(( A JEDI Story ))

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Yyn Zet Ari
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(( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Yyn Zet Ari »

JEDI at its heart is a role-playing community. We can be guilty of adding a layer of XP and progression obsession on top of it. However this is fundamentally wrong, we should instead focus on the stories and journeys we go on with our characters and I've been reminded of this is the most unexpected way.

I (amongst 2/3 others) received in the post this week the 'Holocron of Wrennin Vae'. For those who did not have the chance to RP with Wrennin, they were simply one of the kindest, most creative and dutiful roleplayers JEDI has ever seen, I could go on and on about what Wrennin did for JEDI but I would derail the thread, suffice to say, we could all benefit from being a bit more like Wren.

Wrennin has taken the journals of Alehk Thol, Wrennin Vae, Iffo Rav'i, Aelon Beserat and Nodo Salar and painstakingly adapted them for print. The book details the life and death of Wrennin Vae but also frames and showcases the tales of Wren's Padawans. Stripped of context of jediholo.net, PK3s, XP grants, mission/class feedback, map downloads, server bookings and general JEDI politics the physical 360+ page book that focuses purely on the journey these 5 characters with timelines and illustrations is mind bending and at times emotional.

Every page is a different memory, each entry a new emotion, to see how the characters grow and react differently to the same event in plain text and know that the whole tale was a collaborative effort is unlike anything else.

I can't thank Wrennin enough for this present and I know I and the others that received it will treasure it for ever. We're in a printed book now. We're canon baby.

Enough waffle, I've put some pictures below, see if you can spot any familiar names!

Yyn Zet Ari | Jedi Knight | High Councilor | Belovian | Belovia | Mentor: Chana Ramel | Padawan: Nidus Tal'vo
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Daegon Evera
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Daegon Evera »

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Marek Izu
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Marek Izu »

I keep throwing my wallet at the screen but nothing is happening. I need this in my life.
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Alyx »

Holy cow
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Narael Undine
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Narael Undine »

(( Fantastic, absolutely fantastic! As if the memories wouldn't linger, now it will be there for even the next generations to know!!! Well received, man! ))
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Delmi N'jork
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Delmi N'jork »

This is absolutely lovely!
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Sena Vel
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Sena Vel »

I'll take your entire stock!

Name: Sena Vel | Age: 11 | Birthday: 376.23 ABY | Initiated: 380.03 ABY Padawaned: 383.07 ABY

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Kiara O'ren
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Kiara O'ren »

That really is amazing I really love it. How did Wrennin even do that?! Is there a service that can bind books for you?
___________|- Name: Kiara O'ren | Born: 372ABY | Image
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Sirius Invictus
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Sirius Invictus »

I am pretty sure that even if Iffo's magical review of the small miracle above; of the small token that illustrates, in more ways than one, how many, diverse and different people came to know each other and have something that beautiful emerge from their interactions; was not available, there are no words to truly describe the beauty, splendor and grandiose nature of it.

Let's just all hope and strive to follow Wrennin's example: Making JEDI a beautiful place worth remembering in such a way.
|| Name: Sirius Invictus || Species: Human || Homeworld: Vlemoth Port || Birth: 360.09 ABY || Initiation: 372.10 ABY || || Apprenticed: 373.09 ABY || Knighted: 384.30 ABY || Mastered: 410.13 ABY || Mentor: Delmi N'jork || Apprentices: Kiara O'ren, Rukia, Vale Sutherblaze ||
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Jana Haren
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Jana Haren »

It's very touching to see something like this, I congratulate with you! It's really touching to see something like this. For many of us JEDI has held a significant role in our life, and I'm not just referring to the time we spent on it, but also to the way it influences us in a social/educational way.
A wonderful idea masterfully crafted, well done!
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Serir Vun
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Serir Vun »

JEDI has sprouted some friendships for me that will last a lifetime. There are friends here whom before returning I hadn't spoken to in the context of JEDI in 8+ years. It's like picking up a book where you left off. These types of gifts are so touching and heartwarming because it reflects the impact and depth of these characters. So much goes into their conception, execution, interaction and release.

It was truly beautiful to be able to share this gift with you here. Thanks for posting this. :')
⌠ Name: Serir Vun • Species: Duros • Master: Joran Fayara | Iffo Rav'i • Knighted: 410.26 • Birth: 374.14 ABY ⌡
Sebastin Creed
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Sebastin Creed »

That, ladies and gentlemen, is what it's all about.

Make sure you treasure that absolutely stunning gift.

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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Kir »

I am not sure how to word my impression on this achievement. This is amazing.
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Nodo Salar
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Re: (( A JEDI Story ))

Post by Nodo Salar »

super late because every one of my electropals with a camera attached hates my guts for some reason!

its an emotional rollercoaster to read thru, very happy times enclosed within!!! this is what were all here for and as iffo says holding it in ur hands really feels like it all happened in some narnian pocket realm and we got to bring this back through the wardrobe. the drawings are absolute fire and water and the one of blueice below is my absolute fave because its such a comfy map and got my favourite part of it!!!!

its good
its food






(pls excuse my shaky hands and nokia blur)
It wasn't me.
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