Life Day ((2014))

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Amalia Feyn
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Life Day ((2014))

Post by Amalia Feyn »

~ Life Day ~

Amoné Fayden wrote:What is Life Day?

For the younger people reading this that might not have heard about it before or have never celebrated it on their homeworld, Life Day is a Wookiee Festival and Celebration that happens on the home planet of Kashyyyk every three years.

It's a celebration of "Life" in all aspects, from those than have passed on to new lives brought into the Galaxy...

Although a Wookiee festival, over time the concept has been embraced and accepted by many cultures througout the world. As Jedi, the concept of Life Day walks side-by-side with some of our own beliefs and as such the High Council grant permission for the branches of the Order to actively participate in their own Life Day celebration.
Greetings JEDI members and guests,

Once again, our branch will be celebrating Life Day together, organized by Padawan Zander-Bo Umra.

We will be traveling to Rhen Var to stay at a remote resort for the celebrations. Our departure is scheduled for 333.22 ABY at exactly 1700 GST, so those wishing to attend should be packed and waiting outside the hangar doors at that time, no later.

A lot of preparation has gone into this year's Life day preparations so the more who can attend, the better. With what has been planned I can confidently say it will be a memorable event.

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Zander-Bo Umra
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Re: Life Day ((2014))

Post by Zander-Bo Umra »

Hello everyone,

Last hour notes before we go. Be sure you've packed necessary belongings only. I remind you all the pack warm, as Rhen Var is not exactly tropical like Yavin IV. During the trip we recommend all passengers keep their limbs inside the shuttle.

I would like to thank master Feyn and master Zemnos for their unending effort they have put into helping me make this trip a possibility. We have got some things lined up for you which we hope will be a source of delight and relaxation. When we arrive on Rhen Var we will have a small moment before everyone can settle in and free for the evening. Updates on further events will follow when they are prepared, but remember there is a lot of enjoyment to be had by, for example, sitting around the fire and drinking a hot cuppa'.

See you all soon,


Zander-Bo Umra
| Species: Human | Homeworld: Coruscant | Born: 318.16 | Initiated: 324.27 | Apprenticed: 326.13, 329.08 | Knighted: 338.17 | Mentors: K. Orion, A. Silaan

"The Code is not a script, it's a guide." - Zander-Bo Umra, 329.30 ABY

"May my body guide my blade, my mind harness its core, the Force guide my feet." - Zander-Bo Umra, 331.29

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Zander-Bo Umra
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Post by Zander-Bo Umra »

~ The Hunt Is On ~

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is still finding the accommodations to their liking, even if it is a bit cold outside. That is what we have got hot cocoa for though, right?

I am happy to announce an activity of my own making which will take place on 333.30 at 1630 GST and onwards. We will gather at the campfire near the frozen stream. I hope you will all attend and have a good time. Bring your sharpest wit and your cleverest thinking hat. The goal and rules will be announced when everyone has assembled. See you then!


~Zander-Bo Umra
| Species: Human | Homeworld: Coruscant | Born: 318.16 | Initiated: 324.27 | Apprenticed: 326.13, 329.08 | Knighted: 338.17 | Mentors: K. Orion, A. Silaan

"The Code is not a script, it's a guide." - Zander-Bo Umra, 329.30 ABY

"May my body guide my blade, my mind harness its core, the Force guide my feet." - Zander-Bo Umra, 331.29

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Zander-Bo Umra
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Post by Zander-Bo Umra »

Zander-Bo Umra wrote:

~ The Hunt Is On ~

Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is still finding the accommodations to their liking, even if it is a bit cold outside. That is what we have got hot cocoa for though, right?

I am happy to announce an activity of my own making which will take place on 333.30 at 1630 GST and onwards. We will gather at the campfire near the frozen stream. I hope you will all attend and have a good time. Bring your sharpest wit and your cleverest thinking hat. The goal and rules will be announced when everyone has assembled. See you then!


~Zander-Bo Umra

This activity has since concluded. Thanks to those who attended.


~Zander-Bo Umra
| Species: Human | Homeworld: Coruscant | Born: 318.16 | Initiated: 324.27 | Apprenticed: 326.13, 329.08 | Knighted: 338.17 | Mentors: K. Orion, A. Silaan

"The Code is not a script, it's a guide." - Zander-Bo Umra, 329.30 ABY

"May my body guide my blade, my mind harness its core, the Force guide my feet." - Zander-Bo Umra, 331.29

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Amalia Feyn
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Re: Life Day ((2014))

Post by Amalia Feyn »

Greetings JEDI members and guests,

Our time at the resort on Rhen Varr has come to an end. Regular shuttle trips will continue back and forth from the planet to Yavin IV, so you can all return to the temple in your own time.

I thank everyone who attended the celebrations and hope you all had an enjoyable Life Day. However, it's back to business as usual so please make your way back home as quickly as possible.

Jedi Knight Feyn
Councillor to Yavin IV
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