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(( Clock Change ))

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:23 am
by Zander-Bo Umra
(( Dear everyone,

A quick notice to all that we're in a transitional period again where US (and possibly other American) clocks go forward an hour, thus also setting the GST on the site an hour forward. As I'm from Europe myself, the time difference between the site and my own clock is now 5 hours, as opposed to the standard 6. (1200-1800 is now 1300-1800.) As such I'd urge all mentors and students to check their relative times and ensure your class times are still in accordance with your planning.

Kind regards,

Someone who thinks America should line up with the rest of the world ;O ))

Re: (( Clock Change ))

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2016 4:29 pm
by Korona Rihera
You can blame the farmers for that, Arizona being the sole rebel as it doesn't observe Daylight Savings. I'm curious if anyone in the community lives in Arizona. :mrgreen: