[Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

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The Jedi Council
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[Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Server Reservations & Extras ~
The following outlines the protocol for reserving the Galaxy and Grounds servers as well as advertising for extras.

I. Reserving the Server

The servers generally run by a rule of 'first in first serve', meaning when mentors are present on Galaxy and/or Grounds and are setting up or running a role-play, they have a monopoly on the server they are using. This means no mentor has the right to come on and demand another Knight or Master to vacate a server. This still applies even if the server being used has assets deployed that are needed by the mentor - it's not a reason to try and lay claim over someone else who was using the server first.

However, if a mentor has followed the procedures laid out below and reserved the server, then they have a legitimate monopoly over it within the time they specify in their slip. The only other way to reserve a server is by submitting a mission and scheduled time to the Council Missions Office - the procedure on how to do so is available in the Ranks and Responsibilities section. If two mentors attempt to reserve the same server with any of these two methods, then the rule of 'first in first serve' will also be applied.

To simply reserve the server, mentors need only use the first template given below by copying it, pasting it as a reply to this topic and then filling it out accordingly.

II. Advertising for Extras

The second template below also gives options to advertise for extras, allowing mentors to reserve a server as well as inform the community of potential roles. This topic should be used to announce and advertise missions that do not warrant a submission to the Council Missions Office, still allowing community participation.

There will be an option on the advertising template for the poster to indicate a Comport account of an existing member of whom players interested can contact via personal message for questions or to request a role. This field in the template is known as the 'mission organizer'. Again, specific role assignment is also optional as some missions will only require players to turn up on the day and have their role explained during set up.

III. Templates

This topic will not operate as a discussion or organizing board. The advertising slips posted with the provided templates simply serve to inform the community of a planned event that isn't Council approved and any questions must be directed to the person indicated in the relevant post.

Reservation Slip:

Code: Select all


[b]Reserved Date (ABY):[/b]
[b]Reserved Time (GST):[/b]
[b]Estimated Time of Usage (hrs):[/b]
[b]Galaxy and/or Grounds:[/b]
Reservation & Advertising Slip:

Code: Select all


[b]Reserved Date (ABY):[/b]
[b]Reserved Time (GST):[/b]
[b]Estimated Time of Usage (hrs):[/b]
[b]Galaxy and/or Grounds:[/b]

[b]How Many Extras Needed:[/b]
[b]Mission Organizer (if applicable):[/b]

[b]Mission Profile:[/b]

[list][b]Essential Files:[/b]
Finally, please note missions organized with this system are considered an Extra Mission (EM), as is explained in the Mentor Guidelines.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Amalia Feyn
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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Amalia Feyn »

Writer: Amalia Feyn
Director: Amalia Feyn

Reserved Date (ABY): 437.10 ABY
Reserved Time (GST): 0700 GST
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1-2
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: 10-15
Mission Organizer (if applicable): Amalia Feyn

Mission Profile: This is an example.


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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Reserved Date (ABY): 347.13
Reserved Time (GST): 1400
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 2+
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: TBA
Mission Organizer (if applicable): Delmi

Mission Profile:
  • Essential Files:
  • Map: TBA
  • Skins: TBA
  • Patch: TBA
|Age_187|Height_7'3|Weight_427lb|Race_Nelvaan|Mentor_Maloush Paroveid|Padawans_Aurien Uriah_Amoné Fayden_Tergos Zemnos_Esth Me'sku_Virtuo Alegan_Tweek Etimau_Dithaal_Sirius Invictus_Aqua Sol_Ina'eo'nekri
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Wrennin Vae
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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Wrennin Vae »

What Lies Beneath

Writer: Wrennin Vae
Director: Wrennin Vae

Reserved Date (ABY): 347.15
Reserved Time (GST): 1500GST to 1700GST
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1-2 hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: None, but spectators are welcome as this will be a more cinematic mission.

Mission Profile:

On a return trip to Rannon, Wrennin and Jago are forced to stop for fuel (and totally not snacks, who would think that?) on the city planet of Kinzor. Before they are due to leave, a Jedi distress beacon activates in the vicinity. Only two problems stand in their way: the beacon code pre-dates the war, and the directions to it take an unusual diversion...
  • Essential Files:
  • Map: You can download the CUSTOM MADE MAP here.
  • Skins: In the event that you do not already have it, the Jedi Customization Pack


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Amalia Feyn
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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Amalia Feyn »

Writer: Amalia Feyn
Director: Amalia Feyn

Reserved Date (ABY): 347.28 ABY
Reserved Time (GST): 15300 GST
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): Maximum of 3 hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy
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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Nico Keztor »

Writer: Nico Keztor
Director: Nico Keztor

Reserved Date (ABY): 347.27 ABY
Reserved Time (GST): 1600GST
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 2+
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy


Syrena Exan
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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Syrena Exan »

Writer: Syrena Exan
Director: Syrena Exan

Reserved Date (ABY): 348.09
Reserved Time (GST): 15:00 GST
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 2+
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: Whoever's willing. Extra's would be there to play traders and city-dwellers for background ambience and social interactions. Must be willing to just have some fun background RP. If you would like to play a random, please send me a message on Skype for some details.

Mission Profile: Syrena takes Var and Claude to the trade world of Unagin at the edge of hutt space. They are there to see a different type of culture, to buy some supplies, and for Syrena to meet with someone.

Species: Falleen | Age: 116 | Mentor: Jared Quell | Padawans: Kaelen Sekura, Kantha Maitri, Salvong, Var Dalledos, Claude Varron

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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Cael Dan’kor »

Writer: Cael Dan'kor
Director: Cael Dan'kor

Reserved Date (ABY): 348.14 ABY
Reserved Time (GST): 1300 GST (Prep) | 1330 (Start)
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1 - 2 hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: 6+
Mission Organizer (if applicable): N/A

Mission Profile: On the planet of Sullust, the small Arma corporation is allegedly committing treacherous crimes. More specifically transferring munition resources to the failing Imperium. The Republic has investigated the factory on Sullust but found nothing. They believe the Arma company is concealing their operations well before arriving at the planet. Covertly G.R.I.D deploys Cael Dan'kor, Karmarie Zar, Kro'jan Touru, to the Arma factory on Sullust, to record any illegal activities without the company's knowing.
  • Essential Files:
  • Map: Base
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Where The River Flows

Post by Jago Mirax »

Writer: Jago Mirax
Director: Jago Mirax

Reserved Date (ABY): 348.18 DATE CHANGED
Reserved Time (GST): 1500 GST (Prep time) 1530 GST (Start time)
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 2+ Hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: Four (Please let me know if you are available to help)
Last edited by Jago Mirax on Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

| Birthdate: 322.21 ABY | Age: 61 |

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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Wrennin Vae »

'Reclaiming the Soil'

Writer: Wrennin Vae
Director: Wrennin Vae

Reserved Date (ABY): 348.16
Reserved Time (GST): 1615 GST (Prep time) 1630 GST (Start time)
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1-2 Hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Grounds

How Many Extras Needed: Any extras wanting to add immersion to the situation are welcome!

Mission Profile: A nearby outpost on Rannon has been receiving attention for a recent discovery of rare minerals in the area. Padawan Iffo Rav'i has been dispatched at the outpost staff's request to help them cope with this newfound attention.
  • Essential Files:
  • Map(s): Map download | Second map download to follow


    'Treading the Same Path'

    Writer: Duncan Therin/Wrennin Vae
    Director: Wrennin Vae

    Reserved Date (ABY): 348.17
    Reserved Time (GST): 1545 GST (Prep time) 1600 GST (Start time)
    Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1-2 Hours
    Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

    How Many Extras Needed: Should be fine with the extras already enlisted

    Mission Profile: Ahead of his trip to Sembla, Padawan Duncan Therin travels to the newly re-established enclave on Dantooine in search of the famed crystal caves.


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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Dithaal »

Writer(s): Dithaal / Cael
Director: Dithaal

Reserved Date (ABY): Saturday, 349.09
Reserved Time (GST): 1430 (Prep time) 1500 (Start time) GST
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1/2 Hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: 4+

Mission Profile: As the aftermath of the Imperium War begins to settle, a suddenly crashed Republic Vessel has sent out a distress signal, requiring a rescue operation to take place on the chilled planet of Maltha Obex.

The Rannon Praxeum answers the call, and sends Padawan Claude Varron, Iffo Rav'i, Vathius Krai and Athan Marr to the crash site in the hopes of rescuing the unknown crew aboard.

Required Content: Map

Name:Dithaal|Birthdate:322.31 ABY|Initiated:336.21 ABY|
Noviced: 338.18 ABY|Apprenticed:340.27 ABY|Mentor:Delmi N'jork |
Knighted:347.15 ABY | Apprentice(s): |
Position(s):Battlemaster - 348.02 -357.31 Image
Lay down your head, closing your eyes. Let the bed of grass, heal your mind. For when you open your eyes young pupa, all will be right.

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Keth Flynn
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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Keth Flynn »

Writer: Keth Flynn
Director: Keth Flynn

Reserved Date (ABY): Sunday 349.10
Reserved Time (GST): 1200
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 2
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy
Name:Keth Flynn|Birthdate:315.18 ABY|Mentor:Dev Kai|Knighted:346.29|

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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Wrennin Vae »

'A Line in the Sand'

Writer: Wrennin Vae/Iffo Rav'i
Director: Wrennin Vae

Reserved Date (ABY): 349.13
Reserved Time (GST): 1430 GST (Prep time) 1500 GST (Start time)
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1-2 Hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: Any extras wanting to add immersion to the situation are welcome!
  • Essential Files:
  • Map(s): Base map


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Conspiring on Cortella

Post by Wrennin Vae »

'Conspiring on Cortella'

Writer: Duncan Therin
Director: Duncan Therin/Wrennin Vae

Reserved Date (ABY): 350.18
Reserved Time (GST): 1530 GST (Prep time) 1600 GST (Start time)
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1-2 Hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy

How Many Extras Needed: 4-5

Mission Profile:

Padawans Krask, Iffo Rav’i, and Duncan Therin, accompanied by Jedi Knight Wrennin Vae, embark on a diplomatic mission to the planet of Cortella to speak with the senator of the planet, Kal Iotu.

Whilst Duncan reunites with family, the remaining three go to speak with the senator about a border dispute between two notable citizens, Tion Rem and Dace Eink, both of whom are new to Cortella though are obviously wealthy.

The senator believed that this would serve as a good experience for Jedi students in order to gain exposure to the world of politics and negotiating skills. Little do they know that more than just negotiations await them on Cortella.


Jerex Sol
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Re: [Rules & Protocol] Server Reservations & Extras

Post by Jerex Sol »

Writer: Jerex Sol
Director: Jerex Sol

Reserved Date (ABY): 350.30
Reserved Time (GST): 2100-2300 GST
Estimated Time of Usage (hrs): 1-2 hours
Galaxy and/or Grounds: Galaxy
Last edited by Jerex Sol on Sat May 21, 2016 6:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Species: Arkanian| Born: 302.23| Languages: Arkanian, Basic| Initiated: 316.17| Noviced: 320.25 | Knighted: 340.20 | Mastered: 372.03
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