FYI Common Knowledge

Discussions which are Out of Character.
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Donan Healof
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Donan Healof »

At the morning of 418.19 Donan can be seen moving his stuff to dorm room F.
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Nil Zendu
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Nil Zendu »

For those who are familiar with Nicole's lightsaber hilts, it may be noticed that Nil is now carrying one of them on his belt.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Chalacta
Initiated: 407.15 ABY
Apprenticed: 419.12 ABY
Knighted: 439.01 ABY
Former Mentors: Nicole Vantane and Helayna Bralor
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Rhuacca »

Rhuacca can be seen in the medical bay, recovering from his injuries and applied surgeries in the operating room. Sometimes he can be seen in the bacta tank.

He appears to be unresponsive at the moment, however stable according to the medical reports and displays.
Name: Rhuacca
Birthday: 340.03 ABY
Initiation: 351.13 ABY
Apprenticed: 352.11 ABY, 372.17 ABY
Knighted: 381.24
Last seen 430.?? - 434.??
Gender: Male
Languages: Shyriiwook, Xaczik and Basic (Understands) Thykarann and Huttese
Former Rank: Jedi Knight
Mentor(s): Jao Ryn, Zechs Demming
Padawan(s):Aranna Vaan, Serbithar Muunen, Minoda Darkrider

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Donan Healof
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Donan Healof »

Donan can be openly seen increasing the intensity of his work outs and doing stunts that he was not seen doing before, such as 90 degree push ups, one handed push ups, climbing on the rock side that is in our Praxeum yard.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Ayyagella »

Four prisoners are being held in the Security wing. Brought in by Padawan ayyagella, and Zyli Hiden. On the left cell is a woman And man, human. On the right is A trandoshan, Blue mon Calamri. along with a new ship in the hanger, a Refurbished YT-1300S.
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Galactic HoloNews
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Galactic HoloNews »

::While you watch one of the Holoscreens in the Praxeum's cantina, the broadcast is interrupted as per usual with a string of advertisements. One of which is essentially propaganda.

The clip shows several different types of beings receiving boxes from friendly delivery-persons adorned in purple and white uniforms. Each recipient, in turn, either looks straight into the Holocam to recite the phrase "I stand with Standiartha," or moves to a window to wave 'longingly' at a four-winged shuttle as it flies off into the distance. At one point, notably, it shows an old human man who says, instead, "I'm standing because of Standiartha", and the Holocam zooms out enough to show his prosthetic legs which sport the company's logos on the side of the metallic thighs.

A shuttle rises up behind him and departs into a beautiful swirl of clouds that slowly embody the company's logo above a slogan,::

Wherever you are, we Stand with you.

::It then fades to black and your selected channel resumes it's regularly scheduled programming.::
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Grruvahk »

Grruvahk appears to have bandages underneath his clothing on his right shoulder for the next few weeks.


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Donan Healof
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Donan Healof »

Upon his return, Donan would seem to those that have seen him on the evening of 422.15 ABY have plenty of burns on his robes. Some would indicate blaster fire and other would look like lightsaber cuts. In the trash bin of the Student quarters his black robe would be thrown out.
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Yusuke Masashi
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Yusuke Masashi »

A small new mound of soil dawns the east window of the green room. Underneath, a Royal Fluzz seed. And underneath that hangs a flimsi note reading:


"Don't touch or I eat your fingers!"
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Minoda Darkrider
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

After being away from the Praxeum for a couple of weeks, Minoda returns with the Varactyl Vanguard, the ship that once belonged to Jedi Knight Serbithar Muunen, it looks to have had a slightly updated paint job.
MENTOR: Serbithar Muunen, Rhuacca
DEPARTMENT ROLES: Diplomat, General Technician, Sage
LANGUAGES: Basic, Kiffu, Huttese
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Ayyagella »

Ayya's return from Manaan & Coruscant has shown no visible chance other than her hands. What used to be pure skin now is replaced with visible cybernetic pads along her palm and fingers. Both hands carry this alteration.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Linton »

Linton can be found staring into one of the mirrors in the dormitories talking to himself frequently. It could be assumed that he's trying to better himself when speaking to others.
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Aranna Vaan
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Aranna Vaan »

An ever-growing group of "Unclean" refugees are settling in a refugee camp on Rannon, encouraged to settle here by 3 padawans of Rannon praxium.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Rozea »

Rozea could be seen (at least by those who provide similar support) going back and forth on a daily bases to the newly settled camp, providing medical and mental support to the Refugees.


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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Vis »

Vis seems more easily agitated recently as the refuge camp becomes more known.
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