351.18 // XP Claim Status Changes

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The Jedi Council
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351.18 // XP Claim Status Changes

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings members of JEDI,

The Council has decided to trial an amendment to the mentor XP granting system which will effectively mean caps on all claim statuses will be abolished. This will mean mentors can perform as many lessons, missions and directorial instances as they want and qualify for XP on all of them.

We recognize the concerns with XP farming that may emerge with this change and assure members that the Council will be insuring all content is of the expected level of quality in JEDI. If the Council suspects poor quality content being generated for the purposes of XP then action will be taken on a case by case basis.

The reason for this change is to remove disincentives which limit the amount of content mentors wish to produce. While XP farming is discouraged, we do encourage mentors to create quality content.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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