Murder at Graduation Ball

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Aranna Vaan
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Murder at Graduation Ball

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Aranna Vaan
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 400.22
Location: Coruscant
Members of the Jedi Order present: Aranna Vaan
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure:Planet: Coruscant (Major news coverage, mostly covering the death of Vorin Treychar)
  • There was a Bachelor's Degree Graduation Ball on Coruscant
  • A son of a Senator, Vorin Treychar, was murdered during the evening after he left the Ball
  • A Jedi Padawan arrested the murderer.
  • The body of a Twi'lek named Vizla was found as well nearby, she had also been attending the Ball.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Aranna Vaan had been attending the ball for graduates of a Bachelor's Degree.
  • Padawan Vaan followed Vorin Treychar after he had approached her for conversation and then left the Ball. She discovered that moments after he'd left he'd been killed by an unidentified Wookie.
  • After getting a confession from the Wookie, Padawan Vaan subdued the suspect and called Coruscant Police to make an arrest.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The Twi'lek named Vizla who was found nearby was a classmate of Padawan Vaan's and the two had a close relationship.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • The Wookie said that he knew Jedi Knight Rhuacca.
  • The Wookie alluded to a life debt to 'this family' implying he works for the Treychar family and Senator Alorin specifically.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Murder on Coruscant
Coruscant Investigation
Ord Mantell Lead Investigation
A "Kessel" Matter
Summary and Actions
Padawan Vaan arrived at the Ball and met with her friend Vizla right outside. The two went in and spent some time talking before Vizla left saying she had to reapply her makeup. While she was gone, Vorin Treychar approached and introduced himself, handing Padawan Vaan a note that was ostensibly from Vizla saying she'd arranged it, saying Padawan Vaan needed to get a date.

During the course of their conversation, Padawan Vaan asked Vorin several questions about his father. Vorin said he knew Padawan Vaan, and that he wanted her to succeed but could not help. Padawan Vaan then mentioned that Alorin had most likely hired a hit man to attack her at which point Vorin stormed out of the Ball, his anger directed towards his father.

Padawan Vaan followed at a distance and came across Vorin's dead body and, over it, a wookie. She could not get a name out of the wookie but he mentioned that he had Vizla hostage and would give a kill order if Padawan Vaan did not allow him to go free and testify Alorin Treychar's innocence in court. Padawan Vaan pulled the comlink from his hands with the force and found he had not activated it at all. After a short altercation, Padawan Vaan subdued the wookie and CPD arrived on the scene to perform the arrest.

CPD informed Padawan Vaan that a Twi'lek matching Vizla's description had been found dead a few blocks away. Because the Wookie never made the call, it is safe to assume that he had already killed her before his altercation with Padawan Vaan.

Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

Alorin knew that Vorin was a security risk and so had his wookie hit man take him out. Alorin knows that Padawan Vaan has been leading investigations into his illegal and unethical gem mining operation and ordered the killing of Vizla, a known friend and associate of Padawan Vaan's, as retribution towards her efforts into exposing him.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Add this new evidence to the portfolio that will be submitted to the Senate Oversight committee.
  • Allow Padawan Vaan to testify her evidence directly to the Senate Oversight Committee.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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