, including temporary or permanent bans. Derogatory terms and slanderous comments of a highly offensive nature that target players on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, disability and religious or political persuasion will not be tolerated on all JEDI-monitored devices. JEDI is a role-play community that accepts people from all countries, timezones and backgrounds. However, English is our primary language for communication and is to be used on both the forums and server.

We require respect for the authority of the administrators from all role-play participants. Administrators have been entrusted to enforce the rules of both the server and the forums. This also applies to those of equal rank. If a Knight is seen to be in violation of any rules, another Knight will be permitted to take disciplinary action. When a conflict of opinion occurs, in regards to a violated rule or forms of discipline used, the matter is to be taken to the Council so a ruling can be made to resolve the issue.

Please be mindful that the forums are not a place for personal disputes. The posting or distribution of private and unrelated material for malicious intent, such as chat logs, images, videos, etc, that target other guests and JEDI members of any rank will not be tolerated. If any private disagreements present an issue for the community, the matter should be taken to the council so that it can be handled privately. The same applies when arguments take place on the server.

II. Activity

It is understood that real life takes priority over role-play, so JEDI does not have any detailed requirements when it comes to player activity. However, noticeable absences with no explanation will be addressed by the Council. Informing the Council of an imminent or occurring absence from the community will require a post in the Inform the Council section. Details on lodging an official leave of absence are located here: Ranks and Responsibilities.

Absences without notification can prompt Council action. If a player has been noticeably absent on both the forum and server, they will be issued a letter of intent, or LOI, from the Council via private message over the Comport. The purpose of an LOI is to inquire whether the absent member is happy with the state of the community and whether he/she wishes to remain in JEDI. If the player promises a return to activity soon, then ideally they would explain how long their absence is expected to continue.

If an LOI is sent to a player and they do not respond in a timely fashion, the Council will proceed to remove them from the active roster and the residents page, meaning they will be relinquished of their membership and will need to lodge an appeal to regain it or reapply. The Council will distribute LOIs at their discretion and will also determine a fair time period to allow a response from the inactive player. LOIs will be managed on a case by case basis and are conducted in a way that allows as few forceful removals as possible.

III. Resignation and Reapplication

If for whatever reason a player decides to resign from the community, they can do so by similarly posting in the Inform the Council section. If a player chooses to resign from the JEDI community, there is a grace period of 6 months during which they can return as their original character, or reapply as a new character should they desire.

After 6 months of absence had elapsed, returning players will be asked to re-roll as a new character. Players will have the choice of re-rolling as a Hopeful, or as an established member of the Order transferring into the Rannon branch. The rank of your new character will be dependent on the rank your last character held at the time of your departure:
  • Students at Initiate or Padawan rank may re-roll as a new Initiate, or as a Masterless Padawan.
  • Knights will be asked to re-roll at Adept rank for a short probationary period, after which they may resume their former rank. Members that have been gone between six months to a year will have a one-month probation, whereas members gone for longer will be asked to complete the standard three-month probation.
This is designed to allow returning members to settle into being back with JEDI and adjust to the demands of RP without being further burdened by the more-demanding responsibilities of Knighthood.

After an absence of two years or more, all members are required to re-roll as an initiate or hopeful, regardless of what rank they obtained before leaving. This serves as a way for the returning members to relearn and reintroduce themselves to JEDI and Star Wars role-play.

Another exception is made for Characters that have been Mastered. It is not required to adhere to the 6 month ruling in regards to bringing back that specific character, so long as the character is realistically still alive both in terms of age and their figurative 'exit' from the RP scene (i.e. death or any RPed event that resulted to their loss of life or further unavailability). That 'gap of time' is extended to 2 years instead.

That being said, the rank of Jedi Master cannot be transfered, to one's new character. The title and journey should be validated anew. In addition, should a Jedi Master be removed as a result of misconduct, their character will automatically be demoted and recognized as a Jedi Knight (or a Jedi Adept, depending on the offense) in JEDI's archives.

Upon an approved application to re-roll, each rank will have a base XP reset of the following regardless of what they have obtained on previous characters:

Knight - 65% of your last listed residents total XP.
Padawan - 50% of your last listed residents total XP (with a maximum of 150XP)
Initiate - 5 XP as standard.

III. b Rejoining Anonymously

A former member may wish to return to JEDI but for their 'past characters' not to be known by the wider community and by extension their OOC persona.

