411.16 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defense of Cotellier

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Donan Healof
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411.16 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defense of Cotellier

Post by Donan Healof »

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defense of Cotellier
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 412.17
Location: Cotellier
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan AyyaGella
  • Padawan Donan Healof
  • Jedi Knight Xintr Wolfe

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Galaxy>
  • The Wyld Empire fleet positioned themselves for an imminent invasion of the planet, because of their medical supplies and for it being a Jedi ran facility.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • We were contacted by Commander Dorean Gray. He urged us to come and help as they are beginning preparations for evacuation as the fleet of the Wyld Empire is positioning itself for an attack.
  • We arrived at 412.16 at the planet and were met by the Commander.
  • All three of us were assigned to three different check points with a squad to command.
  • Master Wolfe and Padawan AyyaGella were at the front entrance, I was at the Ray Shields generator.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • After the few waves of enemies a six-legged walker followed with its firepower overwhelming both Master Wolfe and AyyaGella.
  • Master Wolfe tried to get one if its legs off, slowing it down, he managed to cut a few cables off but the Walker did heavy damage on him.
  • I was soon joined by Master Wolfe and Padwan Ayya as they both rolled back, closing each gate after them to stop the overwhelming enemies.
  • Padawan AyyaGella being the one trained with augmented speed was the one to turn on the rey shields from the outside and to run back inside just in time as Master Wolfes injuries were getting too serious for him to try such a thing himself.
  • Just before we left we've met a force user in a similar durasteel armor, more followed.
  • Retreating to the command center, I and Master Wolfe started scramble protocols on the consoles to delete all information.
  • We all I think got a cold feeling as something dark was nearing us - resulting in us just slashing through the consoles with our blades.
  • Alone a man entered in durasteel armor, I and Padawan AyyaGella both stood on the higher ground, ready to ambush him.
  • He was strong enough to fight all three of us combined, we took heavy hits but managed to overcome him as he was losing blood and slowly became weaker.
  • His armor had an ability to shock us if in close proximity.
  • Master Wolfe did his best to protect both of us which lead to getting struck down by the powerful foe, both I and AyyaGella with the injuries we had done our best and took down the opponent.

Council Security Clearance
Information available to the council
  • After seeing Master Wolfe struck down both I and AyyaGella were fueled by anger in which I tried to cut off the hand of the fallen opponent that he used to wield the blade but before I did, Padawan AyyaGella pierced her green blade through his chest.
  • As we were feeling his approach, the cold and dark feeling that came with him felt as if it's weirdly getting in our heads.

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Summary and Actions
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The defenses on planet Cotellier as well as on other possible targets should be updated by a lot. The systems are very outdated and this can not be with the current situation the galaxy is in. Both Padawan Ayya and Master Wolfe did their best and stood strong against the enemy. I tried my best, but I surely could've done better, I believe my failure to read my enemy better was the result of heavy injuries on Master Wolfe.

My recommendations are as follows:
  • Security department could visit other possible targets, inspect their security protocols, update their systems.
  • Force mastery and theory department could investigate the whole Wyld theory if there's anything about it.
  • Artisans or someone experienced in engineering could help some of the possibly targetted planets with planning out engineering obstacles for any heavy land machinery.
  • The armor of the opponent would shock us from time to time, it would be smart to look into fibers and spend more making everyone clothes that would be resistant to electricity.
  • Lessons for our temple students in deflecting vibroblade attacks or blaster shots.
  • Knowing the machinery they have we could study its vital points, share this information with other planets.
  • During or after the mission briefing, recalling their tactics and thinking of possible counters for it.
  • Scramble protocols should be a thing on all planets that hold any viable information for such an ''Empire''
  • Our current gates into our inner garden of our temple are big enough for a walker to just walk through, some sort of fortifications should be made to somehow make our garden harder to traverse through if the enemy comes.
Last edited by Donan Healof on Thu Jul 22, 2021 2:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 411.16 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defense of Cotellier

Post by Ayyagella »

Name: Ayyagella
Members of the Jedi Order present: Master wolfe, Padawan Donan, Padawan learner Ayyagella
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Galaxy
  • An attack from the 'Wyld'. On a medical facility on the Planet of Cotellier, Jedi from near by planets where called upon to help fend of the invasion.
  • A full Evacuation was successfully carried out thanks to the jedi, and Those who volunteered to defend the invasion.
  • The facility Spite there efforts was still lost to the invaders, though reports say that the computers where wiped shorty before evacuation.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Upon Landing we were met with Commander Grey, That was quickly followed up with tour, and a quick run down of the stalling plan as the mission was to hold out long enough for the Medical Facility to make a full evacuation.
  • The front line was quickly wiped out as heavier artillery such as 'walkers' where used to breach the doors of the facility.
  • Both myself and master wolfe together could not fend off the front invasion for longer then a couple minutes, as We where quickly over run and where forced to fall back from door to door.
  • the 'Wyldlings' as I've dubbed them are very dangerous and should be handed with utmost care. one was using Armor that shocked on contact leaving burns due to the electrical exposure.
  • Heavy Weaponry such as repeaters where used in the assault and quickly Blew through most defenses That where placed to stall for time.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • 'Wyldlings' Seem to be force sensitives Fueled by Anger, Those fighting should be mindful Of this, and made aware before an encounter might ensue.
  • An attempt was made to finish the target sooner that was halted by Master wolfe, Believing we could take him in alive. Which led to Increased injury before The blow was finally struck.
  • These 'Wyldlings' are to be handled with quickly, personally speaking. I believe they will not allow themselves to be taken in no attempts todo so should be made unless we encounter one of extreme compliance. It was mentioned that They will take there own lives, I assume to keep Themselves from being captured.
  • the consoles where wiped thanks the the help of donan, and Master wolfe.
  • Wyldlings where taunting us trying to bait us into allowing ourselves to feel the 'Wyld'. I believe the term that they where using.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Myself and Donan I believe felt the influence of the dark presence, Spite my best attempts to Detach myself.
  • The Dark feeling the Wylings Bring is, Strong and can be felt From afar This leads me to suspect they will bring nothing but destruction and Death to whatever they set there sights on.
Related Events
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Potential: viewtopic.php?f=207&t=15787
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
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In my opinion.. when handling missions surrounding 'Wyld' should be handled with caution. Both Mentally and With the actions taken on the missions. No attempt, or little attempts should be made to bring in these 'Wyldlings' as they have full intentions of killing and harming everything that stands in there way.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Lesson to the younger students who might have An exposure to this force should have a lesson over the temptations of the 'dark' forces, and how it will lead to a destructive path.
  • Increased lessons on blaster deflection.
  • Run Protocols with the security department to allow others to know what todo incase an attack on our own temple.
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Xintr Wolfe
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Re: 411.16 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defense of Cotellier

