JEDI Calendar

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Jana Haren
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JEDI Calendar

Post by Jana Haren »

Calendar concept.jpg
I was wondering if somehow it was possible to have something like this picture and have the following features:
  • Have all knights+ post classes/missions etc. directly in the calendar;
  • Mark the days in which an activity is inserted, either by colouring the number or by adding a symbol (in the image it's the triangle in the upper corner of the da ysquare);
  • Have a popup description of what activity is set at a certain date by hovering the mouse on the day;
  • By clicking a day it should open the single day schedule, showing at what time each class/mission/else is set.
I have no idea if this is possible and what it'd involve, so I will limit myself to suggest the idea.
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Rhuacca »

I ::+1:: this definetely!
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Fenn Rahm
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Fenn Rahm »

I think this was used before to announce classes but was discontinued because nobody used it. I personally would love to see this be a thing.
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Qi'la Mydanil
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Qi'la Mydanil »

I like the idea too though like Fenn said it could become abandoned.
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Delmi N'jork
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Delmi N'jork »

As it's been said, I do remember this used in the past and having it die out. But I think the current roster is a lot more organised and on top of things. I think this could a very nice addition now. Let's give it another shot!
|Age_187|Height_7'3|Weight_427lb|Race_Nelvaan|Mentor_Maloush Paroveid|Padawans_Aurien Uriah_Amoné Fayden_Tergos Zemnos_Esth Me'sku_Virtuo Alegan_Tweek Etimau_Dithaal_Sirius Invictus_Aqua Sol_Ina'eo'nekri
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Totally agreed!
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Iffo Rav'i
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Iffo Rav'i »

I have no idea how this works..

but.. if it's a feed of some sort...

Could we potentially tie it to a Discord bot, who could automatically post reminders in Discord as well?

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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Kir »

This would certainly be an interesting idea to see.
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Jana Haren
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Jana Haren »

While it's true that we had a calendar, only Councilors would be able to add stuff and it was hard to view, since in the homepage there are only shown the future activities.

My main propose is to generate a new one that respects the points I listed, allowing easy accessibility and consultation.

If we need to burden the Council with the duty of recopying on the calendar the activities that are posted in the forum (calendar which is currently also as difficult to consult as it is checking the forums), then it's destined to fail as it did in the past.

Something like what I painted in the example-image is what would fit best - if it's possible to create it.
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Rothel Janoo
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Rothel Janoo »

I like the sound of this. Although I would like to give a suggestion. Why not allow access of setting dates for all members of the Order, but set priorities on the dates set by knights and above.

So say for example a Padawan and a Knight both set an event on the same date, the Knight's event would show up first automatically, and if the two wanted to, they could discuss which one is more important and edit the calendar accordingly, should the thought arise.

Along with priorities, why not give Knights and above the authority to expunge dates set by any rank below them, mainly to keep memes and spam out, but for RP reasons as well. What are all your thoughts on this?
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Soh Raun
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Soh Raun »

This idea was implemented using Google Calendar in the past, and although it hasn't been used for years it's still available. See the original announcement here: viewtopic.php?f=135&t=8455

Basically, any Google account can be granted read/write permissions on this calendar and have it available in his/her own account (mobile devices included).

So, I've taken the liberty to adjust the HoloNet sidebar to display the calendar again in a more traditional fashion (like in Jana's picture) and inserted 3 sample events for you to see & comment.

Let me know what you think. :)
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Re: JEDI Calendar

Post by Sirius Invictus »

It looks absolutely magnificent!
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