Animations customization?

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Rothel Janoo
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Animations customization?

Post by Rothel Janoo »

Okay, I was messing around with ModView, and I found some cool stuff. the only thing is, these animations are either not used in MP, or they're just there and have nothing assigned. I was also looking around for SP stuff, and found a Starkiller skin. The cool thing is it had its own _humanoid.gla, which if I'm not mistaken, contains all the player animations. Except it was _humanoidgalek.gla, or something like that, so it didn't override the default _humanoid.gla...

Now for the idea, is it possible to create a custom _humanoid.gla for your character, so you can replace certain animations with others? For example, when you're holding your lightsaber and you walk backwards, you get the default walk anim.But if you wanted, you could change it to BOTH_HOP_B (See ModView for details), and since each gla would be for their own respective character, in theory, it wouldn't interfere with anything.

Lemme know what you guys think.
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Sirius Invictus
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Re: Animations customization?

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Without currently knowing how something like that would be applicable, but having seen all the different animations in modview, that sound awesome! As long as it doesnt confict with anything else... but again i have no knowledge :D happy to help though in any way I can, provided i have directions etc.
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Aiden Kezeron
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Re: Animations customization?

Post by Aiden Kezeron »

You can change animations in saber files to do things with your saber(I.E. the Anakin walk). Not sure what you'd do for people alone, but that could break something. Just be careful.

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Dariun Antane
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Re: Animations customization?

Post by Dariun Antane »

Unfortunately you can't give yourself a custom humanoid file for use in multiplayer, it sucks. Tried it before, never worked. :(
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Vlihu Civuq
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Re: Animations customization?

Post by Vlihu Civuq »

Animation files need to be uploaded to the server in order for them to work.


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