Changing Lightsaber Styles

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Teynara Jeralyr
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Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

This one's got several aspects to it, so bear with me.

First, changing the stances so that any single stance can be purchased/selected without having to purchase the other stances first.

This would enable a little more variety in everyone's diet, allow characters to focus on the style that best suits their abilities and combat preference, and ultimately cut down on the amount of extraneous styles you have to hold onto. Let's face it: almost nobody actually uses Fast style, simply because it's fairly inadequate in comparison to Medium/Heavy. It should, therefore, be possible to bypass this.

I would suggest, perhaps, that the first skill in offense be 'free' to purchase, and all others have a set cost (perhaps 30/40 XP) should you wish to purchase others.

Adjust the swing count/damage bonus for Offense IV and V.

At present, these two are just ridiculously-powered insta-win forms. Tavion's style is fast (and actually a better design of the Fast stance) to an extent that the hits are nearly chained to an unblockable extent, and Desaan's stance is both extremely damaging but also easier to strike with than the standard Heavy. If they had these bonuses reduced to something that brings them into line with the other stances, they'd get used more.

As an alternative to the first suggestion, btw:

Open access to all styles from Offense 2-3, and provide certain bonuses for Offense IV/V

This one's from Sirius and Dariun: rather than locking each style behind an offense level, give everyone access to them post-Initiate level (e.g. at Offense II), but then provide bonuses that give incentive to purchase the later levels. For example:
  1. Fast Stance unlocked
  2. All other stances unlocked
  3. 5% bonus to lightsaber damage, 10% reduction in cost of Force-based attacks
  4. 8% bonus (not cumulative) to lightsaber damage, 15% reduction in cost of Force-based attacks
  5. 10% bonus (not cumulative) to lightsaber damage, 20% reduction in cost of Force-based attacks.
That said, I know there are probably plenty of other modifiers to Offense that you could play around with: disarm chance, for example. Soh would have to tell us more on that front, and we could play around with the values a little.

You could potentially combine ideas #1 and #3, if you keep each stance gated behind an Offense ability, but provide bonuses for every additional stance purchased above the first. That, in itself, would perhaps ICly demonstrate the difference between a Jedi learning but a single style (and therefore not devoting themselves to higher learning in combat styles) and one who devotes themselves to the study of many, and therefore gains a better understanding of doing so.
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Dariun Antane
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Dariun Antane »

I love it, I support.

We need more individuality with fighting styles. We all want to claim we're using a certain form, but the styles better reflect that. Tavion is a perfect representation of Makashi, strong is a great representation of Djem So, and so on.

Of course some people will use certain styles and attempt to cheat. Hopefully the damage reduction on desann and tavion will discourage that.

Offense 2 symbolizes a time when you're actually getting used to your lightsaber and are ready to experiment.

I feel that if this system was implemented as described, initiates should be restricted from obtaining offense 2 from a community rule standpoint and be permitted to unlock it with council approval (similar to drain, lightning and fury)
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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

As I recall, some of our abilities are gated behind a level cap anyway - you can't purchase a particular skill until you reach a certain level. If Offense 2+ were set the same way, that'd remove any risk of Initiates unlocking abilities until they had enough IC experience to have moved past that point. Alternatively, we could use the Shii-Cho exam as your 'gate'.
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Wholeheartedly agree with the concept. It would allow for greater visual stimuli and the ability to diversify characters further. (As now we would be able to see creative dueling with more than just one or two sets of animations; adding two new sets, more or less unseen by most, balanced, and being able to RP them out with whole new creative ways. While also keeping a barrier between higher ranking characters and lower ranking ones in terms of ingame stats (which in turn portray the IC advantage the more experienced characters have over others who are not as experienced/skilled yet))
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Fenn Rahm
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Fenn Rahm »

How about we have it so that you have to purchase each style? That way, you don't have all the styles by simply having Off 2, and have access to all styles, so long as you have been trained in it and what not.

Also, I mentioned this on Discord, but how about just having the same stats for each style in terms of swing limits, swing speed, damage etc.
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Vania Starr
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Vania Starr »

That works, I love the concept but I'm more in line with fenn in the sense that we should take from ojp with the idea of having to buy what form you want.
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Valgam Freestar »

MBII anyone?
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Qi'la Mydanil
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Qi'la Mydanil »

Valgam Freestar wrote: Sun Dec 09, 2018 2:02 pm MBII anyone?
I will find you, and I will kill you.

Agreed by the way.
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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Vania Starr wrote: Sun Dec 09, 2018 8:38 am That works, I love the concept but I'm more in line with fenn in the sense that we should take from ojp with the idea of having to buy what form you want.
Agreed - so I'd make it such that the first skill is free, and any further purchases are then for a set amount of XP.
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Sirius Invictus »

We can even keep the present XP costs, as it would be difficult as you progress to add *yet* another 'form' to your repertoire. So basically only change the 'mechanic' of each tier to providing the form of your 'choice'. (i.e. your preferred set of animations)
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Zechs Demming
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Zechs Demming »

Reminder that one of the reasons these have been implented in the past was the desire to keep RPmod as compatible with basejka as possible. I'm not sure if this is still Soh's desire or not, but random wanderers are still part of how we get new members (though that's not nearly as common on an unpopular game)
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Truth be told, I understand the importance of that. That's how I found ::JEDI:: both times I've found it. Eleven years ago and one year ago respectively. So I know for a fact that it's reachable. Plus the game is still visited to this day. Even due to other mods that are out there.

Honestly? I dare say that basejka compatibility should be put first and foremost. If that is to be sacrificed, then I do not think any changes -at all- that would make it so, should be done.
|| Name: Sirius Invictus || Species: Human || Homeworld: Vlemoth Port || Birth: 360.09 ABY || Initiation: 372.10 ABY || || Apprenticed: 373.09 ABY || Knighted: 384.30 ABY || Mastered: 410.13 ABY || Mentor: Delmi N'jork || Apprentices: Kiara O'ren, Rukia, Vale Sutherblaze ||
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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

I'd agree with you, but let's be honest: while RPMod is BaseJKA compatible, you've got a dwindling number of players, and RPMod ultimately modifies such a significant amount of the game (not to mention all the maps and models a Hopeful needs to download!) that there's practically no point now.

End of the day, we have to go with works for the community, not the random possibility of a bunch of players who might prefer not to have to download a lot of stuff. That ship has long-since sailed.
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Sirius Invictus »

It's still a matter of actually getting into the place though. One needs only one map to login and be amazed. And then want, in turn, to explore more about what this place is. If the place stops being basejka, how would someone not looking for it find it? I think that's the better question.
|| Name: Sirius Invictus || Species: Human || Homeworld: Vlemoth Port || Birth: 360.09 ABY || Initiation: 372.10 ABY || || Apprenticed: 373.09 ABY || Knighted: 384.30 ABY || Mastered: 410.13 ABY || Mentor: Delmi N'jork || Apprentices: Kiara O'ren, Rukia, Vale Sutherblaze ||
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Aiden Kezeron
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Re: Changing Lightsaber Styles

Post by Aiden Kezeron »

All we'd need to do is advertise. That's how I got into all of my previous communities.

Advertising could free us up from having to always be Base Compatible. It's not like people aren't looking for roleplaying communities, but its hard to find ones that are pretty much hidden in the back alley, regardless of if they're BaseJK.

Not being Base could open a lot of doors in what would be capable with this mod.

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