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How the IC time works

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:12 am
by Rothel Janoo
(Hi! I know that we don't use the normal 12 or 24 hour time in RP, but I'm afraid I don't understand how the GST/ABY stuff works at all. Is there anyone who can explain to me and possibly other people who have the same question later on down the road?)

Re: How the IC time works

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 11:22 am
by Kira Alde
The clock on the forums is pretty much one of the American zones just under a fancy name to reflect time in RP, Galactic Standard Time.

It took me a while to get used to it against my own timezones which is 6 hours ahead.
On your phone you can set another clock up using the clock settings to track multiple timezones, if you want to track the IG time so you don't miss classes I recommend adding GMT -6 to it, in your case it depends where you live so for example if you live in GMT +4 it would be 10 hours behind you.

The ABY is the current date in RP, with each month the first part - 370 goes up 1 count to reflect a single year in character, so 12 months IRL is 12 years IC. The .09 is just the current day of the month from .01-.31 (or .28/29) if it's february.
I don't know who coded it but it's useful.

The forum clock is more a reference than anything but it's a useful took for keeping track of various things: Events, Classes, Journal Entry dates, Birthdays, etc. It also assists with keeping track of history for JEDI on the various timelines and eras.

I know it's not much but it's the best way to explain how they work, the only time the clock isn't 'precise' is when Daylight savings is in effect as it doesn't move forwards or backwards an hour like a normal clock IRL.

Re: How the IC time works

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:23 pm
by Zechs Demming
Kira hit the main points. One year = one month. One cycle = one month. ABY stands for after the battle of Yavin, the main battle in A New Hope. So we are set 370 years after that movie.

Time is set to Galactic Standard Time, which I believe is Eastern Standard Time in real life. IC this time is set based off Coruscant. The GST uses a 24 hour time, hence the 1500, 1930 and etc times for things.

The main thing to remember is to be sorta loose with time IC. Because it's not a perfect system if you literally refer to the passage of time it can get kinda wonky. Saying things like oh 4 days ago or 3 days from now can get kinda weird when you start being specific with passages of time. The best way to refer to passing of time is to be sorta vague, ie., a few hours from now, a couple days ago, things like that. Referring to specific times and dates work fine but remember that a whole year in RP is no way actually 30 days, hence why it's weird.

Time IC has always been one of those shady spots in JEDI play.

Re: How the IC time works

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 1:21 pm
by Dariun Antane
I always considered the days as "rotations" so I always say "last rotation" if I refer to yesterday or "next rotation" if I'm referring to tomorrow.

It's an unusual system, but we definitely can't have a system where 1 real life day is worth several rp days, then it'd really get confusing.