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New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:19 pm
by Vallin

I recently found your community, and have a small question. Based on your lore and nature of the common server setting (temple grounds), is there any room for non-jedi characters? Bar staff, security, if not janitors then the mechanics that keep the janitorial bots running?

Sorry if this question seems a little silly, but I've been digging through all the new player documents and they're more or less exclusively (though quite understandably) geared towards how to make new younglings and begin the path to initiation as a jedi. While that certainly does appeal, I was interested in seeing what other roles I could try out on the server to get to know the community, while I mull out what sort of character I'd want to make my Hopeful prospect.

Lovely community by the way, I'm astounded to see so much life left in this old game.

Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:54 pm
by Aslyn Denethorn

Traditionally, we've only had Jedi characters in the community: the focus is, of course, Jedi training, so it's a little redundant for non-Jedi to join in, since there's zero room for advancement or growth outside of the personal type.

That said, nothing wrong with being a Jedi student developing themselves in a non-Jedi direction. I remember Sared used to RP as a sometimes-bartender, Duncan and Deija are our resident Chefs, Jago is a huge technogeek, and so on and so forth.

And thank you for the kind comments about our Community. Hope you stay with us, and come to enjoy it more!



Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:05 pm
by Cerez Kay
It is of course possible to play a non-Jedi character with a useful set of skills at the enclave, but you would be cutting yourself short and out of a lot of the missions and Jedi related role-plays with other members.

As Aslyn says, however, you can play a Jedi student and concentrate on extra-curricular activities, so to speak, and focus on things that your character finds more interesting than being a Jedi.

After all, it's not a requirement that your character has to want to be and make an exceptional Jedi. It helps if they are Force-sensitive, because then they can take part in a wider variety of role-plays within the enclave and not feel like a total outsider.

I like to encourage inventive new concepts in role-play, so if you feel that you can play a character with a slightly different focus and create interesting role-plays in your interaction with other characters, I say go ahead! It's a fun challenge and it will make both your character and your experience more interesting if you can make it work for you and others.

There's nothing more boring than a soulless Jedi who only lives to train and become the best Jedi warrior there is. There's got to be more to one's character than that. They're people with their own passions, and desires. Their Jedi training, however stern and disciplined it may be, does not make them inhuman. We all have certain non-Jedi interests -- some more-so than others.

Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:32 pm
by Aslyn Denethorn
Cerez Kay wrote:It is of course possible to play a non-Jedi character with a useful set of skills at the enclave, but you would be cutting yourself short and out of a lot of the missions and Jedi related role-plays with other members.
Not entirely sure that it is, Cerez: after all, our process of membership acceptance revolves around the Hopeful to Initiation system. A non-Jedi cannot be Initiated, so we don't really (at present) have a mechanism for this.

Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 9:10 pm
by Cerez Kay
Aslyn Denethorn wrote: Not entirely sure that it is, Cerez: after all, our process of membership acceptance revolves around the Hopeful to Initiation system. A non-Jedi cannot be Initiated, so we don't really (at present) have a mechanism for this.
Acceptance as a member into the Order and Jedi training revolves around this, not the ability to role-play on the server, in the enclave, so I still don't see a big problem.

The issue is more that that character would be limited to interacting only around the enclave and in certain outdoors role-plays.

But that still leaves role-playing a non-Jedi character a possibility on the server -- as long as it made sense in the enclave environment and role-play. And we do have other, accompanying RP stat systems that were proposed in the past that could address the skill progression for a non-Jedi character in RP.

So once again, this not unfeasible.

Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:02 am
by Syrena Exan
Considering that in our lore at the moment we are a hidden praxeum, it would be unrealistic for a person to walk in for any reason other than to become a Jedi. Therefore, to have someone around playing a any other role would require us to 'hire' them or give the admin to play as a droid. That means membership, which we don't do for non-Jedi.

It's far simpler to give us a chance as a Jedi and take on a side role, which I highly recommend! You may enjoy it more than you think. There's a hopeful period before initiation, so it would give you time to try us out, and the role, without commitment.

Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 7:42 am
by Aelon Besarat
Syrena Exan wrote:It's far simpler to give us a chance as a Jedi and take on a side role, which I highly recommend! You may enjoy it more than you think. There's a hopeful period before initiation, so it would give you time to try us out, and the role, without commitment.
I agree entirely with Ms. Exan.

Another option would be to RP a person with a considerably lower Midichlorian count and as such a lower connection to the Force. Multiple people have such characters and have found intuitive ways of using something that some might see as a disadvantage as an advantage. Some are capable of feats even our Force-centred members are incapable of!

If you have any questions at all, please do feel free to ask! We have a dedicated list of mentors and community of fantastic people whom wish to help you as best they can! :cool2:

Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:42 pm
by Vallin
Well, thank you all for kind and quick responses. I think I may observe a little longer before putting together a Hopeful, but you've certainly made the case for it to have the potential for as much variety. I admit, I think a good portion of the hesitation stems from having never tried a child character before, but I can hardly complain about the opportunity for new experiences.

To touch on Cerez and Syrena's point, I had some intention to make a service individual hired on, limited in what I could do to be sure, but decent enough for getting my feet wet. It's the hidden nature of the praxeum that put a hold on that plan.

Still, you'll see me about eventually I'm sure, I'll just mull the Hopeful character some more.

Re: New Guy Question: Non-Jedi Characters?

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:50 pm
by Maia Rimora
Vallin wrote:Well, thank you all for kind and quick responses. I think I may observe a little longer before putting together a Hopeful, but you've certainly made the case for it to have the potential for as much variety. I admit, I think a good portion of the hesitation stems from having never tried a child character before, but I can hardly complain about the opportunity for new experiences.

To touch on Cerez and Syrena's point, I had some intention to make a service individual hired on, limited in what I could do to be sure, but decent enough for getting my feet wet. It's the hidden nature of the praxeum that put a hold on that plan.

Still, you'll see me about eventually I'm sure, I'll just mull the Hopeful character some more.

I'm sure it's been said but however! If you do intend to stick around and if you do get initiated, remember your ideas for your non-Jedi role. After a time in JEDI you're given the opportunity to play a secondary character (I do believe this requires being a Padawan and for you to spend more time on your JEDI than your secondary.) So even if it's not possible to do what you had in mind now, it may certainly be possible down the line.

The oldest you can introduce a character is twelve, so if you want to avoid much of the child/youngling process, that's entirely possible with that.

You will find that when you spend time in JEDI and progress, you'll form bonds with-in the membership, which will no doubt make it an easier process to introduce a secondary character such as your service person.