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[Philosophy] 397.25 @ 1500 | Is the Force a God?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:51 am
by Lunalle
  • Subject Details:
Philosophy: Is the Force a God?
  • Time, Date & Location:
1500, 397.25
  • Additional Information:
In this class, I will conduct a seminar on some of the broad philosophical implications of what we actually think of as the Force, and whether or not it embodies the principles of a God. But, this class will tackle the deeper implications of both sides of that argument. What constitutes a God? Can a God be both just and allow cruelty to exist in the world? If the Force is a God, should we pray to it or do we already? What other 'Gods' are there in the Galaxy? Why don't people in the galaxy pray to the Force? We will also be discussing, broadly, the subject of the Dark Side and the idea of 'deifying' the living, so although all are welcome to come, discretion is advised for those sensitive.
  • Additional Files: