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Scale Calculator

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 4:40 am
by Iffo Rav'i
On a recent train journey, I decided to plan out my characters growth pattern as he ages, so that it's realistic.

I collated the data, and realised that for my characters planned finishing height, he is way behind where he should be for his age.

I decided to make a quick tool to help give future members or even current members a rough indicator of where there character should be on the RPMOD Scale relevant to their age.

It's in excel, so that may limit who can use it, I'm no web coder so can't really make anything overly user friendly.

To use, simply download, open, and type in your desired final RP Mod Scale in the yellow box for either Male or Female (depending on the gender of your character obviously).

RP Mod Scales can be found here.

The only people this won't help, will be people who play spieces that reach maturity at different ages. This calc, follows the human growth pattern (i.e Won't grow anymore after the age of 20) and uses the following data sets Male | Female.

Download Here. Download option should be in the top corner.


Re: Scale Calculator

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2015 5:16 am
by Wrennin Vae
I personally decided on a final height and divided the difference between how many years between my initiate age and when I arbitrarily decided Togruta were mature, leading to an increase of 2% per 'year'. I really like this system, Iffo; if nothing else I would like to see fewer huge 'growth spurts' and it be a bit more gradual.
Iffo Rav'i wrote:The only people this won't help, will be people who play spieces that reach maturity at different ages. This calc, follows the human growth pattern (i.e Won't grow anymore after the age of 20)
For this part in particular, I stumbled across the following site a while back. I can't comment on how much is canonically correct it is but it seemed like a decent breakdown of child/teen/adults for alien species.

I'm a lovely bunch of coconuts.