New Development: Agricultural Corps

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Amalia Feyn
Lost One
Posts: 1921
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New Development: Agricultural Corps

Post by Amalia Feyn »

Greetings members of the Order,

This broadcast to both the Ossus and Rannon branches is to announce the reconstitution of the agricultural corps on the planet Balamak. While not strictly confidential, the Order's presence on Balamak should be handled discretely (no official public announcement will be made).

The High Council deems it a priority that the self sufficiency of the Order be restored, with the agricultural corps being key in re-establishing our food supply as well as generating revenue by supplying affordable produce to the mass intergalactic markets.

After the reallocation of some of our Order's resources and another recent subsidy from the Republic senate, we have been able to allocate funding to the restoration of the agricultural corps.

This is an important step forward in our Order's recovery and only the first that the High Council intends to take over a long term plan.

Jedi Master Amalia Feyn
High Councillor to the Jedi Order
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