FYI Common Knowledge

Discussions which are Out of Character.
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FYI Common Knowledge

Post by The Jedi Council »

This thread is to be used to inform the general membership and guests of the various IC happenings of the JEDI servers. Specifically, this thread should be used to highlight important information that should be obvious IC, but which the game mechanics do not allow for.

For example, if your character has broken a limb and it is wrapped in a cast or a sling, or you have a walking aid. Perhaps there is a lingering smell in the Enclave or a window has been damaged. Something physical that would be plain to see IC which game mechanics does not show.

But additionally, If it can be role-played in-game, always do so. This thread should ONLY be used to highlight physical things that should be obvious in-game and not a place to update on the random happenings of your character.


((Posted on 351.15 ABY))

Greetings members of JEDI,

It has become apparent that players are beginning to frequently post messages inappropriate for the FYI Common Knowledge Thread. We ask all our members to refer to the original post of this topic and be sure that all responses are in line with the guidelines already set out. To reiterate, this thread should ONLY be used to highlight physical things that should be obvious in-game and not a place to update on the random happenings of your character.

To clarify, the FYI does not in anyway exist to help the narrative of a member's character, but instead should be used to let members inform the wider community of elements from the RP that should be blatantly observable in public areas of the Praxeum. This is purely a device to ensure consistency and should be used as sparingly as possible. Everything else should be role-played in-game.

Here are some examples of what we mean:
  • A temporary injury or medical treatment, such as a limp, bruise, cast, etc;
  • A temporary change to the temple itself, such as a note, damage to property or an item being removed;
  • An OOC clarification, such as retconning something expressed IC or something generally mistaken OOC.
And here are some examples of what we don't mean:
  • Your character's puberty is not something that belongs in the FYI thread. Role-play that on the server.
  • Your character leaving the temple grounds is not cause for an FYI post, if you can't role-play this out on the server to begin with, then role-play it out when your character returns.
This topic will now be cleared and monitored heavily to ensure all FYIs are inline with the Council's expectations.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by The Jedi Council »

Duncan Therin wrote:Should Duncan be spotted, he would be seen with a very minute limp in his right leg with a knee cast on, visible bacta-pads on underneath it. Though it doesn't appear to limit his mobility significantly, it does look like it hurts - which you may hear him complaining about as he strides through the halls!
The Jedi Council wrote:Most of the Republic fleet has left Rannon for Coruscant.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Keth Flynn »

Keth's situation still isn't new as he wears fiberglass around his left forearm, his little and ring fingers.
Name:Keth Flynn|Birthdate:315.18 ABY|Mentor:Dev Kai|Knighted:346.29|

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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Iffo Rav'i »

Upon Iffo's return to the Praxeum from Belovia, he can at times be seen walking with a limp courtesy of an injury to his right leg, although there is no real visible reason as to why.
(This is will no longer be in effect from: 351.30)

He is always sweating profusely and as such large visible sweat stains can be see on his clothes/robes.
(This is will no longer be in effect from: 352.06)

Finally, for those who wander around outside the Praxeum, you could come across a strange looking creature living within a short distance of the Praxeum, it would be similar in appearance of a Tauntaun and Kybuck. If outside the Praxeum, it wouldn't be wearing a saddle. The creature is extremely passive and would not attack any who approached it.
(In effect: Indefinitely)

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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Wen-Ordo »

A note could be displayed on the doorway of Voh Phaar's dorm.
|Full name:Wen-Ordo | Age: 88 | Initiated: 327.21 ABY|Noviced: 329.03 ABY |
| Apprenticed: 329.04 ABY | Knighted: 340.20 ABY |Mentor: Amalia Feyn|
|Padawans: Voh Phaar, Krask Kabal,Dariun Antane, Aren Kelpor |
| Species: Vurk| Homeworld: Sembla/Tatooine|
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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Dariun Antane »

One of Dariun's horns has prematurely come out of his head.
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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Keth Flynn »

The fiberglass has been removed from Keth's arm.
Name:Keth Flynn|Birthdate:315.18 ABY|Mentor:Dev Kai|Knighted:346.29|

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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Dariun Antane »

Anyone that can access the medical logs would notice that Dariun has been suffering from a temperature of 41 degrees Celsius, or 106 degrees Fahrenheit, and has been diagnosed with the flu.
Name: Dariun Antane
Age: 41
Rank: Padawan
Date of Birth: 341.09 ABY
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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Kargaa Tyrus »

Throughout the next cycle from 356.14 to 356.21, Kargaa would be seen wearing a blindfold. Only taking it off during lessons and exercises.


Name| Kargaa.Tyrus Rank| Padawan Learner Species| Mirialan Homeworld| Mirial
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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Iffo Rav'i »

A small cargo ship can sometimes be seen coming and going from a nearby clearing.

If it trips any temple sensors either from the security team or hangar radars would reveal the ship is unarmed and poses no threat.

If any research was done into the owner of the vehicle, the recently registered owner would be listed as 'Gifford Rav'i'.

356.21ABY - Indefinite.

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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Zevaros Sazen »

From this day forward, 357.10 ABY, Zevaros can be seen wearing a purple Crystal around his neck with leather straps securing it like a necklace.

This is what the wrapping would look like. All the metal looking bits wouldn't be there, and it'd just be a simple looking strap.

This will be until some indefinite point in time. And those who are able to sense the Force with things, or see in the case of Miraluka's, would be able to tell that this Crystal is Force Sensitive on the level of sentient beings, and might be able to tell that it is a Shard depending on their abilities and knowledge.
Name: Zevaros Sazen // Race: Echani // Homeworld: Eshan // Born: 346.27 // Initiated: 355.06 // Padawan: 356.13 ABY // Master: Kadvarr Tirladdik
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Re: ((FYI Common Knowledge))

Post by Keth Flynn »

Keth can be seen wandering around with skin paler than usual and bags under the eyes.
Name:Keth Flynn|Birthdate:315.18 ABY|Mentor:Dev Kai|Knighted:346.29|

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Kargaa Tyrus »

If you were to enter Kargaa's dorm, you would see a rectangular object covered with a cloak. If removed, it would reveal a large vivarium with a black snake within it. The vivarium would be locked with sealed magnetic locks, completely sealed with a code, which only Kargaa knows.


Name| Kargaa.Tyrus Rank| Padawan Learner Species| Mirialan Homeworld| Mirial
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Rhuacca »

From time to time you could see Rhuacca in the archives, fallen asleep under his notes, the terminal still active and the search engine open with the topic ''communication'' and ''humanoids''.
Name: Rhuacca
Birthday: 340.03 ABY
Initiation: 351.13 ABY
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Zarah Eloerin »

With the frequent rain these last couple days, a new set of footprints have been left in muddy fashion across the Praxeum carpet leading from the Cafeteria, the Guest quarters and the outside gardens out front.

Those who might frequent the Guest Dorms will also notice a small little pot-plant wedged between the lower bunk and the right-hand side wall, the pot itself showing signs of leakage.

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