[SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

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[SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Cal Enesic »

Just got back from the theater and I had a blast.

Absolutely adored the portrayal of Corellia. Also was thoroughly pleased with their interpretation of The Maw.

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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Sirius Invictus »

It was utterly enjoyable. By the end of it, i could really see han and lando as "han" and "lando".
A by no means perfect movie, but one I enjoyed wholeheartedly myself.
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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Vania Starr »

I cant agree enough to be honest, I loved the film, felt that the portrayls of Han and Lando were awesome, I loved Becketts character. Qi'ra I thought was ok, could have had more done with her though but it was enough... But I -really- wanna see where her and MAUL (FFFFFFFFF YAAAAAS) go later on... That I'm down for, easily down for a second Solo
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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Sirius Invictus »

I think maul is setting up the context of the upcoming kenobi film (fingers crossed)
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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Dreshin »

As much of a meme Maul's appearance was i agree with Sirius. It's likely a setup for the coming Obi Wan film.

A solid 5/10 overall. Enjoyable enough to watch but it certainly wasn't perfect.
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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Cal Enesic »

Morning after report.

Paul Bettany doesn't get to play such fun bad guys too often. Vos was predictable, but a constant. Shout-out to the suit of mandalorian armor in his quarters (but always just out of focus).

Qi'ra had me questioning her loyalty up until the very last scene, and I still have doubts.

Warwick Davis (actor behind Leia's Ewok friend Wicket W. Warrick) was the dwarf tying down the cargo to the speeder bike in one of the later scenes.

Meeting, befriending, and escaping with Chewie was just too much and I almost melted through my chair from delight.

Kevin J. Anderson's work from Jedi Academy trilogy has it's fingerprints all over this movie if you know where to look. The first book had a story that involves Han and Chewie returning to Kessel, crash-landing and getting sent to work in the spice mines. It also involves the Maw (depicted then as a cluster of black holes), and a secret Imperial military installation hidden at it's center where the Death Star was both developed, and it's prototype constructed. There was a lot of high-level fan service like this that I was not expecting, and I'm looking forward to a second viewing to comb through all the details.
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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Dariun Antane »

Loved the movie.

Loved Maul's cameo, loved Han and Qi'ra's chemistry, there was almost nothing I didn't like about the movie.

That being said, the "almost" thing I really REALLY didn't like was that damn droid. More political B.S., and was just....awful.

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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Went in with pretty low expectations, but came out absolutely loving it. I thought the acting of Han and Lando was very well done, you can really see how Han ended up developing into the character he was in A New Hope. Chewbacca was a straight beast and I loved Dryden Vos.

I was of course expecting a cameo. My predictions were either Vader, Jabba, or Fett but I was surprised to learn it was Maul. Unlike others who found it "memey" I actually really rather liked it. A very nice set up for a follow up via a Kenobi and/or Fett movies, or maybe more Solo. I remember reading that the Alden Ehrenreich was signed for 3 movies total.

I do have to agree with Dariun though, my least favourite part by far was L3 (L3-37, really?). The character felt forced and just kind of awkward.
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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Dreshin »

Let me re-phrase. His simply making an appearance in itself wasn't so much of a meme it was more what went on through his appearance. His lightsaber isn't attached to his belt and instead he calls it to him from off-screen. Not only that he turns it on for no reason whatsoever only to turn it off again a few seconds later without having done anything with it. If there was one thing i'd held out hope for with the film it was having a Star Wars film without a single Jedi/Sith and a lightsaber as, frankly, Star Wars films need to make a departure from them. There's a LOT more to Star Wars than the constant Jedi vs Sith angle and Maul felt like nothing more to me than an excuse just to throw a random use of the Force and a lightsaber onscreen.

