Mission Report Guidelines

The official channel for delivery mission reports to the Council, as well as an archive for past missions.

Moderators: Jedi Knights, Jedi Masters

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Mission Report Guidelines

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Mission Report Archives ~
The following outlines the rules and restrictions put in place on the Mission Report Archives

Mission Reports are a way for Jedi to submit findings and mission events to the Council for archives and record keeping. These reports will serve as a database for current Jedi to have an awareness of mission events, as well as future Jedi to look back on to know the history of events.

The information stored within these archives are accessible to the public, unless dictated otherwise. Certain events and specific information may only be accessible to specific individuals or ranks. As time progresses, certain events may have classified information made public. Any mission can be recorded here, it does not have to be an official mission from the Council, however these reports do not take the place of personal reflection within private journals

Based on the above, the following restrictions have been put in place:
  • All reports are segmented into level of security access. You are unlikely to use all levels of security in your report. So please delete as appropriate.
  • Your security clearance must match the level of content you are trying to read.
  • Users may not use the access of someone higher ranked to access sensitive or restricted information.
  • Individuals may not alter information once it is submitted.
The Jedi Council has the right to restrict information and reclassify reports as necessary.

-The Jedi Council

Level of Exposure Guide

None: The events detailed involve fewer than 5 people outside of the Order. e.g an extremely remote location where all parties agree to keep the events a secret or have no need to share.

Planet: At least a small proportion of the planet/location would hear about it, either by word of mouth, local news or witnessing it. E.g A fight between a Jedi and a local.

Sector: Significant event that would be heard about on neighboring planets in the sector. E.g A thwarted attack, high profile death or assassination.

Region: A large event that would impact the whole region (e.g The Core, Outer Rim, Expansion Region). E.g A terrorist attack, the beginning of contagious virus.

Galaxy: A massive scale event, movement from another faction (e.g Chiss, Mandalorians) or a highly emotive 'click' worthy topic. (e.g clear injustice)

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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The Jedi Council
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Re: Mission Report Guidelines

Post by The Jedi Council »

Disappearance on Coruscant
Name: Deyick Natine
Rank: Jedi Knight
Date(s): 278.04 - 287.11
Location: Coruscant
Members of the Jedi Order present: Jedi Knight Deyick Natine
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet (Received some minor local news coverage)
  • A spice dealer 'Odu' was reported missing.
  • After a brief investigation a body was discovered in a trash compactor belonging to Odu.
  • No one has been arrested.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The spice dealer had not been paying his suppliers and they got angry with him. After speaking to several of his friends, he had been roughed up several times and was on his final warning.
  • No one was willing to come forward to discuss or provide testimony due to fear of retribution.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The little spice that was found on the body, is being kept in Ilum vault until it can be safely destroyed.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Rumors had it that Odu was behind on his payments, because he was obsessed with Jedi memorabilia. No memorabilia was found in his house or on his person. However, it may have been taken by the suppliers in way as payment. The word Holocron was used by one friend.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: An increase in sale of Jedi Memorabilia
Confirmed: None
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion we need to monitor this situation. If the suppliers have indeed attained a holocron then we shoud look to retrieve as soon as possible. However, my gut tells me that Odu was more than likely making up stories in an attempt to impress his friends. If murders in the area continue, we may need to intervene again and persuade someone to testify under witness protection

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Monitor the area closely for any more potential disappearances.
  • Monitor back channels for sale of a Holocron on Coruscant.
  • Inquire into witness protection services on Coruscant.

Code: Select all

[size=125][b]Overview/Mission Name[/b][/size]
[b]Members of the Jedi Order present[/b]:
[size=125][b]Public Information[/b][/size]
[size=75]Publicly Available Information on the events[/size]
[b]Level of Exposure:[/b] <None, Planet, Sector, Region, Galaxy>
[size=125][b]Padawan Security Clearance[/b][/size]
[size=75]Information available to Padawans+[/size]
[list][*] [i](( Delete section if not required ))[/i]
[size=125][b]Knight Security Clearance[/b][/size]
[size=75]Information available to Knights+[/size]
[list][*] [i](( Delete section if not required ))[/i]
[size=125][b]Jedi Council Clearance[/b][/size]
[size=75]Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.[/size]
[list][*] [i](( Delete section if not required ))[/i]
[size=125][b]Related Events[/b][/size]
[size=75]Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions [/size]
[size=125][b]Summary and Actions[/b][/size]
[size=75]An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
[b]Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above[/b][/size]
In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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