((Your Voice?))

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Voh Phaar
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Voh Phaar »

Duncan Therin wrote: Also, Dithaal, I always thought you sounded more like this, personally.
To think someone recorded that for 36 minutes. Also, don't even think I needed to post this. Here.

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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Isane Fenris »

I've always thought Isane sounded like this. She also shares several personality traits, incidentally.


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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Motoko »

Much like the skin, I've always heard Faith Connors as voiced by Jules De Jongh.
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Jerex Sol »

Ah, another one of these threads.


I've always heard Jerex sounding like Vergil from the Devil May Cry series. Particularly Vergil as voiced by David de Lautour in the extremely poorly executed reboot of the series. His voice actor alone is about the only thing that is good about the game in my honest opinion. Except for that snazzy coat Vergil wears. <3

Anyway, here's a voice example or something.

Some kind of example.
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Mirkal »

Right now, Lizardguy's still has a bit of growing to do, so his voice is still transitioning a little bit.

Right now I imagine he sounds like most Samuel L Jackson parts except Windu (He's not wise enough for that :P), and deeper because lizardry I guess. Something more like Jules Winnfield, considering that he's intimidating yet calm unless provoked. And since he's always eating, a conversation would look/sound a little something like this (Warning: Some vulgarity).

But if he's provoked/angry it could go something like this (Warning: A lot of vulgarity)
With his love's last breath, she too exhaled a tale:
A new sun rises from the sea to flood the land in light...
Raising the mother's shining soul as blessing, these spirits light the dark to cull

Many times for eons yet to pass, the day will fade and night again will fall
But when it's darkest and again we thrash within its grip
Again the sun will rise
those spirits come to save us all
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Wen-Ordo »

When Wen was in his younger years he sounded like Samuel E. Wright in this clip.

Wen now that he is older sounds much like Kron from Dinosaur which is by the same voice actor just older. Here.
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Motoko »

Who dug up that old fossil? :)
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Ora Odai »

It's a long way off...but once Ora reaches adulthood....watch out.

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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Rothel Janoo »

Okay, so Rothel basically sounds like a mixture of Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen), and the default voice that comes with the SPANKI Jedi pack. Funnily enough, my voice sounds a lot like a mixture of the two, so I may make sounds myself for him, or maybe post a recording of my voice here later.That way you guys have reference, so it's at least easier to imagine it.

EDIT:Also, he's almost always chipper, unless emoted otherwise, so keep that in mind when you "hear" him.
Last edited by Rothel Janoo on Fri Feb 23, 2018 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Cal Enesic »

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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Qi'la Mydanil »

Willa Holland, just check out an interview or something. :p
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Vania Starr »

ORIGINALLY, she sounded like Daisy Ridley (surprise surprise) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TZpKkFFusDk

but currently, I imagine Vania sounds more like below, (Denise Goh! the voice actress for Yennefer), losing a bit of an innocent part to her voice as she's in her mid-teens now a bit of a slight accent coming through with Denise's Irishness. hhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mrr6TeCZ8no

However once she passes about twenty-two/twenty-three, she'll sound more like Yennefer, her voice a bit more pronounced again but more mature with the way she sounds,
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Currently, Sirius's voice is very similar to that of Dipper Pines, sharing more than a few character traits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znmk14-UNEE

However growing up but before adulthood his voice changes somewhat to Michael J. Fox's: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7aSTo5E7yw

Ending up in adulthood to sound like this (although there is still time till that comes ;) ): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPzMYtze_kA
|| Name: Sirius Invictus || Species: Human || Homeworld: Vlemoth Port || Birth: 360.09 ABY || Initiation: 372.10 ABY || || Apprenticed: 373.09 ABY || Knighted: 384.30 ABY || Mastered: 410.13 ABY || Mentor: Delmi N'jork || Apprentices: Kiara O'ren, Rukia, Vale Sutherblaze ||
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