Realistic grants of XP based on RP

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Silas Vir'n
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Silas Vir'n »

The amount or the progression of your XP does not directly reflect the progression of your character or role in the community; it is merely a tool to assist in mechanical components to RPMod.


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Karmarie Zar
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Karmarie Zar »

Silas Vir'n wrote:The amount or the progression of your XP does not directly reflect the progression of your character or role in the community; it is merely a tool to assist in mechanical components to RPMod.
EDIT:You say because you don't have a master to control the amount of XP you get, however I'm pretty sure you can deny XP, so take it into your own account.
Last edited by Karmarie Zar on Thu Jun 18, 2015 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Niko Inaru
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Niko Inaru »

Let me just say I understand you all must think I'm probably crazed and only wanting Xp, I'm not. I just come from different times where things had a different flow, and I'm used to that. Now if I have to conform to waiting, It's not hard for me. I realize it's my fault for fleshing out my character as someone who does certain things while expecting certain results, but I can say this. Niko is not going to change, because that is his character and his mindset based on who he is, his mindset, and background. Training and helping his friends have always been his top priority, although some of you still view him as a constant brooding figure...I have no idea why, I don't know if it's because he's not all up in a Masters business, but I can tell you for those that don't understand and can't read Niko, Vir'n sort of drilled into his head for the longest time what's right and wrong and gave Niko a fear to actually approach Masters because he viewed them as probably being the same way. I KNOW you guys aren't all the same, but Niko doesn't... that's cause I rp it realistically how he would act, He's not fearless and he does have problems. He's had social anxiety do to being punished and linking them to things like games. There is a reason he doesn't even like games as much, it's not cause he's brooding, he has a fear of making a mistake and getting punished. He's been told not to miss use the force when playing a game where it was pretty much allowed and no one argued against it. He's also had a culture shock from being away from home, and being as old as he is. He didn't come to the order at super young age, He was raised on his homeland and taught a lot though his homelands culture. I only tell you guys this cause I feel like most of you do view me in a bad light and I don't make it apparent enough that he's just a guy with a fear of being punished for something "wrong".

Name: Niko Inaru | Birthdate: 323.3 ABY | Age: 35 | Homeworld: Eshan | Initiated: 333.28 ABY | Noviced: 338.14 ABY

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Zander-Bo Umra
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Zander-Bo Umra »

Karmarie Zar wrote:
Silas Vir'n wrote:The amount or the progression of your XP does not directly reflect the progression of your character or role in the community; it is merely a tool to assist in mechanical components to RPMod.
In our off-topic headlines today: Quoting without addition, necessary or just as doubtful as a double-post?

(What I'm trying to say: Try to avoid things like that, Karm)

Zander-Bo Umra wrote:Growth will come. If you have any issues, approach a Councillor instead of throwing something like this into the community and getting defensive when called out.
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"The Code is not a script, it's a guide." - Zander-Bo Umra, 329.30 ABY

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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Cael Dan’kor »

As it has been said numerous times, XP does not dictate progression or promotion. I have seen a person Knighted at lvl 12 to lvl 16. I have role played with alternate characters who are able to develop, as people, without much of a template and blaster at the hip.

I think, Niko, a lot of this is coming from a lack of knowing how to develop your character.
Niko Inaru wrote:Niko is not going to change, because that is his character and his mindset based on who he is, his mindset, and background. Training and helping his friends have always been his top priority, although some of you still view him as a constant brooding figure...I have no idea why
He isn't going to change, then how do you hope for your character to progress? You think Niko's mindset is fit to be a Jedi as is? Training? You could have every ability on the template maxed at level five, if you do not have the presence, experience, and depth of a Jedi Knight, sorry, you will not be promoted or progress.

Maybe not constant. That may have been over exaggerated. But I do see where my fellow instructors are coming from. From time to time, you do brood about not having a mentor and your lessons aren't being fulfilled. You do this especially when Knights or Masters are present, to stick it to em'. This has the exact opposite effect on Jedi Knights and Masters. It makes them want to accept lessons even less, particularly your's, speaking bluntly.

I get it. As Tergos, I didn't have a mentor for a while, too. I would get XP, but ultimately without a mentor, I didn't feel like I was going anywhere. The best answer is to immerse yourself in exceptional role play with a group of people (Knights and students), from there, the options of your future are endless.

Best of luck.

I agree this is not where you should have post this.
Last edited by Cael Dan’kor on Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Arven Silaan
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Arven Silaan »


I see your issue and I've been there before myself. As have many other knights. Every class was held (and still is) between 3am for me and 5am for me. I worked night shift or I was studying so rarely had time to jump on for classes. This, caused my character to be left behind for a while. However, my character (Rui) was still able to progress with very, very little XP and mostly through journal writings and interactions with students.

