FYI Common Knowledge

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by The Jedi Council »

The groundquakes have gone still and most of the passing conversation between the Knights has not steered toward "volcanic activity" as of late. Perhaps fears of a natural disaster has passed? Or is it just calm before the storm?

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Nil Zendu »

After coming back from a mission, Nil's voice sounds noticeably raspy from inhaling smoke.

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Donan Healof »

Inside the cantinas fridge, a curious student would find - space waffles and some spiced nysillim tea with a note attached to it "Too old to seek out old Healof or lucky ?".
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Nil Zendu »

Those who knew Daegon Evera would notice that Nil has begun wearing his robes.

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Virea »

Virea can be most often seen in the Archives.

For those with access to the search logs, there are numerous records of a guest account looking for different songs from different cultures, the Three Pillars and the Jedi Code.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Myrrkrhkwhrr »

There is a poacher in the Rannon forest terrorizing local animals near the Jedi Praxeum and Kenzie. When entering the forest, animals are more aggressive and easily startled.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Virea »

Virea can be seen walking around with her datapad in hand. Her route usually starts with the student dorms and ends in the archives, usually taking a detour towards the cantina.
As she is intensely reading even while walking to her destination, she can occasionally be seen bumping into objects and people.

During the daytime, residents of Room H and the surrounding rooms in the student dormitories can hear her singing, rehearsing not just folk songs, but popular music as well.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Virea »

Recently, due to a coming-of-age side-effect, some residents might feel slightly different close to Virea.

Those who are more informed and educated are able to point out the origins this phenomenon.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Virea »

Residents of Room H could see two new items on Virea's bed.

A brand new and elegant guitar with accompanying items, placed in an intricate case.

The second item is a rather thick book, titled History of the "Fel Empire - Battle of Endor to Today"

Also, residents of Room H and neighboring rooms will hear singing and very awkward and off the tone guitar play for the next couple of rotations.
Born: 425 ABY | Initiated: 435.13 ABY
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by The Jedi Council »

::A pair of Imperial Stormtroopers stand sentry outside one of the rooms in the Guest Dormitory wing. You can interact with them ((Use Key)) but I wouldn't expect them to say much.::


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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by The Jedi Council »

::The Pumpsquash Artisans who attended the carving activity have elected to leave their masterpieces on display in the Cantina. At least, until they start to rot.::


((Your character can view and give their approval to each carving by interacting with them (use key). Nothing says you can't give approval to multiple works of art, but it is requested you do not give multiple approvals to a single squash.))

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Declan Norris
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Declan Norris »

That lazy boyo Declan hasn't been shaving at all. Comment on his awful stubble if you wish.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Pent Desh »

Seek, the droid embedded in Pent Desh's frigate has appeared on multiple occasions with mis-aligned holoprojection, showing them halfway projected between a wall, a floor, or a table.

At times only a hand or foot is visible, along with muffled sounds from the projection.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Eluna »

In the cantina fridge you will find a Wasaka berry pie with the crust made with pom seed flour instead of the original Kashyyyk wheat flour. With the cake comes a flimsy piece where you can read "Please thank Rhys for his nice purchase of a Wasaka berry bush".
Wasaka_berry_pie.png (90.36 KiB) Viewed 21326 times

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Ina'eo'nekri »

Some 'artwork' can be see occupying some stones on a wall at the residents quarters. Further inspection will reveal it to be drawn with chalk that can be wiped away with a bit of cloth and water.

Image ... sp=sharing
((A crude yet fancy super star and a frustrated person being hit in the head with an object. 'OW!' written in Aurebesh))
Born: 435.13 ABY | Species: Chiss
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