As for the rest of the film.. The writing was sorely lacking in a lot of places. I felt the actor portraying Han did an okay job. He exuded absolutely none of Harrison Ford's natural charisma and carried zero of the original 'bad boy' charm, cockiness and narcissistic attitude that was present in the OT. Donald Glover did a much better job with Lando but in places the dialogue and the writing really let him down from what could have been a much better performance.
As much of a goddess Emilia Clarke is i found myself having zero interest in her character throughout the film and i don't think she's that great an actress. She had zero chemistry with Han's actor and the fact that we already know she and Han don't end up together (Han ends up with Leia. Spoilers.) really ruined that whole relationship for me.
Character and performance-wise my money would have to be on both Chewbacca and Woodie Harrelson's character throughout. They were easily the two that held me the most the whole way through.

While the Kessel Run scene was definitely very impressive visually it didn't hold any weight whatsoever with me. I don't know if anyone else felt the same way but as we all know that Han, Chewie, Lando weren't going to die the whole chase and giant space squid felt very unnecessary and had zero tension attached to them.
The film also had some of the most shockingly bad moments that cheapened lore i think i've seen in a Star Wars film. The origin of Han Solo's name was so bad and so unnecessary to me, i hope i'm not the only one who was appalled at that part.

On the plus notes, the imagery and general run down rankness of Corellia i felt was pretty cool. I wasn't sure about the implications and suggestions made throughout the course of the film that the whole planet was that bad but the giant industrial city-scape approach was good.
As massively out of place as i felt it was the trench warfare scene was also pretty good. It was grimy, explosive, very gritty and FINALLY showed the Imperial army outside of the endless torrent of Stormtroopers with the soldiers feeling like actual people rather than just faceless fanatics.

Again, kind of fun to watch but, to me at least, far from a great movie. Very generic, very predictable.
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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Isane Fenris »

Finally watched it. Honestly, it was excellent. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think Alden did a good job with Han. Obviously not as good an actor as Harrison Ford, but then again who is? He's also a younger more idealistic Han, so that kinda fits the bill. Emilia Clark isn't that great of an actress (nor ever was), but she did a good job. Their relationship was more of a childhood romance, from my understanding. Glover was superb as Lando. A few mis-steps here and there, but was very good overall. I thoroughly enjoyed his interactions with Han and Chewie. Woody was awesome. Nothing else needs to be said.

The Maul reveal was delicious. I can see why some disagree about his behavior in the holo, but thats Maul's personality. He likes theatrics. We've seen this repeatedly in the Clone Wars. The call-backs and references to things we know and love in SW were spot on and resonated with me. I really loved their flight through the Maw and I loved the over-all plot. It was essentially a space western and I thoroughly enjoyed that.

Honestly, I almost think this movie was better than Rogue One. I won't get ahead of myself, though. Maybe its because it had a slightly satisfying ending, as opposed to everyone dying. Lol.

Regardless, totally in for a second viewing. This was excellent.


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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Duncan Therin »

I forgot to post here when I saw it on opening night. I liked it a lot, no movie is perfect, this one had some stumbles, but it did a lot right. I mostly just wanted to post to add onto Isane's comment.

It was definitely better than Rogue One.

Those aren't high standards though.

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Re: [SPOILERS] Solo: A Star Wars Story Discussion Thread

Post by Motoko »

About the only thing I agree with Dreshin on was the shoe-horning of Darth Maul into the film. Can we have just one, ONE movie without a glowbat in it? Yes, I saw Rebels, and I loved it, and I can see where they're going with this, but to just throw that into this movie like that just stripped MAH IMMERSHUNS. I'd be more okay with it, if it was an end of credits reveal, but still not entirely okay.

If you didn't like L3, go look up the word "Caricature". I thought she was hilarious, and I loathe insertion of political ideologies as much as Dariun (which gives a hint how I feel about TLJ...).

Glover bloody nailed Lando. You can close your eyes and you think you're listening to Billy Dee.

Alden Ehrenreich did a decent job as Solo. This isn't supposed to be the "end product" we see in the beginning of ANH, but you can definitely see the nucleus of him and where he gets some of the core personality traits from, including SHOOTING FIRST.

Finally the Imperial Army and Troopers are a thing!

I like the tie in with Rogue One.

I was about the only one laughing in the theater when I saw Warwick. Well played.

This was a wonderful Galactic romp, and I'm definitely picking it up on Blu-ray without regrets. Can't say the same for TLJ.
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