397.02 // Murin Al'ketch

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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397.02 // Murin Al'ketch

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings residents,

Greetings members of JEDI,

Following a discussion within the Jedi Council, the player behind Murin Al'ketch has been forcefully removed from the community and issued a 6 month ban.

The decision has been taken in light of recent events which extend to the following:
  • Harassing members over discord, including unacceptable, intrusive as well as other controlling behaviors.
  • Refusing to follow advice in regards to proper JEDI decorum. Including numerous instances of meta-gaming.
The decisions where, however, taken with gravity shifted towards the former issues rather than the latter.

The JEDI Council refuses to endorse the kind of behavior exhibited by Murin Al'ketch. As a consequence, the player has been stripped of their membership for the next 6 months, both as a consequence to their actions and as a way to reflect upon them. This will be enforced by a technical ban on the player's IP addresses, email and username.

As always, the Council remains available shall you have any questions regarding this matter but we ask the members to respect the potential need/want for anonymity by the ones affected.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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