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Mission Report: Events of 397.12

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 7:32 pm
by Joar Hasmal
Name: Joar Hasmal
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 397.12
Members of the Jedi Order present:
Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • I was busy on 397.12 from 1000-1800 GST.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Master Rhuacca and I traveled to Dawn Temple on Spintir in order to find out more about the nature of the Void and any possible weaknesses.
  • After being granted access to the temple by a holographic guard, Master Rhuacca was escorted up to the council. I was supposed to wait below for them to return.
  • After they left, I sensed something in the Force. I followed it behind a staircase and down a hall to a library.
  • Through a series of events involving a holographic custodian and a young child, I came across a Jedi holocron. The child helped me in activating it.
  • The hologram belonged to a Jedi Master by the name of Ald, who was the master of Balthazar Morin-Uxinis, the Unknown Man.
  • He guided me to a secret chamber in the archives containing several sarcophagi, one containing his body. I opened the lid to find his body, and a dagger.
  • The dagger had a black blade. According to Master Ald, the weapon was Void-tainted, and was planted by Morin-Uxinis as a way to taunt his dead master.
  • According to Master Ald, the Void's weakness is objects made from it. Additionally, he told me that the Nexus in the temple was a gateway to the Void's heart, and plunging the dagger into it would open the way.
  • Master Ald told me to take the dagger and imparted the responsibility of destroying the Void nexus on me. Before I could go, he asked me to destroy his holocron. He said it was to practice plunging the dagger's edge into the Void.
  • In reality, the holocron felt guilty for the Unknown Man's actions and wanted death, or whatever was the closest thing to it.
  • At this point, Master Rhuacca found me.
  • I destroyed the holocron.
  • Grandmaster Don'roq entered the chamber at this point. I immediately told him and Master Rhuacca what I found, and presented the dagger to him.
  • He took it, and we joined the other team in the archives. In the center was a rotating sphere. It was the Force Nexus of the entire temple.
  • Grandmaster Don'roq stabbed the Nexus with the dagger. Immediately, it became corrupted by the Void.
  • The other team gathered themselves up and entered the gateway created.
  • Master Rhuacca and I sat in the archives and watched the portal, guarding it in case anything happened.
  • Several hours later, most of the party (except for an Imperial Knight) returned from the portal. The people who did come back looked seriously wounded.
  • The Grandmaster looked to be in bad shape. I have no idea of what state he's in, but he did not look good at all.
  • The gate collapsed on itself. Master Rhuacca and I quickly left Spintir and returned to Alzoc III. Master Freestar and Master Atreus, who were not badly hurt, were close behind.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: sacking of Arkanian praxeum during Imperium Wars
Confirmed: attack on Rannon Praxeum, Ossus bombing, Void-related incidents on Spintir, destruction of Pleis IX
Summary and Actions (Council Clearance Only)
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion, this crisis is over, but it could be possible that associates of the Unknown Man may still be alive. They should be brought to justice as soon as possible.

Additionally, I hold myself personally accountable for the destruction of Master Ald's holocron. At the time, I was pressured by Master Ald's hologram to destroy it, but I realize now that destroying a priceless artifact that belonged to another temple is inexcusable. The holocron potentially had stores of information about the Unknown Man and the Void that could have helped us understand the nature of what we were up against.

But, I think that previous personal experiences and information gathered from the accounts of others makes me feel like the Void was an extradimensional being. Its strange energy field, its sudden and mysterious appearance, and the fact that a "gateway" had to be used in order to reach it support this idea. I think more research needs to be done to see not only where the Void came from, but also to determine what else is out there.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Investigate the ruins of the Arkania praxeum to try and uncover how Morin-Uxinis discovered the Void. A Psychometrist would be our best bet.
  • Scout out areas that were infested by the Void (Rannon, Spintir, space around Pleis IX) to see if any trace of it remains.
  • Investigate possible allies and associates of Unknown Man and bring them to justice. There were rumors that he had spies in the Order itself, and he might have had outside help as well.
  • Investigate the potential existence of other extradimensional entities, determine if they are neutral or a threat, and discover methods of defending against future extradimensional attacks.
  • Hold a ceremony to honor those lost during the Void crisis.