RPModifier Command

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Teynara Jeralyr
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RPModifier Command

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Hey everyone,

Since I'm just stuck here not moving around much, I was doing some thinking about what else could be added to RPMod to make it a little more variable, and came up with an idea: why not create server-wide (or target-able) modifiers to adjust certain parameters on templates and server environments, to allow for different RP-based effects? I'm gonna need some examples, so lemme elaborate.

Let's start off with how I think the command would work:

\rpmodify <target | all> <effect (see below)> <on/off>

With regards to the effects, I was thinking of things like:

Ability Templates

For example, you could use the ability to switch off Force Sense for everyone on the server (which would have helped with Xayr's recent server RP's), or switch off healing abilities (particularly useful on Dark-Side planets where the Light is harder to draw upon). You could also use it to lower levels of Force ability, and limit them: for example, knocking everyone's Hold levels down to 1/2 for a training lesson where someone with 3 would get it all done too easily.

Regeneration Rates

Imagine you're on a planet with a Force Nexus: suddenly everyone's feeling a little more empowered, a little more energised. OOCly, that would correspond to faster FP regeneration rates for everyone while the effect was active. Likewise, on worlds that are more desolate (i.e. barren of life), you'd expect the Force to be less present energetically, and therefore regen rates would slow down.

Modifying movement/jump

You're on a low-gravity world where it's a little easier to move around, and everyone's movements seem a little amplified. You could add 10% to everyone's jumping abilities, or on a high-grav world, drop them down by 10-20%, depending on the needs of the RP. Altering those sorts of conditions would force everyone to compensate accordingly.

EMP/Ion Storms

Suddenly...you're without shields, and no way to replenish them...


At present, we can use \rpgive to add weapons to individuals on a case-by-case basis, but when they're pushed into spectate, they need to be reapplied. Might be helpful if we had a single command that would keep them issued until such time as the command was revoked or the server was reset. Same goes for addition of items like Cloaking Devices etc.

I daresay there'd be a truckload more potential variants - the limit there would be a) what's possible to code into RPMod and b) what your imagination looks like. I'm not even sure that it's even possible, but I figured I'd throw the idea out there, so at least Soh can tell me I'm being moronic, and we can move on.

Any thoughts?
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Rothel Janoo
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Re: RPModifier Command

Post by Rothel Janoo »

I definitely like the idea, the only cons I see being that it may take some time to get used to, and that it may add more things than necessary, given that such an event arises where we keep adding on to it.

All in all, I give it a +1
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Aiden Kezeron
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Re: RPModifier Command

Post by Aiden Kezeron »

Alright, but how would this affect those who were born with specialties. Gifted Teleketics, Empath's, Things like that. Usually in rp's they tend to be ignored a lot...which tends to break their character in favor of plot.

But that could be another issue with just roleplaying in General.

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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: RPModifier Command

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

This is why it would need a target addition: one you can switch on or off as needed. If you did "\rpmodify all", and someone observed that they have natural talents that would counter the modifier, you could simply switch it off for them.

Common sense is really all that would be needed - same goes for the dice roll system, and being sure to use a modifier on the roll if a student has a particular IC talent that would increase their chance of success on a task.
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Dariun Antane
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Re: RPModifier Command

Post by Dariun Antane »

Would certainly come in handy. I'm all for this! However, just about every type of modification would likely need to be considered. It'll work for giftedness like empaths or telepathy, but it would also be really cool to see for characters with disabilities, like colorblindness or your health slowly dropping because you're bleeding out or completely exhausted.
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Sirius Invictus
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Re: RPModifier Command

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Completely agree with the previous statements.

I wouldn't know how the implementations would be possible, but in case they will be, I think they'll be a wonderful addition. Especially keeping in mind the above thoughts. Displaying advantages and disadvantages wherever possible.

And regarding characters getting penalties that their own character wouldn't (i.e. a character with very high sensory skills getting a sense penalty when in fact their training or specific trait would allow them to surpass that), there is where things should be discussed with the Administrator making the change. I assume it could be bypassed by having this work both as:

/rpallaffecttemplate sense 0


/rptargetaffecttemplate sirius sense 0

(ultra rough example but you get the point)

For what it's worth +1 from me.
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