Post by Xintr Wolfe »

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defence of Cotellier
Name: Xintr Wolfe
Rank: Jedi Knight
Date(s): 412.16
Location: Cotellier - Jedi Medical Facility
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Donan Healof
  • Padawan Ayyagella
  • Knight Xintr Wolfe

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Galaxy
  • The planet Cotellier has fallen to an assault by the Wyld Empire.
  • The Jedi medical facility was evacuated of all patients and medical personnel.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • After emergency communication and distress call from Commander Dorean Gray, Padawans Ayyagella and Donan Healof joined knight Wolfe in travelling to Cotellier to assist.
  • Medical evacuations and Jedi egress were successful.
  • The facility, and presumably the planet have been lost to Wyld Empire forces.
  • Upon return, knight Wolfe was immediately transferred to Onuf Medical Center

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • At Cotellier medical facility each of the Jedi from Rannon were assigned one task group in a staggered defence of the control tower.
  • The base was assaulted by walkers and many armed humanoids in armour covering their full face. The walkers appeared to be an ancient design from the clone wars era.
  • Not less than two users of the Force-like 'Wyld' were present, though not at the same time.
  • In a rolling defence the Jedi were able to buy time enough for medical personnel to evacuate.
  • Knight Wolfe was seriously wounded in a hasty attempt to disable the assault walker.
  • All of the assigned security crew from the Cotellier facility were lost.
  • One of the 'wyld' users was protected by a discharge shield of some sort. When he was approached by one of the Jedi, electrical energy discharged into the attacker. It was unclear what the source of the shielding was, but no device was found, so it would seem to be a power granted by the 'wyld.'
  • The 'wyld' attacker was ferocious but had limited stamina. He was weakening at the end of a brief but intense combat, though still possessed the anger and power to lash out with his virbroblade when knight Wolfe lowered his defences.
  • One of the goals of the first 'wyld' user we encountered seemed to be to goad the Jedi into a state of anger or agitation.
  • Padawan Ayyagella struck the 'wyld' user fatally after his desperate lashing out. While the death of that individual was a likely foregone conclusion the timing, reasoning and method Ayyagella used are worth examination.
  • All data-cores and computer banks were forcibly destroyed by Padawan Healof and knight Wolfe to prevent data theft.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • It is increasingly likely that the Wyld Empire have a strategic goal to target Jedi and possibly with the specific goal of converting some of them to their philosophy.

Related Events
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Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion the Wyld Empire presents a clear and present threat to this region of space and the persons therein. We have reason to believe that they are responsible for the recent mass abductions from the five veils region. A plausible inference is then that they have some technique or technology they use to convert the abducted persons into materiel for their offensive, likely brainwashing of some sort into soldiers.

If this conversion theory is true and the mounting evidence pointing to them targeting Jedi is true then the threat of corruption of Jedi and Jedi in training is very real.

On a personal note, I consider the fatal resolution of the combat with the final 'wyld' user to be the direct result of my own poor decisions and inability to maintain control over the scenario. My poor tactical choice to physically disable the walker left me weakened and unfocused during that final conflict. While it is unlikely that the 'wyld' user would have been taken alive, some clues about his history and origins could have been collected had I been more able to steer the situation.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Increase war scenario simulations for knights and padawans to give an opportunity to practice calm rational decision making under pressure.
  • Redouble the discussion and affirmation of the value of the Jedi approach to the Force in the potentially very acute threat to our philosophy presented by the 'wyld.'
  • I concur with the padawans' suggestions to run emergency attack drills at the temple. The confusion and chaos of combat undermines much of the foundation of our teachings which could be reinforced through controlled exposure.
\\ Name: Xintr Wolfe || Born: 383 || Arrived: 389.30 || Initiated: 390.10 //
..\\ Apprenticed: 391.25 || Mentor: Narael Undine || Knighted: 406.27 //
....\\ Padawan: Zyli Hiden //
......\\ Artisan: Master Artisan || Aces: Flight Leader || Diplomacy: Envoy //
........\\ Skin: Skin //
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