340.21 // New Councilors

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The Jedi Council
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340.21 // New Councilors

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings JEDI Members,

The Jedi Council is pleased to grant seats to two new members, Arven Silaan and Cael Dan'kor.

In addition to this, as it is our wish to grant leadership opportunities to first time Councilors, defying the long standing idea of promoting former members of the Council, terms of 6-12 months will be established as a trial period.

Depending on performance, Councilors may be promoted to the High Council on a permanent basis. However, If a Councilors term is not renewed it does not discount them from potentially being offered to join the High Council at a later date. Instead, with the introduction of terms, we can assess the performance of various members and allow them to gain experience on the Council.

We hope that you will welcome and wish them the very best in this opportunity.

The JEDI Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Arven Silaan
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Re: 340.21 // New Councilors

Post by Arven Silaan »

Greetings All,

I am deeply honored to accept this position on the council. I look forward to the opportunity of being able to work with each and everyone of you. We are entering into a period where we must grow from the ashes of recent events, from the devastation we have recently suffered. I believe that if we are to rebuild and flourish, that it will take all of us working together as one. It is why I will make it my aim to listen and act on the concerns that anyone may have, and to always have an open door.

I would like to thank the councilors already seated on the council for placing their trust in my ability to help them lead us into a brighter future as we make our new home on Rannon. With taking a seat on the council, I am relinquishing my position as Gate Master so that I may more effectively take on the roles and responsibilities that I will now be expected to carry out. I look forward to seeing my replacement step forward to build upon the stable foundation I have helped to create, to ensure that the safety of the Order remains paramount in our new home. The importance of this cannot be understated, even as I take up a greater burden in restoring security, not just to the Order, but to the galaxy as a whole, through my role as a servant of the Jedi Council."



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Cael Dan’kor
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Re: 340.21 // New Councilors

Post by Cael Dan’kor »


I humbly accepted the chance to serve you all, and the ‘Will of the Force’ at a greater degree, as a Councilor. The Force is my ally, my guide. It has led me to this point, and I will not take this opportunity lightly.

The Order is in bad shape. The Sith crippled the Jedi, but they did not destroy us. It isn’t too late. There is time grow, reconstruct. The destiny of our Order rests with us. There is little room for mistakes. Nonetheless, I have every faith we shall step up to the challenge.

In addition, in order to fully dedicate myself to this honor, I am resigning my position as Sage Master.

I am very grateful to the people in my life that helped me get to this point, and to the Council. There guidance will be greatly appreciated as I adjust to my new position. With Ashla’s blessing, I pray the Rannon Praxeum be a beacon for good in this time of darkness, and let us regrow our strength as an Order, as Jedi, and as people.


Cael Dan’kor
Jedi Knight
Councilor to the Rannon Praxeum
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