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[Completed] 406.08 @ 1430 // Is the Force a god?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 5:47 pm
by Zaahir Zin-Malik
  • Subject Details:
406.08 @ 1430 // Is the Force a God?

This class will follow a seminar pattern and there will be a lot of opportunity to talk afterwards, but I will begin with a presentation and lecture.
  • Time, Date & Location:
406.08 @ 1430, the Diplomacy Wing
  • Additional Information:
In this class we will explore the subject of how we philosophically should think of the Force and what implications this philosophy has; namely, what are the differences between a god and a religion, and depending on our philosophy does this bring contradictions in how we act and how we see our duty to the galaxy? This topic is deeply personal and important to a Jedi's growth, and I would heavily push all students to try and attend if they can.
  • Additional Files: