398.11 // Changes within the Council

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The Jedi Council
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398.11 // Changes within the Council

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings members of JEDI,

The Council, during this time of global emergency situation, is opting towards an internal rework.

High Councilor Xayr'ka Atreus will be stepping down. We thank the High Councilor for his work and efforts all this time and extend our understanding during these trying times. Should he be able to return within an agreed timeframe, we would welcome him back to reassume his role and duties.

Below, follows a statement by him:
Xayr'ka Atreus wrote: Hey everyone,

Going to keep things short and to the point. Though this quarantine situation has worked well and upped activity for most. It has, unfortunately, worked against me. Due to personal reasons I’ll be stepping down from the council for the foreseeable future until I get things in order again.

I won't dive too much into details here but just know I can still be contacted through discord and I’ll be lurking about.
The Council, as a collective decision, has opted to offer the position of a High Councilor to Iffo Rav'i, in order to assist with its proceedings.

A statement by him will follow below.

- The JEDI Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Iffo Rav'i
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Re: 398.11 // Changes within the Council

Post by Iffo Rav'i »

Greetings Residents,

Apologies it has taken me some time to write this, I could spin some reasons and excuses as to the delay, however sometimes we must simply own up and say I should of made the time, and I was wrong not to.

After sitting on the local council of Dantooine for over a year, I left to get away from responsibility, yet some how have fallen into even more on Alzoc/Rannon. At least here, the responsibility comes with a little more zaniness, spontaneity and laughter from the residents.

I'm honoured the High Council have asked me to look after the branch that looked after me when I was a child. There is no other branch I would of delayed my retirement, pre-booked sunlounger and ruby bliel for. There is perhaps more truth in than joke than I care to admit.

In my time, however brief it may end up being, I will aim to be fair and hear all concerns with an open mind.

Finally, forgive any erratic naming conventions I may address you with. Master, Padawan, First Name, Last Name or Nickname, growing up on Rannon before being thrust into a more formal branch of the Order has my aging mind reeling when it comes to formality and decorum.

Kind Regards
Iffo Rav'i

Jedi Master | High Councillor | Advisor to the Galactic Senate
Born: 333.06 | Initiated: 342.08 | Knighted: 357.07 | Mastered: 388.18 | Died: 435.29
Mentors: Wrennin Vae // Chothi Uxaala // Maia Rimora | Padawan: Serir Vun // Tycho Varga

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