Returning anonymously is designed primarily for the enhancement of IC RP of a player. When utilised correctly it is a useful tool for allowing a 'clean slate' for those looking to simply focus on RP and can shake off any stereotypes that may be associated due to past characters.

Usually, for the sake of administrative purposes, the council is approached and informed by the player before going through the hopeful process or being re-rolled as per the standard guidelines.

That being said, this opportunity that the Council provides, is not to be used to deceive members of the community.

If in need of some examples of what potential deceptive acts include but are not limited to; there is a list available below.
Examples of Deceptive Acts
  • Creating entirely new and fictitious OOC personas.
  • Clearly targetting specific members in an attempt to befriend them where there have been disagreements in the past.
  • Pretending to be inexperienced with setting up RPMod or JEDI's functions e.g different uses of colour codes.
  • ICly or OOCly trying to get residents to offer opinions on your past characters or OOC persona.
  • Informing multiple members of your real identity, whilst actively withholding it from others. If you wish to be anonymous, you are expected to be anonymous to all.
  • Engaging in 'game' like behaviour where-by enjoyment is being derived from tricking residents with your new character rather than through RP.
Similarly, members should also respect the right for someone to be anonymous, and should not look to force any member to reveal their identity. If an anonymous member feels they are being pressured, please reach out to the council.

IV. Content Ownership

Content created for JEDI is protected under copyright and is for exclusive use on the JEDI forums and server only. If you wish to use this content elsewhere, please contact the creator of that content for permission. Theft of content such as skins, prose, artwork, maps, etc. will have legal consequences. For more legal information on the copyright we hold, please click here.

V. Multi-Clanning

Historically, JEDI has had in place limitations on levels of multi-clanning. JEDI understands it is only one of many diverse groups available across a variety of games, so membership in other communities is not outright forbidden. However, there are still conditions. Below is a clarified list of stipulations regarding membership of other clans or communities:
  • Membership of other clans that, like JEDI, portray the everyday life of a Jedi, is forbidden.
  • All other cases are tolerated as long as they have no influence over JEDI in terms of player activity, dedication, behavior and relationships with other current members.
  • Any cases which do affect character and player interaction IC and/or OOC within the JEDI community will be treated very seriously.

~ Server Protocol ~

I. General Server Conduct

JEDI offers a strict role-playing environment which requires all participants to remain in character at all times with as little disruption to the immersion as possible. Below is a list of general expectations regarding conduct on the community's servers:
  • Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation and capitalization. Exceptions in grammar and spelling are made if it's done to role-play an accent or a sentient that does not speak Galactic Basic fluently.
  • The in-game clan chat feature is strictly an organization tool and is not to be abused, especially at the expense of immersion.
  • Kill tracking programs are not allowed due to the spam they produce.
  • Below is the format used in JEDI to convey different forms of character interaction. Colour is often used to distinguish between different formats. For help with in-game colour codes, type /rphelp into the console.
    • Actions: Expressed in present-tense with white text and bracketed with double colons (::). Actions can be most easily achieved by using the /me command in the console as well as the manual option of typing the colour and colons.
    • Dialogue: Always use default green for spoken dialogue. Non-Lexical conversation sounds, such as Oh, Um, Eh, Ooo, Hm, etc, are to be marked with an asterisk (*) at the beginning and end.
    • Out of Character: Out of Character chat, or OOC, is expressed with ((double parentheses)). OOC chat is to be used sparingly and only when absolutely necessary. Private messages are a preferable alternative to public OOC.
    • Other Dialects: Yellow text in conjunction with double greater-than/lesser-than symbols on either end is used to signify text spoken in a language other than Galactic Basic. Players should not acknowledge dialects that their characters have not yet learned. It is also a requirement that players at some stage reference the language they are speaking.
    • Telepathy: Cyan text is used to indicate telepathic dialogue or abilities through the Force. Telepathy should only be expressed with a private message, using the /tell command, as only the receiver would hear/feel it.

II. Realism

As a role-playing clan, JEDI asks that players maintain a character that is realistic and acceptable in the Star Wars universe. All in-character, or IC, interaction should be appropriate for the setting, including names, background, origins, species, actions, personality and appearances.

It is also not appropriate to allow the mechanics of the game to unduly influence the quality of your role-play. Below is a set of rules and guidelines on how best to ensure consistent realism, in-game:
  • Do not disconnect in front of other role-players. Excuse yourself from the room and put yourself out of view to avoid breaking immersion. The same applies when you intend to leave your computer for an extensive period of time. Leaving your character exposed and unattended is prohibited.
  • In-game names are not to be acknowledged in-character until characters have introduced them self to one another. The names above players is an out of character feature and is not to be acknowledged through role-play.
  • Constant running and jumping would realistically tire a person out quickly and is to be avoided as a means of getting about quickly. Impatience is not justification for poor role-play. Additionally, it serves to break the immersion, particularly when done in excess much like constant punching and kicking of the air. These are to be avoided.
  • Cross-server communication that is not utilizing a comlink, with the /comm command, or telepathic medium is considered unrealistic and is not allowed. Please note that members are given comlinks when initiated.
  • Meta-gaming and god-modding are not tolerated as they negatively impact the role-play experience for others. No exceptions.

~ Forum Protocol ~

The forums are an invaluable asset for JEDI and is used for administration, organizing events, writing new content, notifying members of important developments and allows for in-character interaction over the Enclave's communication port, or Comport. When posting in-character or out of character, please ensure it is in accordance with the correct section of the forum.

Below is a list of general expectations regarding conduct on the community's forums:
  • JEDI runs under a PG-13 rating. Sexually explicit, vulgar and/or disturbing content (such as gore, animal abuse or torture) will be dealt with by administrators and/or forum moderators. The posting of such material will result in a temporary or permanent ban.
  • The JEDI forum is optimized for 1024 x 768 pixel screen resolution. Image size restrictions are in place in order to maintain the layout of the forum, as follows:
    • Avatars should not exceed 150 x 150 pixels.
    • Signatures should not exceed 530 x 200 pixels.
    • Posted images should not exceed 530 pixels in width.
    • When posting large images it is encouraged that the poster use a thumbnail image or text linking to the full scale image. Administrators and moderators reserve the right to edit posts and accounts that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Double-posting and 'bumping' is discouraged. The forum boards allow editing of previous posts, for original posters, so mistakes can be corrected.
  • Before making a post, make sure it is being created in the correct board. Any incorrectly placed threads will be moved to the correct location.
Below is a list of what subjects are not appropriate to be discussed on the community's forums:
  • Discussion of people’s political views is not appropriate for the forums. JEDI is comprised of people from various countries and thus there is a diversity of cultures, beliefs and education. JEDI is not a place for political advocacy and nor is it a place for people to feel alienated based on their background and/or political leanings.
  • For similar reasons as the previous point, discussion of religion is not allowed. What God(s) people believe in, if any, should be of no concern to any member and people’s beliefs, or lack of, should not be discussed on the forums.
  • Any attempt at flaming will be treated very seriously. Flaming is any attempt to elicit an argument through aggressive language and/or personal attacks. Discussion should always be civil and on topic.
  • Any spam or advertising of products, services and/or websites which are unrelated to JEDI or of no concern to our members is unacceptable and will be deleted.
  • Publicly posting questions or comments that are directed specifically, or are only relevant to, a small number of people should be addressed privately. For example, asking a Councilor to update your account does not require a public post and would ideally be done privately.
Administrators and moderators reserve the right to edit posts without notifying or seeking consent of the author, if an infringement of the rules is evident.

As the ((OOC Discussion)) is the most commonly used section of the forum for out of character subjects, there is a list below which contains encouraged topics for discussion:
  • The sharing of custom mods that are applicable to the JEDI community.
  • Issues relating to JEDI that warrant public OOC discussion. This can be issues or feedback relating to the culture of the community or the way JEDI is organized or administrated. Such discussions should aim to be constructive and civil. In circumstances where it is acceptable to do so, such topics should ideally be left to JEDI-only sections of the comport such as the JEDI Discussion or Mentor Discussion.
  • Games and activities that are relevant to JEDI or role-play and can’t be done ICly.
  • Discussion of significant developments in the Star Wars community that would be of likely interest to a community of role-players.
  • Discussion of significant developments in the Jedi Knight Academy (JKA) community that would be of likely interest to JEDI’s members.
If you have any further questions concerning how JEDI is administrated, more information can be found here: The Council & Administration.
Last edited by Kiara O'ren on Thu Jun 02, 2022 12:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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