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HS_Anakin Jedi Robes Tabs 'Fix'

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:59 am
by Iffo Rav'i
Those who use the HS_Anakin jedi tunics will know the 'issue' with the flaps of the robe, in that they mirror. Such as below


I've 'fixed' it (see below) on a couple of skins I've made recently, and thought I'd offer to do the same for anyone else. Just PM me or catch me on skype.


I was thinking about 'fixing' the base model but in all honesty it's not really a bug, so don't feel comfortable releasing a generic version. Would rather do it on a skin by skin basis, it also doesn't help for those none human players amongst us!

Quick disclaimer: I'm just offering to remap the tabs, you'd have to any additional skinning yourself :)

Re: HS_Anakin Jedi Robes Tabs 'Fix'

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 8:14 am
by Karmarie Zar
Yes! thank you Iffo! :D

Re: HS_Anakin Jedi Robes Tabs 'Fix'

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:29 pm
by Zevaros Sazen
The biggest thing I'd like to see fixed with these types of robs is a big of a weighting issue when it comes to the animations, as seen in the following pictures

There's just a couple of points that don't move properly. I've tried to fix them myself, but I had no success in doing so.