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[Completed] Introduction to Form IV - Ataru

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:18 am
by Donan Healof
  • Subject Requested:
The basics of fourth form of lightsaber combat - Ataru
  • Public/Private Lesson:
Preferebly private but depends on the mentor.
  • Availability:
Most days from 1630 GST.
  • Reason For Request:
I've had my LSAT exam and read on theory of different forms. I was called a hawk-bat once by initiate Ooli and I myself think that this form would fit me.
  • Additional Information:

Re: [Cancelled] Introduction to Form IV - Ataru

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:51 pm
by Kiara O'ren

As a practitioner of the Form myself, I have a good deal of respect for you for wanting to learn more about it.

However, based on my observations of your progress and the philosophy of the Form, I must recommend that you devote further study to more basic fundamentals of Lightsaber Arts before revisiting this.

Merely passing the basic LSAT exam is not enough to ensure that you will have a firm foundation of this Form, given its extremely demanding nature. I do not want to thrust you into this when I am not sure a complete understanding of it is possible at this time.

Patience, Initiate, when the time comes I would be happy to share what I know.

Re: [Cancelled] Introduction to Form IV - Ataru

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:00 pm
by Donan Healof
I trust your judgment.

-Donan Healof

Re: [Cancelled] Introduction to Form IV - Ataru

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:19 pm
by Teynara Jeralyr

Whilst Master O'ren is correct with respects to mastering the more complex aspects of Ataru, there's no reason why you can't have a lesson in the basic concepts and a few of the technical areas that you'll need to develop. I'd be happy to go through these with you, at your convenience.

There's a lot to cover, but even giving you some basic exercises to master that'll set you on the right track would be a good start. Please let me know when you'll be available.



Re: [Cancelled] Introduction to Form IV - Ataru

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:30 pm
by Donan Healof

I'd be happy to take this first step any day from 1630 GST if it ever changes I'll inform you in any way available to me.
I know that learning alot will be harder and harder as I go, but I expect nothing less.

Re: [Cancelled] Introduction to Form IV - Ataru

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:50 pm
by Teynara Jeralyr
Okay, good. Although I am curious as to what pushed you towards Ataru. We'll have to have a chat about that! I'll catch up with you soon.



Re: [Completed] Introduction to Form IV - Ataru

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 10:20 pm
by Teynara Jeralyr
Lesson Completed, 409.19 ABY