((Student's Guide to Wyld Space Journaling))

Discussions which are Out of Character.
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Aranna Vaan
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((Student's Guide to Wyld Space Journaling))

Post by Aranna Vaan »

((Student's Guide to Wyld Space Journaling))

As we move on with the Wyld Space campaign there will be more and more opportunities for characters to work on 'off screen' assignments to further the plot and participate in the story of the campaign. Many of these opportunities will be based on department but not all.

The following are some guidelines and ideas for how to write congruent journals and to encourage all participating students to take the reigns and be creative with the developing plot!

    [*]Create entries based out of in-game RP: Generally your character will be given a mission by a knight, or an assignment by a department head, or in some cases will be sent to be attached as a part of a larger group in the war effort (i.e. a military regiment, starfighter squadron, a station aboard a frigate, a medical technician, etc). Don't write journal entries of going off on solo missions without permission. There will be plenty of opportunities for IC assignments to be given either by a director or your personal Master.

    [*]I personally suggest using voice-recordings (personal preference, not a requirement): You can do any format you like, but in the past I've seen very successful journal stories being told using text colors to represent people's voices and []'s to represent sound effects.


    [There's a rustling sound as Aranna turns on the microphone and clips it to her collar] Okay, deep breaths. You're only jumping off a four-story building. No bid deal! ... *heh* ...

    [A dull thud is heard as someone strikes Aranna's shoulder in a friendly manner]You got this, stripes. Just bend your knees and roll!

    Again. Any format will work, but this is one example of a format you can use.

    [*]Create reoccurring characters: In these positions you're encouraged to create NPC's you meet in your character's experience. Friends, rivals, incompetent people who you need to work with. With permission from the creator you're also encouraged to incorporate any NPC's you may meet within in-game missions.

    [*]Always assume modest success: Whenever you're assigned a mission to be done via journals or over a long period of time or 'off screen' always assume your character will succeed. Your character is competent and a student in the Jedi Order. That said, try not to wildly succeed with too much pizzazz. Write about your character's struggles and what they learned through the process of their mission.

    Of important note: Don't exceed the mandate of the job you were assigned. Do the job you were assigned and no more as it may have plot impacts down the road that are a surprise.

    [*]Make it cinematic: It's not always glamorous to be assigned to meet with the ambassador from a backwater farming world to secure fruit for the front lines. But you should feel free to make it so! If you're assigned a task that seems mundane spice it up! Feel free to have an antagonist arrive that you have to defeat via wit, smarts, or possibly modest combat. Don't go too crazy, but have fun with it. Use good judgement.

    [*]Ask for input or advice: If you want to write a story of your character's experience during the arc but don't know where to start reach out to me or another knight for help! If you're writing something and something tells you it's maybe too much or too little or too bland etc reach out! We're a collaborative community and people are always available for you.

    [*]Send Aranna a link to your Wyld related journal entries over Discord: This one is totally optional but with so much going on I am bound to miss something. If you have a story your particularly proud of or have a reoccurring NPC that you might like to see in a mission down the line I'll have a much easier time incorporating it if I keep up with your stories. Doing this will ensure I don't let anything slip me by.

    [*]Go with the flow: There will be regular updates with the campaign and some major events may throw a wrench into an assignment your character is on. Be open to some stories or objectives getting derailed. This is a war story arc and the enemy will not always act according to our plans.

    More guidelines will be added as they're needed/provided/thought of. But this should be a good start to go off of. I look forward to seeing all of your creativity!

    Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
    Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
    Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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