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Wilderness Survival 101// 353.08 & 1500GST

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:57 am
by Karmarie Zar
  • Subject Details: Learn the ins and outs of Wilderness Survival.
  • Time, Date & Location: We’ll be meeting at the back garden gate before we head out to one of the destination I have discovered.
  • Additional Information: Imagine you're returning from a long assignment, as you enter the atmosphere your ship is locked onto and two torpedoes launch from outta nowhere and down your ship. You're forced to crash land into one of the unknown forests on Rannon, before you crash your astromech droid sends out a distress signal before being destroyed, once you hit the ground you awake and have to survive while a rescue team comes looking for you!
Please post that you're attending underneath this thread, I'll also need a Master that is free to attend to supervise.

Re: Wilderness Survival 101// 353.08 & 1500GST

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:15 am
by Zakarie Di'Vosk
I look forward to this! Count me in!

Re: Wilderness Survival 101// 353.08 & 1500GST

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2016 4:22 pm
by Karmarie Zar

Class completed - 353.08


Master Cael Dan'kor
Jedi Knight Dithaal
Padawan Learner Duncan Therin
Padawan Learner Zakarie Di'vosk
Padawan Learner Iffo Rav'i
Padawan Learner Rhuacca

if I missed anybody out let me know please!