371.04 // New Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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371.04 // New Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings, JEDI and Community.

The Jedi Council is pleased to welcome a new member to its body.

Jedi Master Cael Dan'kor has been chosen to become our new Councilor, he will be introducing himself in the following message.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Cael Dan’kor
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Re: 371.04 // New Councilor

Post by Cael Dan’kor »

Members of the Rannon Praxeum,

As you have read, I have been given a seat on the Rannon Council, and I could not be more grateful. I promise to work as the bridge between the Rannon Council and the High Council. I want you all to feel comfortable enough with me to approach me about any issue that you deem important.

You may reach me via the comport or in person.

Thank you, and may the Force be with you.

Cael Dankor, Jedi Master
Councilor of the Rannon Praxeum
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