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Character Inspirations

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:31 pm
by Galen Sol
This isn't a thread about who is better than who, or to put anyone else down, but I think that there are some characters my character relates more to and has a stronger connection to than others, and that's what this is all about. If you don't mind sharing that little bit of information, feel free. I'll leave my picks as an example.

EDIT: I've decided to remove my character inspirations because it might be seen as a little offensive or exclusive, and that's not what this is all about. You're all great, love ya.

EDIT2: If any of the responses below confuse you on reading this, the topic was originally titled "Favorite Characters".
As in, I posted which characters my character related to most on the JEDI servers.
It was pretty racist, I'll tell you what. (Just kidding.)

Re: Character Inspirations

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:49 am
by Arven Silaan


Everyone is a unique butterfly that brings something different to JEDI.

Re: Character Inspirations

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:16 am
by Dithaal
Arven Silaan wrote: Everyone is a unique butterfly that brings something different to JEDI.
Definitely, everyone at JEDI brings something new and exciting to RP. I also love these arena nicknames I have to admit.

Doesn't Dithaal get a +1 for being the only Ithorian in the temple?!?!?! :P

Re: Character Inspirations

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:44 am
by Galen Sol
I think that could constitute a +1, nobody has had the bravery so far to play an Ithorian lately.

Re: Character Inspirations

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:11 pm
by Dithaal
Galen Sol wrote:I think that could constitute a +1, nobody has had the bravery so far to play an Ithorian lately.
I think it's because of the lack of facial expressions Ithorians can make ;-;

Re: Character Inspirations

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:12 pm
by Bo Iiln
Back in my day...

Re: Character Inspirations

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:18 pm
by Evanin Dawnstar
Bo Iiln wrote:Back in my day...
Bo no!

Joking, continue..

Re: Character Inspirations

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:54 pm
by Kieran Orion
I am going to follow through with this thread and add my thoughts because I was genuinely curious to see which of our members had the largest impact on the students (past or present).

I also wanted to shed some light on Kieran himself and how or who he was influenced by, though the greatest influence has been my former Mentor, there are others before her.

Kantha Maitri:
Every student that was around back in the day when I was still wearing a helmet, got along with Kantha Maitri, he was quiet and gentle yet much more intelligent than Kieran and far more gifted in the Force.

As a hopeful, the days were indifferent to us as we never quite understood what was required to be inducted into the member base of ::JEDI:: so we often spent our time wandering about trying to get to know as many of the others as we possibly could and share in the wonderful Rp setting that Alzoc Three gave us all. Kantha and Kieran were drawn together in their friendship and yet their strengths countered one another. Kantha was a gifted force user yet not so confident with a lightsaber where as Kieran was otherwise and not so gifted in the Force, it didn't come as easily for him and wasn't until it'd taken years of practice and the aid of their bond in the force that Kieran managed to overcome his difficulties in force use.

The two were Initiated one day after the other, Kantha first and then Kieran. To both our astonishment and added enthusiasm, we continued to roleplay together and cement their friendship that would form "team double K". It's a horrible name, I know but justifiable as the team wasn't yet complete without its third member. Regardless the two moved forward to become best friends and several years later it was discovered that their ties weren't completely founded on friendship alone but rather they had formed a force bond together through their training and various excursions together. Kieran was first introduced to Telepathy due to this bond and their interests in strengthening it.

Kantha's suicide was a defining moment in Kieran's life. With their bond so strong, it left a void in his life that he felt couldn't be mended and while Kieran was still struggling with his own insecurities, he now had the added trauma of losing his brother. It was here that Kieran's recklessness and his sarcastic and often times insensitive sense of humor began to wane and he take a more serious interest in his place as a Jedi.

Des Anaro:
Des, for Kieran, has always been the authority figure in his life. Not specifically one who follows or enforces the law but so too was he the Jedi that represented strength and justice in Kieran's younger days. Though it wasn't by Des' intention at all, Kieran was however inspired by Des Anaro for all their talks and often arguments over diplomatic or otherwise political and very controversial subjects that they found themselves disagreeing on. Kieran has fought with Des more so than any other Jedi within the Order and in every argument, the two have walked away no less than their friendship was to begin with. Des Anaro is Kieran's older brother in the Zabrak's mind, one who has pushed Kieran beyond his doubts and harder times. The two shared a pinnacle role in the Civil War that raged on Iridonia some time ago, Des Anaro used Telepathy to connect with Kieran during an involuntary interrogation where the Zabrak came close to crossing a line he could not come back from.

Rui Vuusen:
One of Kieran's closest friends yet more importantly a respected rival in the sword arts, if it wasn't for Rui then Kieran would not have pushed himself nearly so hard to dedicate himself to Soresu or any of the other forms of lightsaber combat. Trained initially by Illrian, Rui Vuusen had the fortunate experience of understanding a little more about the Zabrak than Kieran led on and there were few ever times the two found themselves disagreeing at all. Over the years they trained closely together and were paired together for the assignment stationed in the capital of Alzoc three in which a major incident occurred involving a tram rigged with explosives to cave through the market district. While there had been hostages aboard, it was Rui's fine sword play and Kieran's quick thinking and experience with engineering that gave the boys time to save the few before evading the explosion with the assistance of Alehk Thol. Furthermore, Rui Vuusen also had a hand to play in the late encounter with Rita Sandria, his former Mentor and soon after Senator of Corellia. Rui Vuusen taking the Senators side and acting as her personal guard in attempt to steer her focus away from Kieran and the Order as best as possible.

Motoko Isawa:
Team double K became Team Rancor the day Motoko Isawa jumped onboard, Kantha and Kieran more than happy to have her with them as they'd spent years together all three of them as close friends. Between the three of them, they were a team to be reckoned with and over time Kieran found himself quite taken by her. They were involved in all sorts of mischief, incidents like their infiltration of the Knights dorms to their arguing with Illrian Damaris over who's point was better proven and childish like drama's that only gave the Knighting body a headache at best. While Kantha Maitri is no longer around, Motoko remains the closest person Kieran has within the Yavin IV branch, few know him better than her and only a select few know the relationship between the two.

Amone Fayden:
Mentor, mother-figure, Zabrak. Amone guided Kieran Orion through the bulk of his Jedi life leading right up till Knighthood, she was there for him in the absence of any known family nor relation to his cultural background, of which Amone introduced Kieran too and taught him how to speak Ul'Zabrak, their peoples language. By their customs, as Tlestri Amone Fayden was an outcast to Zabrak society though by Kieran's hearts, there was no one more Zabrak than she and no one he'd put so much faith in nor held so high as a role model.

Steering away from the traditional Jedi outset, Amone was street smart and at the time, the only blaster weilding Jedi Kieran had ever laid eyes on. She taught and honed his dead-shot aim with a DL-44, led him through his flight classes and encouraged his interests in all things flying, going the distance to align him up with the Coruscant branch for an apprenticeship under the Artisan program.

Together the two set out to take down a criminal syndicate known as the Neo Cobrals. Though the motivation was very personal to Amone, the several year long and arduous investigation saw to the recognition of Kierans knighthood, cost the life of Amone's father, Vantus Fayden and ultimately severed Amone's desire to continue living under the Order, choosing instead to look after her family on Entralla. Contact remains between Amone and Kieran still and though they are not as close as they once were, Kieran credits all of his progress to her training and guidence.