388.28 // New High Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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388.28 // New High Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings members of the Jedi Order,

The High Council is pleased to announce that a seat as High Councilor has been offered to Jedi Knight Yyn Zet Ari, of which she has graciously accepted. This raises the High Council to two full-time members at the Rannon Branch.

We congratulate Yyn Zet Ari for her new position and expect her to be making a personal statement below.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Yyn Zet Ari
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Re: 388.28 // New High Councilor

Post by Yyn Zet Ari »

Greetings members of the Jedi Order,

Whilst many on Dantooine and Rannon will already know who I am, for those at the other enclaves, outposts and facilities held and operated by the Order, I am Jedi Knight Yyn Zet Ari. My background is primarily in Mnemotherapy, Imbuing and Apothecary and I have served on the local councils of both Dantooine and Rannon as a delegate from the Seers.

The next decade is a crucial one for the Order. The attention of the Galaxy is firmly on us due to our involvement on Vohai and decisive role in the targeted abductions of force sensitive children. It does not require a seer to know that more is to come and we must be ready for it.

I would like to thank the Grandmaster and other members of the High Council for entrusting me with this position. I will serve the office to the best of my abilities.

I will soon begin a tour of all the Orders locations across the galaxy to meet as many as you I can, should you have any questions when we meet, please do not hesitate to ask.

Rest Well
Yyn Zet Ari
Jedi Knight, High Councilor of the Jedi Order.
Yyn Zet Ari | Jedi Knight | High Councilor | Belovian | Belovia | Mentor: Chana Ramel | Padawan: Nidus Tal'vo
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