I want to touch on these two points because they've greatly changed from my day as an initiate/padawan to now. Interaction with students, back then this was a day in which JEDI activity was dropping severely, I mean we had maybe 1-5 getting on during the week at peak times and maybe 10 getting on at the weekends. Students were lucky if they were given a single xp over a fortnight. Yet we were still able to grow our characters to where we wanted them to be. How? I hear you asking. Conversation, we didn't just spar endlessly, we didn't turn the server into an FFA, talk mid spar, pause, talk afterwards for half an hour, go onto the second spar, pause, talk, rinse repeat.

A common problem I see today is that students are too afraid to mess up IRP. I'll tell you now that I will -never- have a problem with a student RPing failure or mischief. To me, this is a key in progressing your character. This is where your character matures. I don't find it believable when a novice gets padawaned and suddenly becomes a perfect Jedi, and I know a lot of the other mentors will be with me on that. While you may be reprimanded IC for breaking the rules, you will never see yourself kicked out for IC mischief.

Now, journal entries are the other big point. Journal entries aren't just for recording what you did in class on so and so day. But are useful for knights to see how your character feels, what did your meditations bring to light? How does the political landscape make you feel? Anything and everything relating to your character. Again, this will progress your character, not monthly hand outs.

I've been there mate, I've seen others get 90xp while I was still sitting on 20-30 even though they were initiated after me. All I can say is don't let it dishearten you. If you truly want to be here for the RP, XP will fade into the background. Focus on your RP, focus on bringing your character into the fold with other students, forming friendships. And simply, try not to worry about XP we've all been there before.


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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Niko Inaru »

He isn't going to change, then how do you hope for your character to progress? You think Niko's mindset is fit to be a Jedi as is? Training? You could have every ability on the template maxed at level five, if you do not have the presence, experience, and depth of a Jedi Knight, sorry, you will not be promoted or progress.

Cael I mean change in the sense of like, his attitude and demeanor. Not growth... It's hard to explain, but the way he talks(Like he's always gonna talk in that certain way) and responds to things(His mindset will always be to help his friends and or others while also train) without me forcing my hand to make him a completely different character and rather the interactions with other characters building him is what I mean. I didn't literally mean he's a static character, sorry for not making that so clear to you.

Name: Niko Inaru | Birthdate: 323.3 ABY | Age: 35 | Homeworld: Eshan | Initiated: 333.28 ABY | Noviced: 338.14 ABY

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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Attitude and demeanor change with growth.
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Niko Inaru »

I mean yeah, but it feels more like people take things on, while I made Niko have this inner part of himse- maybe I'm just misinterpreting what I tried to say... Okay nevermind. Yeah Niko will change but Not into a completely different character is what I mean, cause he's still gotta be Niko.

Name: Niko Inaru | Birthdate: 323.3 ABY | Age: 35 | Homeworld: Eshan | Initiated: 333.28 ABY | Noviced: 338.14 ABY

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Silas Vir'n
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Silas Vir'n »

I feel like this is a discussion you need to take up with the Council, so they can offer you some guidance and evaluate your points. It isn't a relevant 'suggestion' to RPMod so this thread serves no further purpose, if any.

I recommend you get in contact with the Council and talk through it, Niko.


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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Niko Inaru »

Just delete it if you need to by the way, this thread doesn't really serve an purpose anyways.

Name: Niko Inaru | Birthdate: 323.3 ABY | Age: 35 | Homeworld: Eshan | Initiated: 333.28 ABY | Noviced: 338.14 ABY

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Amalia Feyn
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Re: Realistic grants of XP based on RP

Post by Amalia Feyn »

Just a quick point I'll make after skimming the discussion before I lock the thread.

Speaking from my own experience, it took time for me to reframe the way I thought about the XP system when I was a new member experiencing the joys of RPmod for the first time. It can be exciting earning XP and buying powers as it's a very literal form of 'progression'. But it's not the kind of progression that actually matters in JEDI.

JEDI, above anything, is about story telling and creating in-character experiences, memories and relationships that shape and change your character. The quality of the story you tell as Niko will be a complete separate matter to how much XP you have. The XP system compliments the in-game experience but role-play is really all about the words you use to tell your story.

The real progression comes from the meaningful bonds and hardships your character experiences. Even Jedi training at the temple is just one way to progress the story of Niko. It's early days for you still, a mentor will help in meaningful progression for sure but so will the right mindset and approach to role-play.

So in short, don't worry about the XP because XP doesn't tell a story, Niko does!